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Posts posted by Cechel

  1. Quote


    Hello all,

    Cechel here, just call me Cech though, just wanted to introduce myself as I'm about to be transferred to your outstanding space station - a paradise from what I heard: safe, friendly, and clean.
    For the time being I will take over lowskilled jobs for the benefit of all, you now cleaning&stuff, maybe some cooking if needed.
    Please take care of me!



    I am actually completely new to SpaceStation 13 in general and hope to play my first round on your lovely hideout in space later this evening.
    As a complete newb what are the steps one should do before starting the first game?
    So far I have

    • downloaded Byond
    • watched a few Tutorials for basic Jobs (though some on different stations, wasn't aware of differences at the time)
    • read the Server rules

    Also is there a place to familiarize oneself with the controls before jumping into a full round?


    • fastparrot 1
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