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Posts posted by MamaFarthole

  1. Hi Genie. Thank you for the message. I’ve followed your advice and created another appeal. I didn’t think it had to be too long since there is still the other two which sum up the whole situation quite nicely.

    I didn’t really want to make this complaint in the first place, as I’m not one to make a fuss. It was actually created as a means of getting into contact with Spark. If I knew he was busy IRL I would’ve waited. But again, I couldn’t get into touch with him. 

    I think I could consider this complaint “resolved” if Spark would take this to PM’s with me. I wouldn’t mind that. I think both parties need to say sorry privately and then just forget about it. If not, that’s alright. But until Sparks free to speak would it be okay if this complaint stays active? 

    Here’s the link to the third appeal I’ve just made in response to your comment.


  2. On 7/10/2018 at 7:33 PM, Malphystoh said:

    Once the ID is terminated, just toss it in the disposals. Not sure why you wouldn't throw trash away


    You’re right. So why don’t we just make a general shredder? I think it would be very beneficial for paperwork related roles. For example, as an Internal Affairs Agent or the Nanotrasen Rep, you’re dealing with a lot of sensitive information. If you’re writing something and you mess up, you have to either chuck it in disposals where it can be read by anyone who decides to take a gander at the rubbish. Or you can let it clog up your workplace. Sure, lighters can burn them but then you’re left with ashes all over your floor. With a shredder, you could just stick it in and let it shred. Problem solved!

  3. That's a lot of ID's that would need to be shredded @Coldflame! I think this is a solid idea, one that would be hard to abuse. Maybe add a "log in" screen to the shredder before you're able to start shredding ID'S? That way no one can just walk in and start destroying stuff willy nilly.


  4. Do you mean printing out stacks of similar orders like this - 

    5 x Janitorial Supplies 

    2 x Pizza Crate

    Couldnt people just spam different types of orders causing more of a pile up? That’s why I’m leaning torwards a cooldown of some sort. Nothing too long! Maybe five, four seconds. That gives people enough time to still quickly order crates. I’m actually really for all of these ideas. Hopefully this gets some traction!

  5. Is there maybe a way to make it less “spammy”? Like the printer in the Library. There’s a short cooldown after you’ve printed a book before you can print another. Maybe that would work with the ordering console? That way people can’t just spam orders. Sure, they could still probably print about five or six orders before being stopped but that’s definitely an improvement!

  6. Is this Jake? Hi! It's Farthole from the Discord / Qoorso! What a coincidence to JUST see your post?

  7. 5 hours ago, R1f73r said:

    Well Oracle has the "Anti-Greytide Goals" and they work rather well. That could be something we could try to implement.

    I was going to comment on this! They've also implemented "extra" objectives for the staff on the Station. Do you think that would be positive too?

  8. Admin Key: spacemanspark

    Your Discord name: farthole #7075

    Complaint: Hello all! Before I start this "complaint" as it were, I'd just like to point out that this isn't wholly a criticism of Spark's decisions and more of a way to open a discussion between us.  This is something that hasn't been achieved as of yet due to Spark's stubborn nature and his strict tolerances when it comes to handing out punishments. I did not want to partake in making this but I feel like I have been cornered with no way out besides this. Also! Please read my previous appeals before this. Otherwise, most of this won't make sense.

    The Story -
    I joined the Discord after a dispute on an unofficial Paradise Station MC server. I came in and bantered with a few British people and a handful of Germans. I can't remember their usernames but we were all laughing and exchanging jokes. I'm not too sure if Spark joined before me or after me but he never actually explicitly told me to keep the noise down or stop doing a specific thing. Not a single player also told me to be quiet. After a few minutes, I was kicked from the server alongside this other player who I have no affiliation with. From there on out I've been isolated from the Community and unable to speak to my friends in the Discord. We have actually had to make another server so I can speak to them. 

    Communication -
    This whole experience has been very, very poor for me. I have not been able to contact Spark civilly once through this entire situation. The times where I was able to get in touch and get a response, ended up with me being cussed at or being ignored completely. I think this is what surprised me the most. I assumed we would have a friendly chat where Spark would explain why I was banned and we could either come to an ultimatum or agree for me to write a ban appeal. This didn't happen. In my opinion, this is NOT how an admin should work. Not only was he unprofessional, but his decisions are wrong too. I will get to this in a separate paragraph. 

    I've also tried to get into more of a civil conversation with Spark over a voice chat with a head admin administering it as to make sure it didn't get out of control. Unfortunately, Spark didn't want to do this either. "He'd rather not due to his busy work schedule lately and doesn't want this to become a proxy conversation. He'd rather it handled in appeal as he worries that the voice chat wouldn't be very productive." This type of opinion is one that's "lacking in substance." How are you meant to sort things out if you believe communication is a hindrance instead of a positive? It never works out.

    Earliest Screenshots -
    Immediately after the ban -


    Asking for a ban reason - 
    https://gyazo.com/811d4ea86526baea164a30da18f2d3f8 (Yes, like I said in my appeal - I'm aware these are SS13 memes. But is this really the way to respond to someone?)3.thumb.png.2ed83647a5e7b230d3e09cd0752e2464.png
    https://gyazo.com/3d66157ba70c91b217436183e82fb063 (Again, another joke. But it's not appropriate.)4.thumb.png.cf15fa14e8eb692c02d07cbeb188f7c9.png

    Trying to open dialogue - 

    Recent Screenshots (Before writing this. I attempted to talk to him one more time.) -

    The Appeals - 
    The first thing you think to do after you've been banned is to wait a while, get the information on what happened and draft an appeal. I had tried twice to discuss my ban on an appeal but both times it fell on deaf ears. I admit my first appeal wasn't as detailed as my second. But the replies I got from Spark were very cookie-cut. Almost as if he was just dealing with someone who had hopped onto the Discord and spouted racist slurs and just broke as many rules as they could. The arguments I brought up in my appeals were never answered and like I said, I received a very bland and short sentence explaining why I was banned. The reason changed dramatically on the second appeal. I am now being accused of lying. Which as quoted by one of the head admins - "It would be easier to consider it unfounded." Which is exactly what it is. The head admin actually collected some testimonies, which I've written about in my second appeal. I shall paste the related text here:

    "Well yes, I admit sometimes I can get a little boyish and loud. But others didn't seem to have a problem with my behavior and have come out neutrally over this ban. Stating that they felt their opinion had no strong feelings one way or another. I'm not there to entertain people and make sure I adhere to everybody's certain opinions and perspectives of what a "voice chat" should involve and sound like. Did I go in there and cuss and offend anyone? No. Did I go in there with intentions of annoying anyone? Absolutely not. Again, this is all opinion based regarding the small selection of individuals that found me "loud and distracting." If it was so horrific as to dish out a permanent ban. Why are there people coming out with neutral standpoints?"
    How can I be lying about "not" breaking the rules if people came out as neutral standing on the issue? If I came in there and broke every rule under the sun I'd understand the permanent ban with no form of communication from the banning admin. But that's not what happened. "If you perceive a conversation as not "bad" as some of the witnesses did, it surely shows that it was just a normal conversation. One that did not need a ban given out. If people don't think it's a good one or a bad one either it's just a conversation. There is a difference between saying "don't be bad" and "be good." And a conversation, especially one with lots of people in it isn't just black and white. ONE person cannot ruin the fun for such a big group of people. Unless of course, they're doing something extreme. Which I wasn't. I sat in there chuckling away with a multitude of people and only a small percentage of them ended up muting themselves."

    Decisions - 
    I'm not trying to get at Spark for his professionalism when it comes to being an admin but I think it's safe to say that what he did was not very professional. To ban someone, instantly mind you no warnings is quite a big thing to do. Even if that person is the most toxic, rule-breaking SOB on the server you still have to try to keep your wits about you and PM the person; either asking them what's happening, or what they're doing wrong. The thing is - I'm not the most toxic, rule-breaking SOB so I don't deserve to be treated as one. Like I've said in my previous appeals. I think Spark just took me as a troll coming into the Discord with no other objectives than to get a rise out of people. I always go in there and say hello to my SS13 friends. Nobody has had a problem with me thus far, and the one time someone does have a problem with me, it's an instant ban.

    Conclusion - 
    I'd like something positive to come out of this. So I'm hoping we can sort the ban out, sort our squabbles out and leave this all in the past. I still think that I was banned without any substance and that it was wrong for me to be banned in the first place. But this is why I have set up this complaint. So I can finally speak to Spark in a polite fashion. 

    Thanks reader,




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  9. Hey there!

    Look at that! Some fucko made the Skrell planet-thingy.

    This post is an absolute mess, but I figured that I might as well post it considering I put (some) effort into this. I was just looking at the Paradise Station Wiki, and I was looking at the images of the planets where all the different types of species are from. I thought I'd have a go at making a 3D Planet of the Skrell homeworld. it's just the images on there are a little small, and I kinda thought that it would be a good idea to do something like this. So yeah! Posting this in the graphics because that's what I was told where to put it. I know... the gif sucks, and it's laggy and what-not. Maybe one day I'll actually put some proper effort into making all the homeworlds? Eh. Who knows. Anyways! I hope you like this whoever's reading this and or looking at that weird spinning thing just below this text.


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