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Posts posted by Cocacolagua

  1. Admin(s) Key: ItsMarmite
    Your ckey (Byond username): Cocacolagua
    Your Discord name (if applicable): Cocacolagua#6890

    Date(s) of incident (GMT preferred):  18:30 - 20:30 12-04-23

    ROUND ID: 35331

    Nature of complaint: misconduct, feedback, other

    Brief description (tl;dr here. Just the critical elements): ItsMarmite communicated to an impressionable playerbase a scandalous opinion that puts me at odds on whether he should remain a member of the administration team.

    Full description of events:

    As I got back to my domicile after finishing my 30 hours workshift down at a mining facility with a high workplace-casualty rate situated in the opening of a ravine, I was beat, and wanted to log on my favorite SS13 server to unload the toxic gas that had entered my system before it put me in a too-ill state to play Space Station 13.
    Having stabilized my body's condition after the third fumes-induced coma long enough to click the "Observe" button and having chosen a "black banjocore" song to match my ghost character's movement to, I had the displeasure of having my computer device read the text-on-screen for me (I am clinically blind), which involved the following message:


    My head started spinning, I scrambled around my junk-littered desk in an attempt to scavenge a half-eaten pack of pringles to ease the pain, but the trauma in the words Administrator ItsMarmite wrote caused to my psyche was enough to weaken the power of comprehension of my brain for a hex-caster(it could have been a warlock) to exploit a weak point in my mindscape to make me collapse.
    The barrage of self-defence messages for an opinion you would expect to surface from a peanut-gallery bum kept coming, first it was my second right-side rib to crack from the terrible-viewpoint-arrows being downloaded from my computer and aimed directly at my feeble self, but then it was my poor canary that almost died seconds ago not from the toxic fumes intoxication from my work-shifts on the mines, but from the uncultured school of thought that a Moderator had chosen to share with us.



    By this point the words "Pringles" and "bad" had burned into my computer's screen, which had the nasty side-effect of being considered a violation of the copyright of Kellog Company. My cardboard-thin walls were crumbling down from the debt-collector drones said foundation sent to take me away, so in my last seconds left as a free member of society and not legally a felon I ask that you please send me a letter after I get officially incarcerated on whether this administration member will be removed from the team or not.


    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
    • angryeyes 1
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    • fastparrot 1
    • explodyparrot 1
    • bap 1
  2. 1. Security Officer


    {"type":"/mob/living/carbon/human","icon":null,"name":"Grunt","limbs":{"chest":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/chest","dir":4,"icon":""},"groin":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/groin","dir":4,"icon":""},"head":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/head"},"l_arm":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/arm","dir":4,"icon":""},"r_arm":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/arm/right","dir":4,"icon":""},"l_leg":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/leg","dir":4,"icon":""},"r_leg":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/leg/right","dir":4,"icon":""},"l_hand":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/hand","dir":4,"icon":""},"r_hand":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/hand/right","dir":4,"icon":""},"l_foot":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/foot","dir":4,"icon":""},"r_foot":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/foot/right","dir":4,"icon":""}},"iorgans":{"grey heart":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/heart/grey"},"grey lungs":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/lungs/grey"},"grey liver":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/liver/grey"},"grey kidneys":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/kidneys/grey"},"brain":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/brain/grey"},"appendix":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/appendix"},"grey eyeballs":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/eyes/grey"},"ears":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/ears"}},"equip":[{"type":"/obj/item/storage/backpack/security","content":[{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/head/helmet"},{"type":"/obj/item/gun/energy/disabler"},{"type":"/obj/item/storage/box/survival","content":[{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/mask/breath"},{"type":"/obj/item/tank/internals/emergency_oxygen"},{"type":"/obj/item/reagent_containers/hypospray/autoinjector"},{"type":"/obj/item/flashlight/flare/glowstick/emergency","color":"#6496fa"}],"slots":7,"max_w_class":2,"max_c_w_class":14},{"type":"/obj/item/restraints/handcuffs"}],"slots":21,"max_w_class":3,"max_c_w_class":21},null,null,null,null,null,{"type":"/obj/item/card/id/security","name":"Grunt's ID Card (Security Officer)","sex":"Plural","age":35,"btype":"O+","dna_hash":"8a65d1df6034b2e460a7d1f70d4732a2","fprint_hash":"79c160cc4bfce4327c950b9ff82f815c","access":[1,63,2,42,12,6,99],"job":"Security Officer","account":0,"owner":"Grunt","mining":0},{"type":"/obj/item/radio/headset/headset_sec/alt"},{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/glasses/hud/security/sunglasses"},{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/gloves/color/black"},{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/head/soft/black"},{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/shoes/jackboots"},{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/secjacket","icon_state":"secjacket"},{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/under/pants/black","accessories":[]},{"type":"/obj/item/flash"},null,null,null,null,null,{"type":"/obj/item/pda/security","name":"PDA-Grunt (Security Officer)"},null,null],"implant_list":{"mindshield bio-chip":{"type":"/obj/item/implant/mindshield"}},"dna":{"UE":"8a65d1df6034b2e460a7d1f70d4732a2","SE":[660,409,707,155,220,744,966,588,204,677,784,658,122,418,904,97,691,798,387,202,941,48,768,3969,603,579,565,64,30,937,484,201,128,333,959,34,208,244,110,427,86,47,695,870,299,575,268,396,285,52,334,1005,838,1018,892],"UI":[2537,3243,2665,16,16,16,2537,3243,2665,16,16,16,651,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,3195,3002,2842,16,16,16,2408,2408,2408,3491,67,12,4095,157,2843,2843,2843,2279],"species":"/datum/species/grey","blood_type":"O+","real_name":"Grunt"},"age":35,"ushirt":"White Shirt","socks":"Nude","uwear":"Nude"}

    3. 24-02-23, 19:30 EST time (done in mentorstation)

  3. I remember reading this idea somewhere, forgot where, but I found it really interesting on how it could act with our playerbase.

    The concept is simple, all antagonists that are currently locked by a crew playtime requirement would instead be locked under a security department playtime requirement (excluding IAA/brig phys).

    I think this certainly will not fix the security vs antagonists arms-race of who can out-game eachother, but I imagine it would help a bit for all antagonists to have a basic understanding on how the security department functions, and what makes a security shift fun. So, what is your opinion on this?

  4. This'll be a bit of a long post regarding an idea I had for a new antagonist, so here we go.


    General Information:

    • They are solo non-conversion antagonist.
    • The amount spawned in the gamemode would be 1 + (num of players / 8)


    Antagonist mechanics:

    Knowledge points: This is the equivalent of swarmer points to sorcerers, they have a starting maximum of 100, are obtained through absorbing items and are spent in abilities.

    Arcane Torch: This is the only ability that sorcerers spawn with, it has no cooldown and it's effect is summoning/unsummoning an ethereal hand that baps items to drain them, and giving the sorcerer X amount of points depending on the item. A specific sorcerer can only absorb one type of item per game, so you cannot absorb a red toolbox twice. Absorbed items are easily recognizable as they are gray, have a special name/description, and are rendered useless. Absorbing an item leaves your fingerprint on it. Here's an example on how absorbing an item looks like:


    In this gif, I use the arcane touch on a can of space cola, which grants me 45 knowledge (testing value), with the downside of being very easy to detect.



    Leveling up: Sorcerers have levels, you start at level 1 and get the ability to level up when you reach your maximum knowledge points (100 for the most part). Leveling up awards the sorcerer with a couple of goodies depending on the level:

    • Every level you level up, you are given a choice between 3 spells, the effect of these spells depend on the effect of the items you absorbed (if you absorb a lot of combat items, you have a higher chance of combat spells, medical items for healing, and so on). Choosing one of these spells grants you the spell. (all of this spell stuff is explained soon).
    • Every two levels you level up (lvl 2, 4, 6...), you are allowed to upgrade one of your spells, the upgrade depends on the spell.


    Spells: Spells are the sorcerer's abilities, they are gained and upgraded by leveling up, and these are their unique quirks:

    • Not all of your spells are active at once. Each time you level up, you randomly replace your current active spells with 4 random spells from all spells you own. Only active spells can be activated, the rest cannot be seen / used.
    • Spells do not have a cooldown, but they consume knowledge points to activate and charges, each spell has their specific amount of charges, and each time you use a spell, one charge is consumed. Consuming all charges off a spell removes it as an active spell.

    Here is an example of the active spell mechanic:


    (Ignore the pogfish, he is my debug friend) In this scenario I have three active spells, two copies of Asclepius' Will (which injects everyone around me with a healing chemical that has the side-effect of not allowing you to use weapons) and one copy of Hot Potato (which gives me a hot potato bomb that explodes in 10 seconds, cannot be dropped and is instantly transmitted to someone by clicking in them). As I am cornered by these security officers, I give the hot potato bomb to the head of security to distract him, then use Asclepius' Will to make them all pacifists and unable to stun me. As both of these spells only have 1 charge, they are instantly removed from an active spell slot when used, and each one consumed 25 of my current knowledge, leaving me at 50 knowledge.24C7es8IcA.thumb.gif.0cd9d42813f3b7110fa176a2432cf30e.gif


    The one part I have not come up with yet are appropiate objectives, but ideally they'll be revealed to the sorcerer when they level up to a specific level (10, 15?).

    Posting this to see what the general opinion is, before I continue coding.

    • Like 14
    • eyes 2
  5. Short Explanation:

    Mining emitters, as their name suggests, behave mostly the same way as emitters, with the biggest change being that the projectiles they fire can mine rocks. To allow for more complex designs that cover more asteroid turf, these mining emitters will be accompanied by reflectors that change their direction after being hit X times (you get to choose the number). 

    Mining emitters can be upgraded in two ways:

    • Tendril loot: Tendrils will have a chance to drop design disks that print upgrades for the mining emitters.
    • Crusher trophies: Crusher trophies will give a better boost to mining emitters than the design disks from the tendril loot, with the counterpart of only being able to affect one mining emitter per trophy. The rarer the trophy is, the better the upgrade is.

    You can obtain these Mining Emitters from the lavaland outpost, the mining vendor or R&D.

    Here's a brief gif of the most barebones showcase, turn on emitter, it mine rock.




    Purpose: There are two things this would tackle:

    • Gamer loot: Currently, shaft miners are rewarded with more objects that are focused on either killing other crewmembers, killing lavaland mobs, getting you banned for killing everyone around you, or all of the above. Before removing/reworking most of this junk to help miners mine, I will add this first to better """balance""" the ratio of kill gear : mine gear, and see where we go from there.
    • All methods of mining are the same: Kinetic accelerators, Kinetic crushers, The Resonator, Advanced Plasma Cutters, Minebots, whatever else are all the same method of mining with the same result, click at rock, collect ore. I want there to be a different way to mine, in this case being setting-up automatic miners and modified reflectors to mine for you.


    Details up for discussion:

    • Should they need a powernet in the same way regular emitters do, or would this make them not worth the trouble?
    • How much damage the emitters should deal on pressure / should they even work outside of lavaland.
    • Should there be an easier way to collect the ore that drops from the asteroid turf being broken by the emitters?
    • Like 2
  6. What is your opinion on off-station content such as gateways, space ruins and lavaland?

    What is your most liked / disliked antagonist?

    Do you think species should each be unique balance-wise, unique aesthetic-wise, both, or another measure?

    • Like 2
  7. I decided to write this forum post due to https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/15756's suggestion of removing the hijack objective.

    A point that was made by the PR author a lot was (As I understood it) that the crew cannot fight back against the hijacker, therefore they get utterly cucked and have to twiddle their thumbs until security deals with them.


    So, the suggestion and topic of discussion here will be: ¿Should the hijacker be valid to kill for any crewmember?


    ¿How would the change be made?: Adding "Hijackers" as an exception of Rule 8, specifically in the "Antagonists that seek to destroy the station itself (Blob, Nuclear Operatives, Malfunctioning AI or Swarmers), or exterminate the whole crew (Xenomorphs or Wizards) are exempt from this Rule" part.

    Of course the hijacker could also be given a mechanical bonus due to the change, up for discussion on what that could be / should be.


    Consequences that could come from this change:

    • ¿The hijacker now will need to prepare for longer due to higher odds of losing?
    • ¿The powergaming scale gets upped once more, ending up with hijackers and the rest of the crew on an arms race for who can out-powergame the other?
    • ¿Roleplay standards on these rounds lower, or do they increase due to the hijacker having to re-think going loud?


    So yeah, do you think this would be a good change for the antagonist?

    oh shit the hijacker exploded the shuttle!!!.png

    • Like 1
  8. this won’t really fulfill the 'traitors won’t need to worry about the target being revived' part, since as soon as they’re cloned you know the "ZZQR^* ZQLEE THE SKRELL KILLED ME TWENTY MINUTES AGO IN NORTH ARRIVALS MAINTENANCE, THEY ARE A LIBRARIAN WEARING A RED VICTORIAN SUIT, JACKBOOTS AND A TOP HAT, THEY KILLED ME USING A SILENCED-STECHKIN WITH INCENDIARY AMMUNITION" is coming out, so traitors will opt to perma-kill them instead.

    • honk 1
  9.    Hello everyone, I'm starting this topic to see what everyone thinks about shadowlings and the shadowling gamemode, and what should be done so the playerbase doesn't hate playing these rounds; whether it's from a balance perspective on what abilities should be nerfed, buffed, added or removed, or from a concept perspective, on whether a team antagonist conversion gamemode centered around darkness is a good idea at all.

       gamemode suxs pls remoev

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