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Posts posted by thursday0451

  1. Thanks for the advice, that makes sense. Interpretation of the AI laws is complex because 'harm' can be interpreted many different ways. I would think the least harmful way to prevent an execution would be to do as you say, lock off access to the execution chamber. Sending a borg could cause injury to other humans just trying to do their job.

  2. Ok then, I will research the borgs and try to get some game time in as them. I have some experience on tg station, but paradise looks like it has its own rules and systems.

    Before I play as AI, I will probably start a new thread in the appropriate sub forum addressing questions I have about conflicts between the AI law sets and the Space Law the crew operate under, as it seems that a highly literal interpretation of either lawset would lead to conflicts with Space Law. For example, if the lawset is crewsimov and the first law is 'no harm to humans', would the AI not be forced to intervene in an execution for someone convicted of a capital crime?

  3. Hello my name is Thursday, I've been rping in various games for over a decade and am extremely interested in roleplaying as the AI. I've familiarized myself with the controls and read a lot about how the AI generally functions in roleplay and would like to try it out for a spin. Unfortunately I don't even see AI as a job option when I am starting out. Is this an admin only position on this server or do you have to gain experience as other roles first?

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