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Posts posted by sllipy

  1. for me at least immortal is just something i dont know what to do if i had the opportunity to become immortal 

    1)your right people do say death is apart of life and so are viruses but we fight them but in all honesty we do try to fight death by trying to increase the average life span but no matter how hard we fight these things they will always be apart of life if you cant die of old age then you'll have to wait for the sun to explode and than maybe the universe to end and i never will think humanity will truly reach immortality

    2)if immortal effects you it'll have its ups and downs like if there a heaven you'll never go to it(not saying there is a heaven or there inst might thought is might be) first everyone you'll ever meet will always die however you could easily use your immortal for plenty of good things as nothing can realty stop you and hey if the universe ends except you it'll be boring ya sure but if theirs a another big bang (idk if they'll be one if the universe ends) then hey you might just land on a planet and guide a whole species to greatness so ultimately it can be used for greatness but it defiantly has its downsides 


    ultimately i'm defiantly going to die but eh i accept it.  all you can do is when you are gone from this world your name isnt and just overall had fun while doing it or something you can be proud of(as cheesy as this is always loved this little saying)

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