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Posts posted by dauntlessstoic

  1. Gentlemen,

    I, your fellow countryman, write to you, from Arkansas, on the Twenty-fifth day of November the Year of our Lord Two thousand and nineteen, with unusual tidings. I, however, would first like to gratulate this community and its numerous years of success, this community, and the ladies and gentleman involved, has provided me with many mirthful evenings for several years as I'm sure is true for countless others, I would not like to remove from that quality by making this topic. I regrettably inform you that, while enjoying more than one moment on the server you have so gratefully crafted, It has captured my attention, more than once, that one among us is lacking the righteousness and equity required of their position. This person, TheSardele, has repeatedly exalted his or herself beyond the laws of this community and beyond his fellow countrymen and women, TheSardele continuously demonstrates his poor mental attitude, by attacking and disrespecting his fellow men and women who question him and attempts to demoralize and demonize them, playing with no regard to any rule those of men nor god, wasting the precious hours, minutes, seconds, and happiness of our fellow countrymen and women. I with great displeasure inform you of this behavior, many others have said nothing, I hope this writing will shine a light on this infection.

    TheSardele using obscene and vulgar language and in character abuse has attacked our compatriots. On one occasion jailing one for an hour, calling him many vulgar names insinuating to the player it was his fault he was in that position when it was not, thereafter the player no longer able to move due to the abuse brought to him by TheSardele, only seeing one way out, the player punched himself while surrounded by the other dead and injured men of the brig. TheSardele ignoring the calls of the psychologist to help put the man in a locker and dragged him to the med bay where he fumbled with his corpse and finally revived him after another hour upon which he called him many atrocious things and returned him to the brig. The player, contacting admin support, was greeted by TheSardele calling him a "dumb fuck" and many other heinous examples of attempted language. This abuse towards our fellow man should not be tolerated, but somehow this irreverent behavior is promoted and contributes to unhealthful environment. Is this how we should be rewarded for trying to provide an entertaining environment for all players not just one?

    Having no regard for respecting and certainly not loving his neighbors TheSardele does not care for the rules made by this community and, as blasphemous as it is, those made by God. Through egotism TheSardele moves as though he is untouchable by justice, perhaps through a computer screen he is, only those reading can change that. Through neglect I have seen TheSardele offer horrible healthcare and security service and through insolence disgust men and women with his/her language. I would hope this activity could be corrected or those his peer are just as guilty and this community is not the place for me and many others.

    I personally have witnessed the TheSardele waste a half day of player time imagine the happiness that could be spread in this community in that time or, if not belonging here, compatriots apply that time elsewhere the productivity is countless. I have witnessed TheSardele, through incompetence, waste the time of men and women in the medbay and, through negligence, as a security officer. Many others have witnessed and experience this gross inconsideration for the precious time of our fellow men and women this is a disgrace and a blight of this community.  If it be the common people do not belong in the community ban them immediately as not to waste their time further so they may apply it elsewhere, however if it is TheSardele that through his incompetence and negligence wasted the time and happiness of men and women he has irreversibly altered the universe and some corrective action must be taken.

    I believe that perhaps too much time behind a computer screen may have corrupted the mind of poor TheSardele, regardless of the case, TheSardele attempts to erode and belittle his fellow men and women and put them in a place below himself thereby eroding the entire community and mankind to some degree. I would suggest at minimum a break from a position of authority in the community we all love so dearly for TheSardele as to be reminded of his fellow players contributions to his own enjoyment. I would prefer him removed from his position and temporarily banned. Perhaps you may find TheSardele has done no wrong whatsoever, if that be the case then it is my duty to remove myself and not support hypocrisy and an unjust community. This is not my first outcry, it was brought to my attention the seriousness of this gaming community in my previous edition, I apologize for not presenting the utmost respect to the managers of this 2d game.

    I conclude my address and offer you a sincere prayer of present and future happiness, my best wishes are offered to you and this communities welfare, may the supreme architect of the universe protect and bless you.

    The Dauntless Stoic

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  2. Made an account and wasted my time on your server just quit cause shitty admins like that. Once you got one bad one you know they're mostly shit. Birds of the feather flock together enjoy your cesspool.

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