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Posts posted by EagleEye8045

  1. With the Influx of players on board the station the HOP's job is becoming harder and harder. He has more people coming to him for a job change which causes the wait times to be longer. This is a problem for people that wish to play the game rather wait in line to receive the job that they want. This is why I suggest that the HOP's job is done away with and automated computers in-game take over. I person could for example stick their ID into the computer, select the job that they want and the head for that department and the captain are both sent a PDA message. If either one responds with yes to the message the persons ID is given that job and ejected from the computer. I think that this would speed up reassignment times. Now in regards to the Chain of Command being broken I think that the NT Rep should take the HOP's place for next in line for Captain. Since the NT rep represents the wishes of NT.

  2. I remember this round everyone was so paranoid about the whole cult thing. I was almost lasered twice just trying to get the captain to give me an ID change. I dealt with some of the dead bodies that came in since I was a doctor at the time. My guess of what happened was that someone had a lighter in their pocket(coat or jumpsuit) and it was on, it's happened to me before as the detective.

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