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Posts posted by IRiot

  1. 3 minutes ago, robveelben said:

    Kinda feel like you stole my idea in the chat but allright I will give my reasoning on this.

    1. Magistrate and NTRep are both rp and highly knowledge base on sop and space law jobs locked behind karma so you understand how to correctly use them.

    2. I always felt IAA is not meant for newer players as to many times I have seen new players make the incorrect assumption that they are lawyers which really is not the case.

    3. Most people need to understand how to do paperwork before becomming IAA.

    4. Brigphysician is a doctor job for sec and it has not to many special perks it has been talked about often to make it a normal job alone side barber.

    I'll give you credit for the brig phys part, joint idea!



  2. Hey, 


    We was chatting about this in the post round discord and a few people seemed to second the idea so thought I would post it here. 


    Currently, IAA is one of the most misused and misunderstood job roles on the station as people often flock to it not necessarily knowing what their place is on the station generally causing people grief or wasting time (Not all of them do, I have seen some great IAA). Meanwhile, a role which can be quite critical and easy to grasp is locked behind Karma. 


    Why Karma Lock IAA:

    I feel like adding a soft 5kp lock onto the IAA role will serve to attract only those who want to play the role properly and makes them more invested in learning it properly before forking out their karma. This could eventually open the doors for a wider look at IAA and how they function but I'm trying to keep this suggestion contained so maybe another time.


    Having had a few very good rounds as IAA, the role can be rewarding BUT only for those who want that type of play style and know what they are signing up for at round join/start.


    Unlocking BrigPhys: 

    Honestly, I feel this role is so underrated and sometimes underused. A contributing factor to it's under-use is the fact that due to it's karma lock there isn't always one available. Whilst removing the karma lock wouldn't fix this all the time it would go some way and also provide another route for those new to security to get to grips, listen in to comms ETC. before jumping in at the deep end. Unlocking the role also serves to 


    (edited below):


    You can go a round with no IAA and never know yet they can cause huge frustation when there is one who doesn't know the role and has no interest in learning it. Brig Phys is often needed and can cause little frustration especially when you have perma prisoners and can lead to some good rp/scenarios. 

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