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Posts posted by ReVoS12

  1. Okay since we know that main idea is too much effort to code it and no one is up to that task. Here is a deal we have amazing chess pices made by The Slime King Dan. If there is anyone who can code them into cardboard crafting (i belive one cardboard for each is enough) and make a PR.. Then we can have chess in game with minimum effort!


  2. There is fair amount of chess players on server who would love that idea:
    Making Virtual Gameboard playable for two instead of vs.AI 
    Why it is a good change? 
    > We gather on server to interact with each other.(those who wanna play alone will still  have Orion etc.)
    > Playing agianst AI engine in chess is painful.
    > Making your own chessboard is also painful. It is easy to make board but very hard to find substitute for pieces.

    Difficulty in code: Hard to tell, but it is a change in something  already existing in the game. 

    Alternate. While writing this post i came up with another Idea:
    Cardboard chess pieces!
    + even easier to add. 
    - shitters may steal your pieces during ongoing game.

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