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Posts posted by JanitorOfCargonia






    GENERAL OCCUPATION(s): Mime, Therapist.


    The flashy colors will now end, Nanotrasnen is sorry, but your attention needed to be on this, thank you for your time, and enjoy a day among the stars.


    Kaliana Morivsk was born on a small sector of Luna, more commonly known as the moon, she was born to a family of a mother, father, and one other brother. Her mother, Jaffey Morivsk, was the former theater director of a station that has now been put out of service, this is what we expect to have given Kaliana such a happy and go lucky attitude, especially since her mother, as the head of theater, usually was a fan of mimes, as stated from a personal note she sent to a mime, congratulating them on their lovely performences. But, Kaliana's life was not without its own strife, during an attack on the station that was mentioned earlier, her father was killed, but this was not told to Kaliana for quite a while, and she only found out due to the fact that she found the papers on her mothers desk one day, after finding out, she broke down within her room. During her young ages, she had an interest in careers that would help other people, jobs that would make people feel happy or better about something, so, she took after her mothers interests, and she took up the career as a mime. Of course, her mother was glad about that, but also told her she would be a good therapist. 

    Kaliana, at the age of 20 officially became a full time mime, putting herself under a vow of silence, never to break that vow unless it was totally needed, and even then, she'd never break it. 



    [Miming] - [Physchology] 


    Employment Records:

    [SilenceVow: Show Mime]

    [CaRE: Therapist]


    \ \ S E C U R I T Y F I L E S / /

    MINOR OFFENSES: Burned a Clownonia flag, destroyed multiple lights, found with supressor.

    MAJOR OFFENSIVES:  None, yet.

    \ \ END / /



    Two Nanotransen provided cybernetic eyes, given after attack from clown soldiers. 


    / / APPEARANCE \\

    Kaliana is usually seen; when mime; wearing a female mimes outfit, with light red suspenders, a black mimes skirt, females mime mask, aswell as a red beret, white gloves, black shoes that are silent like her voice.

    Her physical body is average, except her somewhat glowy greenish eyes that can be seen in pitch darkness. Her hair is a long 80's style haircut, with it being on the border of light and dark brown. 


    Commendations: {admins and stuff}


    Reprimands: {admins n' stuff}


    Other Notes: 

    Right handed.

    When helped, will make a heart with her hands and hug the individual.

    When under stress, will hold a different unique antique mug.

    Wishes to help clowns and mimes get together, most of the time...

    Very, very friendly.


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