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Posts posted by TechnicolorCervine


    My current IC name is Cecil Dandy, might also sometimes go by "Anton Kanalet"


    Haven't been playing SS13 for long(a year or so at most) but I spent the large majority of that time on Goon futzing with chemistry and the other sciences(Futzing is the keyword here, I still suck at pretty much everything bar genetics and chemistry and even then I'm mediocre at best).


    I've only been on Paradise for ~2 days but so far RnD seems fun and I love Xenoarchaeology but I think I'll check out some of the other -ology's so I'll probably be jumping around the science/medical wing for a while.


    Place seems friendly enough and the 60-70+ pop servers with almost no lag is delightful! Anywho I have no idea what else to put here so I guess that's it!


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