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Posts posted by Nil

  1. 37 minutes ago, Xyd said:


    I work in security in real life and have a few years under my belt as a personal protection officer, and I can tell you most of what you said can't be applied.

    Simply because this is a game, and people are here to have fun. Here's a tip: applying 'this is what a real cop would do in real life, and this is what I should do in this game' logic like that doesn't really work in the likes of SS13, for many reasons. Also I think you're just being flatout rude to other players here by broadly stating that the thread reveals that some if not many are potentially bad sec players.

    If we didn't have lone-wolf sec officers stumbling into maints to be murder-boned, then just how much of a duller experience would that be? Or the instances when a sec officer witnesses a suspect running into maints, he could either A: Go after him and have some 'fun' or B: Retreat and call for back-up, which 8 times out of 10 will either take 5-10 minutes to happen or not happen at all. Which is more fun to you?

    Fun is subjective after all. But this is a game and it's not a heavy RP server, its a mixture of RP and Action; so the more power to them if they want to play in that fashion.

    I've been murder-boned a few times as a pod pilot - by your logic, I should wait for an officer to accompany me in the pod because this is how it should be in reality, right... Not to mention I'm already affecting the player experience of someone else by requesting that, for good or ill. So yeah - sec officers should follow SoP to the best of their ability, know space law, and at the end of the day have fun and not get too riled up over it.

    The point

    Your head.

    People want things significantly changed because of poor personal behavior and choices; not because of oversights or legitimate problems. The changes will likely make everything less fun for all, not just antags. 

    People are saying it is not fun dying in the tunnels, change it. I don't think you got that part. Or like anything. Because you didn't even address the thread, like, at all. Do you have a solution, or like, a diagnosis, or any sort of insight? 


    So yeah - sec officers should follow SoP to the best of their ability, know space law, and at the end of the day have fun and not get too riled up over it.

    Thanks for the sage wisdom, dude. I guess we don't really have any problems, after all. If we just follow SOP, know space law, and at the end of the day just get killed in the tunnels, deal with stress from a game, deal with other bad players, never play security again, complain about security, and post in security complaint threads, we would be right in this very thread. Wow oh wow, was that super meta. 

    I don't know what else to do to really lay on the rudeness super thick. Your mom is super thick. There we go. Thanks for adding to the thread.

  2. So like, everyone is complaining about dying to antags, especially in tunnels. Why are you in the tunnels at all to begin with? Especially without back up of some sort. I think some of this thread is largely made up of not knowing how to properly do security. Or possibly role play. Think about it; why would you ever walk alone, in the dark, armed with less than ideal means to defend yourself, where no one will ever witness your death or find your body. That is practically unspoken SOP. Sec gear is meant for crowd control. Not for going up against a killer, especially one on one. 

    Okay; lets back-track about security for a minute, and then sort of sift through what most of this thread reveals. Security officers; these are mall cops. You are enforcing corporate policy. Mostly; this is making sure that departments run smoothly. If there is a fight, you break it up. That is pretty much it. Stop fights, stop break ins. Alright; so you are pretty much paid to be in a department. Not wander around. You're not paid to go die. 

    Okay, so this thread reveals a lot of people that don't actually know how to play security, and they don't know any better. Or, they think themselves better, somehow. Or, they think it will be fun to go hunting for trouble. Here's a tip: cops don't go snooping around in back alleys. If you look for trouble, you will find trouble. Cops stick to a determined route; they don't deviate. 1. you're not a cop, they have guns and training. 2. you don't have any of that. Stick to a department to patrol, don't leave it. There is one other reason why security might get killed in the tunnels, and I'll get to that. 

    Security shouldn't be drastically changed; most things could be handled with minor additions. Bad sec will be bad sec, no matter what, and it should be that way. Just because a lot of new players go off and die for silly reasons, isn;t a good reason to change it so they have an easier time. But; enough should change so that good security can actually function. 

    There are 7... 8 officer slots? If even one is bad, goes off and dies in the tunnels, that is making an already understaffed department even further stretched. The one other reason why security might get killed in the tunnels? Because they needed to go into the tunnels. Because they don't have back up. Because if they don't take the risk of going after the antag or looking for bodies, or investigating a report or crime, either the crew will crucify the department, or the antag will continue to wreak havoc. They get killed because they -have- to go into the tunnels, because other officers -wanted- to go into the tunnels. Bad sec gets everyone killed. Let me repeat that again, and rephrase it a few times, because it seems some sec players might not actually understand why other people don't play. BAD SEC GETS EVERYONE KILLED. By "having fun" and going hunting, you risk the entire department. You put the entire station at risk. You're not playing security. You're playing "let's make as many safety hazards as possible in 5 minutes flat". Don't go in the tunnels.

    More slots means that if there is a bad officer, or even several; there are still at least potentially not as bad ones able to pull enough strings to function. 2 or 3 more officer slots, is sufficient. What would it change? Not much. But you don't need to change much. Bad sec continues to be bad sec. It just wouldn't mean the rest of security has to worry about it as much. Punish the idiot; not the whole station. Hell; antags should be able to get away with a lot. Changing that isn't going to improve anything. If 5 officers get killed; that's 5 idiots. Punish the idiots, not the antag or the rest of the station, by making security softer. 

    Give sec more ED walkers and beepskies. Are there cameras on each of those? Put cameras on them, so you can have the warden watch the tunnels. And also program the bots to travel the tunnels. The tunnels have been made huge; so update the paths the bots travel. While you are at it; have security start with a sec borg. Borgs are the only ones that should really be in the tunnels. From an IC standpoint, and OOC. Or you could just make the tunnels not stupidly huge and purposeless. Why are there like 3 abandoned bars? Who would design a station with a series of rooms, that are un-used? Want the map touched up so there is less wasted space? Let me know that I have approval, and I'll send you a few draft pics of what I have in mind, and I'll map it. Otherwise won't waste the time. Back on topic, though.

    Security shouldn't be made super soft. But it also shouldn't be changed because some people just don't know what they are doing or they want to play antag-hunter deluxe. Give them an updated armoury, a few more officers. If you really really want to, give officers an alternate title of senior officer. Or implement a rank system of some form. Add in more detectives (a detective is a senior officer) add in a deputy warden (a senior officer) add in a dispatch (a junior officer), add in a prison guard (a corrections officer). 

    Honestly; the sec department should be treated more like Human Resource Management, rather than a police force. If someone is getting brigged; they should be fired and written up. Security enforces corporate policy; if security has to brig someone; they should be fired and kicked off the state of the art science vessel, or deal with them in such a way that is befitting of a company. 

    Further; riding off of what Mox just said, as I just saw it now; let me bring up some old ideas: space law isn't law. It should be Corporate Policy/ Guidelines, or something to that effect. Security should be more like corporate security, less like an official police force. SOP should refer to practices that can actually be standard. Red alert? Station goes on lock down. Shooting in progress? ... Uh... Can you take them down peacefully... Oh... you can't? Uh... I mean... they are technically an employee... 3 people just died... well... try tazing them... I know you can't, just try... Hostile encounters aren't standard. There should be standardized guidelines. But not so rigid that you can't function. Hell, maybe you can just nix the "Procedure" and call it "Standard Operation(ing?) Policy" or something to that effect.  

  3. Fitness is easy, if you have the knowledge and wisdom. You might think fitness isn't for you; you don't have time, money, steroids, and you don't want to be made fun of in the gym, or what have you. I'm here to tell you that you have what it takes; I'm going to walk you through a few steps, a few tips and tricks. Yes; you can see results in as little as 1 week. If you take this reasonably seriously; you will put on 25 lbs of muscle in a year. Most average people of today will never put on even 10 lbs of muscle in their entire lives. If you stick with it; you can put on 45 lbs of muscle in your life. Naturally.

    It is as simple as eating, sleeping, and exercising properly. Surprisingly; this is mostly about eating and sleeping properly. Exercise is important; but eating and sleeping is more important. If you struggle putting on weight? Eat more. Struggle to lose weight? Eat less. And either way; sleep more. In any regard; you don't need to spend a lot, or even go to the gym, to see results. You can do a lot from home.

    Sleeping is simple, so lets start with that, and cross it off the list. Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. 9 is optimal. Your central nervous system, as well as your muscles and tendons need to repair, which means you need sleep, rest, and nutrients. Moving on.

    Eating is sort of simple too; once you get the general understanding, then you know enough to tweak things according to your needs. There is something you need to figure out on your own, to really fine tune your results. BMR, Basal Metabolic Rate; the amount of energy your body burns to keep itself where it is; when you are in a coma (at rest and doing absolutely nothing). Let's pretend you are an average-ish person, you are mostly sedentary, and you are of an average body type. This is 5'9", 150 lbs for the normal dude. Your maintenance calories are about 2000 calories a day. So, if you become more active; you are going to start burning more calories. If you eat more, lets say 200 extra calories; you'll put on muscle. If you want to lose fat; you'll eventually lose fat. If you cut calories, lets say by 200, and you are burning an extra 200 from physical exercise, that means you will burn a pound of fat in roughly 9 days. We will revisit this later.

    Exercise is also simple. At the basic core of exercise is; progressive overload. You work the muscle to its work capacity. When it heals; it develops stronger, to handle the amount of work capacity. There are a few different types of exercise. There is muscle building, there is fat burning, there is central nervous system training, and there is recomp; which is sort of a combo of everything. I'm heavily simplifying everything as much as possible, to get you right into training and seeing results, without information overload. Let's explore some of these options.

    Muscle building is going to help with losing fat, because gaining muscle increases your BMR. It is also easy; so let's start here. In as little as one week, you could gain a half a pound of muscle. That is 2 lbs in a month. 6 in 3 months. So; you are going to notice results quickly, if you do everything properly. In one week, you can look very different. Especially if you start from stick thin. Remember that most people only put on 50 to 10 lbs of muscle in a life time. You will have put it on in 5 months or less. This is going to take exercise, and diet optimization. When you first start working out, for about a week, your BMR is going to adjust. Once you are able to pinpoint fairly accurately what you are burning; you can add 200 additional calories above that, to very slowly put on muscle. Again; about a half a pound a week. The more muscle you put on, the more your BMR is going to change. Eventually; you'll go from needing 2k calories a day; to 4k a day. But that takes time.

    Fat burning, is the other main topic people find interest in. While not necessary to build muscle; building muscle will help in burning fat and keeping fat off. Simple dieting will slowly decrease fat. Exercising and dieting will expedite the process. You will need to keep track of your BMR; it isn't quite as simple as just eating less; your body will enter starvation mode, and you will gain weight again. So keep it slow, simple, and steady, until you have a better understanding of the subject. It isn't unreasonable to lose a pound or two a week with minimal effort and understanding.

    With a little bit of the basics in hand, lets explore a little bit more. The actual diet and exercise. What do you need to eat and how much, and what do you need to do for exercise, how much, and when. Lets look at the rough basics of each.

    Your diet is going to depend on the exercise, and what you want from it. So lets start with exercise. A lot of people fear the gym; this is alright, you don't need it to begin. There is nothing to fear about the gym; everyone starts somewhere, but you can start at home, if you feel more comfortable with that. Again; you will have put on at least as much muscle of the average person or more before stepping foot in the gym, anyway. You are going to really only be working out for an hour, and only 3 times a week. Twice a week, you can do 15 minutes of cardio for added benefit, but it isn't needed for building muscle. If you are at home; you are going to want a pullup bar, and something heavy that you can hold comfortably in a variety of angles. A kettlebell works; so does a bucket of rocks, or a gallon jug filled with sand. You might also need some rope; or an actual dip belt. A dip belt is going to come in handy later; they are like $25. Pull ups and chin ups are going to build your upper body. When you can do 5 sets of 5 of pull ups reasonably well; throw on a dip belt with 5 or so lbs. You could use a backpack, or a rope, or try to hold weight in your feet. Repeat. Eventually when you get to about 20 or so lbs for pull ups, you'll have a very strong and wide back. Chin ups are going to be more for your biceps and shoulders; start with 3 sets of 10, and then add weight when 3 sets of 10 becomes easy. These two exercises alone will develop the upper body reasonably. For your lower body; start with body weight squats, or wall sitting. Lunges, and calf dips are also good. Do whatever you can; and eventually add weight. Most people skip leg day, anyways. So if you don't skip; get prepared for a lot of sexual attention. Everybody appreciates a good gluteus. Thick thighs save lives. To develop your neck, forearms, and abs; take a weight, and do curls (crunches for abs). There are 3 different types of forearm curls, but they all follow the same movement. Weight in hand, curl it up with hand. Your hand only moves in two real directions; up and down. So; curl for 3 sets of 8 to 10 at a time; up, and repeat for down. No one trains forearms; if you do; you'll be stronger and look better. Neck; call them curls or crunches; they are the same thing. Lay down on your back, and pull your chin to your chest. Do that maybe 300 times a day, or less if you are using a small added weight (don't be stupid and break your neck; youtube it) and you'll get a thick neck. This alone will make you appear far stronger than any other visual illusion, like a wide back, thick thighs, or developed arms. Ab crunches; you can do a lot of them, or you can do less with weights. I do less with weights; I find it works quicker. If you don't like large abs; don't do that. Mostly think of your body like a sculpture; whatever you want to do with it, you can. I like large abs; so I blow mine up.

    If you only want to lose fat; cardio is easy. 15 minutes a day is all you need; sprint for 1 minute, walk for 2, and repeat. 15 minutes a day. You can do more, if you want. Just make sure you follow that pattern; max intensity followed by a short slow period.

    So now that we know what we are going to be doing with our bodies; lets explore the foods to eat. You don't need to break the bank to eat properly; contrary to popular belief. In fact; you can build muscle and lose fat by doing almost anything, if you know enough. Lets break it down. 

    Macro nutrients are going to help your body build and repair. Fats, carbs, and proteins. Fats are going to be used for hormone balancing and nutrient storing, carbs are going to be for energy in the form of glycogen, and protein is for cell rebuilding and growth. You want all of these; though you could get away with not eating carbs for a short time. This is the only nutrient you can do that with, though; dietary fat isn't the same as body fat. Eating fat won't make you fat. Eating too much of anything will make you fat. Suffice to say; don't cut out a macro nutrient. For the first year of training; you are going to get away with about .7 grams of protein per lb of lean body mass. If you don't want to calculate that; you can simply calculate it as .7grams of protein of your target body weight. Want to gain 5 lbs? Calculate your needs as 5 lbs heavier than you are. Carbs and fats are a bit trickier; they sort of go as much as you want. You want at least around 50 grams of fat a day. I do about thrice that. Nuts, olive oil, eggs; use common sense really. Carbs; at least 100-200 grams a day. A gram of protein is 4 calories, a gram of carbs is 4 calories, and a gram of fat is 9 calories. Total up your macro needs in terms of grams, and then add in whatever you want to make up the caloric difference. You can have too much protein and you can have too much fat; so carbs to wrap up your daily needs are going to be your best bet. Eggs are a cheap source of protein and fat; in fact, it is the cheapest. I eat 24 or more a day. And it only costs like 4 bucks. For carbs; I do bananas; also super cheap. Other cheap sources of fats are nuts and olive oil. Other cheap sources of carbs are oatmeal and rice. If you eat meat; your cheapest option is going to be chicken breast. If they have it on sale; load up on red meat, freeze it, and treat yourself to a nice meal every so often. You'll end up spending around 75 or 125ish a week. Less, if you are just starting. This is mostly going to come from your vegetables.

    Micro nutrients are your vitamins and minerals; this is going to be super important for recovery and overall performance. Fruits, vegetables, multi vitamin tabs. Go to the grocery store, look at the boxes of salad, flip over each one to look at the vitamin make up; pick the best one, and calculate at least 7 servings a day. I use baby kale and mixed greens. Its the most expensive part of my diet. Which isn't expensive. Buy a good multivitamin. If you are vegetarian like I am; make sure it has iron in it. Trust me; anemia is not fun.

    So, to start wrapping up, lets talk about your food a little bit, and your schedule. Some people say they don't have time for any of this. But lets really take a look; you are spending 3 and half hours working out a week, at most. You are spending time grocery shopping; which you do anyway. You are taking time eating, and cooking. This might be new to you. So here is a bit of a tip; meal prep. Also pro tip; every romantic partner loves a partner that can cook. So, not only are you going to start looking good in those jeans and v-neck shirt; you are going to know how to cook. Your partner is going to be very lucky to know you. I myself no longer meal prep; I eat all of my eggs raw, and eat the rest of my food in under an hour, or as fast as I can. I hate cooking, eating, and doing dishes, and I don't really care what my food tastes like, as long as it is good for me. My girlfriend is vegan, loves food, and is mortified that I eat so many eggs, especially raw. I can't promise those results for you. So; meal prep for normal people; back when I meal prepped, I would do my cooking on Sunday; my only day off. I'd spend time doing dishes, cooking chicken breast and rice, and loading everything into glass containers. You'll end up spending some time shopping, and laundry; so it isn't really a day of cooking, unless you are working 80 or so hours a week. 

    So; lets recap a little bit. We learned how to exercise to put on muscle, lose fat, what to eat, how to save money and time, and how to set up our schedule to make it all possible. I hope that if you decided to read all of this; you find the inspiration that this is indeed possible for you, in some capacity. If you need help, have questions, or want more in depth explanations, let me know.

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  4. 5 hours ago, Normalyman said:

    If security is “shit“ or not allways depends on the players that is correct.

    But the assumption that experienced and competend security players don't bother signing up isn't true if you ask me. There is a group of regulars like in every department. Of course it's smaler if compared to the other departments but that's due to the stress you can get while playing security.

    I think the main problem why people tend to leave security is their attitude and mindset while they play it. They play, and this post reasured me in that point, to win. Honestly, if you play security to be the winner you won't have a good time at all, because it won't happen that often and even if you win against the antags, you'll never win against the greytides.

    If the antags try too hard, sec has to try harder and so the antag will try even harder and so on and so forth. No real fun at the end.

    I'm honestly not sure if there is something that could truely help in this situation.

    Just please, think about your mindset and expectations when you play in security. Everything is possible, even good RP if you want it.

    This is patently incorrect, and I think this sort of misconception overall blurs identifying the problem, thus blurs and skews identifying effective solutions. (Bear in mind, I'm not attacking the person I'm quoting, I'm addressing this common misconception, because it definitely seems it needs to be addressed)

    Security, no matter if it were set up with a dream team, fully staffed, will still have a very difficult time handling even some milder shifts. So, under the best of the best circumstances; the current security set up is still not sufficiently reasonable. "Security depends on the players" implies that if the right officers came along, they would have all the tools and resources available to them, to function reasonably, with a reasonable failure rate. That means an acceptable loss of one or two officers a shift, some station damage, and a lot of trial and tribulation. However, still an acceptable tolerable failure rate. Security isn't about the success rate, it is far more about calculable acceptable losses. 

    "Playing to win" I'm not sure applies to security. It isn't a technical role; it is an abstract role. It isn't like medical, engineering, or science; where you have a definable and reachable outcome. It isn't as easy as setting up power and fixing hull breaches. It isn't doing the same medical procedure over and over, albeit a race against time, trying to challenge yourself to get better turnover rates. It isn't science; where you sit in the same small room, and fool around all shift. The challenge isn't so much in a definable task; it is trying to make sense of  complex, dynamic and constantly changing scenarios and attempting to handle those scenarios. It deals with mystery, suspense, paranoia, calculations, and risks. Against the odds, you test your temperament, skills, and critical thinking abilities. All other departments and jobs are finite. Security isn't. The variables are different. Surgery is always going to be the same; the variables don't change. People; those variables are unquantifiable. They constantly change. Dealing with any given traitor is likely going to return the same results twice. No two traitors are alike, probably. No traitor is likely to stay static for long; the more one learns, the more dynamic and in flux they are. You can "win" in the simple sense of catching all of the antags. But that is kind of exactly what the department is for. That sort of rhetoric is like saying trying to heal everyone that seeks treatment in medbay is "playing to win". Or trying to fix the station of damage. Or be a good captain. Or make robots, mechs, slime cores, other junk. Or cook enough food for the crew. If trying to do the job description is criticized and shunned; of course no one would want to play that role. Why select a role, and then not do it? Playing to win is more like scientists loading up on guns, or assistants doing similar. Otherwise; security is more or less selected for the limitations the department sets, over any perceived benefit. Catching antags is easier without redtape, and with special gear. If you shoot someone in self defense with a durand, you're fine. If you shoot someone with a lazer as security, you might get banned. So again, security is more about trying to catch someone with a load out of lethal weapons that has to follow very few rules, while following an extreme amount of rules, and keep calm, and enforce the general law. It's the challenge and difficulty that makes it fun and worth-while. Not any given outcome, or a reached fix destination, like other departments. Which is a segue into ...


    If the antags try too hard, sec has to try harder and so the antag will try even harder and so on and so forth. No real fun at the end.

    This is a blaring misconception, which overall leads to other problems and misconceptions. That is the fun. Security shouldn't be easy. Antagonism shouldn't be easy. Nothing that is easy, is fun. Challenge, is fun. Achieving something that is difficult, is fun. Antags should try their hardest; they deserve to have that opportunity. They rolled antag; and that is rare. They deserve it. Equally; security should have the challenge of racing against time, catching the criminal, before more harm can be done. Against all odds; security needs to use their brains and cunning to overcome obstacles and dynamic challenges. Anybody can join as another role, and spend the entire shift gearing up and hunting antags. Security actually needs to follow rules, and use standard gear. Anybody else can get away with killing an antag in "self defense". Security can't even kill most antags, in most circumstances, no matter the circumstances. Life in danger? Fellow crew in danger? Well, good thing you have a taser, with how many shots? Better have pristine aim, pristine ability to stay calm, and pristine ability to think ahead, call for backup, stay safe, protect others, and not die. Good luck. But don't worry, if you fail, any other role will probably step in and shoot them with something after. They have more guns than you, anyway. Thanks for trying, though, mall cop.


    Just please, think about your mindset and expectations when you play in security. Everything is possible, even good RP if you want it.

    This last bit, I think is also a blaring misconception, and probably a huge problem. What people expect of security, first, is not realistic. Secondly, if an officer is sitting around "RPing", they are probably not doing their job, and subsequently putting the rest of the station at risk. If security is expected to be super lax, and play more like a game, than an actual role to participate as, then there is a larger problem in the picture. Engineers shouldn't be sitting around talking when there are holes in the hull. Doctors should be busy treating injured people. Science ... doesn't really have responsibility, so I guess they could get away with talking to people. Security is the same. If they aren't actively securing the station, people might get hurt and the round could end prematurely for more people than needed. 


    As far as the other suggestions go, I think the ideas are super cool; but potentially horribly misguided. Revamping sec too much takes away challenge and fun from all. Giving sec too much of anything will in turn create ripple effects that will inevitably need to be dealt with down the line. Should sec be state of the art? No, they can fare just fine, provided they are skilled just enough. A shit team should still function like a shit team. But, an immaculate team should be allowed to really shine, even though the gear and numbers are lower than expected. "Less is more". Small tweaks to gear, to law and sop, and a few more numbers with potentially a few new roles, will end up shining more than merely dumping in a lot of extra stuff that doesn't really address the core issues. 

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  5. Why do anything that is unenjoyable and set up to fail? You can't be successful with sec, currently. Like, at all. So why bother? If you know you are going to get swamped and deal with bullshit all the time, why bother? If you know you won't have good team work, or forced to have to attempt handling something on your own, that is indeed impossible to handle on your own, knowing you will fail, and be taken out of the round; why bother? 

    Sec is shit. Why bother? You can have more fun generally being a good Samaritan and assisting security when the opportunity arises. But playing sec? Oh yeah, lets totally join a team that is too small to begin with, have no order or real direction, guidance, leadership, then get shat on every shift from generally abhorrently obnoxious cringe types for keeping the station and crew safe. If Cheeto-Hands McGee generally plays super hero anyway, no matter the roll they pick, why bother? Cheeto-Hands is obnoxious to deal with, and also work alongside. The sec gear isn't up to par; meanwhile Cheeto goes and suits themselves up with everything they can muster when no ones is looking. Good luck taking any of it away. Good thing Cheeto isn't actually an antag, though. They are just a forward character that happens to get in a lot of trouble by newbs who don't know not to mess with the great dusty hand. 


    Sec doesn't have the numbers (or possibly even the proper role types), the gear, the crew support/appreciation, the morale, legal and operational support, or even the chance to be successful and be appreciated, to be worth it. To even have fun. So why bother?

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  6. I'd suggest Synthetic Separatist or something to that effect, as it would make more sense, semantically.  Synthetic Separatist Movement, Synthetic Separatists, Synthetic Separatist Front, Synthetic Separatistism. Something or other.

    It'd lend weight to the notion of a group of people acting on their own volition, and not necessarily in response to any external factor. So, like, crew members could potentially be called out to, to support this new political movement. 

    It would differ from a rebellion, in that a separatist wouldn't be an open enemy to the larger host group (in this example; a separatist wouldn't be openly shunned or exiled by other IPCs). (A rebellion suggests that two groups of the same people are fighting, like a civil war)

    It would differ from radicals, in that radicals would potentially be outwardly hostile to non-supporters, and vice versa. (this implies that the radicals would be fighting IPCS, and non-IPCS)

    It would differ from an open declaration of war by synthetics, as all synthetics would not be aligned with this particular group. (This implies that even crew synthetics would be declared enemies by NT outright, rather than creating interesting RP opportunities, such as not being able to trust your fellow IPC crew... But equally, neither can the separatists totally trust the crew IPCs. IPCs could join either side, or both, etc). 

    Open declaration from all synthetics would be sort of bland, in that it would limit RP opportunity in exchange for merely a cheap version of counter strike or what have you. It paints a clear picture of who the bad guy is, and where to point and shoot. There is no story beyond that, other than if you possibly misclick or some other mishap that leads to something other than clicking on the "bad guys" whenever you see them. 

  7. Make a fake research chemical that acts on the same receptors and has similar effects. I just googled it. Should be plenty. Would it be easy? No. Are they going to have side effects? Absolutely. But as far as synthesis; not likely. You have to make something from nothing. Like, you can synthesize water. Doesn't mean it is cheap or effective. Even hundreds of years into the future; you'd have developed fine-tuned extraction methods, but not synthesis methods. A research chemical by-passes that. Any given chemical has any given effect. You merely have to mimic the effect, not the composition, necessarily.

    When did we take out chloral? We had chloral. If it was taken out; probably won't make its way back in. Unless you scream really loudly, and incessantly, and then maybe. But that is mob rule.

  8. Usually one of these albums specifically. Or just black metal in general. Burzum and shit. Or witch house. "Get Used To Saying No" is just generally a good "meditation" to listen to, to help deal with the bullshit that might be encountered. "Tendon" and the rest of its album is great for like, dealing with chaos. Like, functioning in or under chaos as if a multi-medium abstract symphony. It's great for like, if you're command or security, and everything is fucked up, so you have to be the sole navigator of insanity. In general, it's good for reflecting on chaos navigation, identifying patterns and order within largely order-less circumstances. Merely observing chaos and identifying the already existing variables currently functioning, albeit dissociated from each other, and connecting them in the most functional and fluid manner. The song/artist is good if you like, have a lot of studying, and other life activities, and legitimately not enough hours to logically achieve what is required, forcing a sort of chaotic adaptive approach. I use music largely as a contemplative tool, and less about mere enjoyment, I suppose. Helps me get into character, sort of like method acting, I guess. EDIT: La Condi Hu is like, a joke to me. Synthetic players might like it. I'm always amazed at people's view and understanding of death, and even in terms if the game, they'll do everything to avoid death, and rage if they die in any given manner. So, I'll throw it on when a virus happens, or a blob, xeno, nuke squad. When everyone is dying, and they are all raging, and/or dragging themselves and dying buddies through the halls, trying to save themselves for no real reason, other than wanting to play longer, or an actual fear of death. Like, if they didn't happen to die from the virus, it'd have been the hole ripped in the hull, or the xeno, or a grey tide, or just lack of doctors; and instead of contemplating the overall story of their character and how they met their ends as a nameless, meaningless corpse in a sea of other nameless, meaningless, unexamined corpses, they rage, and treat it like a game. Scream for restarts. I always contemplate it all, as if it were a real situation; it's interesting. Bodies everywhere, and some engineer is screaming at the HOP to do their job so they can transfer to be a cargo tech or something stupid. Bonus points if everyone died because of stupidity, or mass stupidity. 


  9. So, it dawned on me, that my last post might have been over the top, aggressive, harsh; what have you. My apologies, if anybody felt personally attacked, rather than having their rhetoric or consideration challenged. That being said;

    Fox, I can't disagree with anything you've said, I think that is exactly what I was looking for. Which is sort of my point; maintaining what already exists, might not be the best option. OOC doesn't matter. It is the function it serves. 

    So, if there is overload; then there might not be enough load-bearing in place. OR, there might be too many factors increasing unnecessary load. Or both. So, food for thought; if there are events that need to be monitored, but equally other mediums that equally need to be monitored, perhaps something must be prioritized. Or, figure out some compromise, in something that won't create an overload of monitoring. If creating an event requires direct monitoring to the exclusion of monitoring everything else; perhaps that needs to be examined as a separate, more in depth investigative discussion.You are indeed correct; there is no such thing as a free lunch. Not every lunch needs to be so expensive, though, that it requires such a lengthy form of group deliberation. If it indeed does require so, perhaps tastes are too expensive to be reasonable. How many lunches can possibly be afforded, until you are out of money? I'll tie into this topic, in a moment.

    Your next point talks about OOC not pertaining to IC events. I thought this was explicitly frowned up, to begin with, thus being a non-issue. Unless the terms IC and OOC, and what is indeed allowed to be discussed in OOC, needs to be clarified, you are right. You are also right that it is indeed distracting at times. More opportunity cost, which will be addressed separately. Although, to address the fear of losing out on social interaction, while maintaining that OOC provides nothing of use, is cognitively dissonant. If one does not like OOC, but does not wish to shut it off because of fear of exclusion, with out possibly inadvertently hurting feelings; that is indicative of something unrelated to the game. I could go into an in depth psychological analysis, synopsis, and suggest methods of correction, but no matter how benevolent I would intend for that to be; it would likely be assumed to be malevolent, and ill intended. Due to the prevalence, though, as indicated as this being the primary reason for OOC being shut off, is indicative of a host of other neurotic and cognitively dissonant patterns; which is the core of the perceived problem, from a non-technical view. OOC, then, is merely a manifestation/symptom; rather than a non-technical problem. This, within itself, is not a problem. It is ultimately what it means, that can lead to unforeseen and misunderstood manifestations, at the time, down the line. Such as OOC doesn't matter. The functions matter. The costs, matter.

     You are absolutely correct, that current community cohesion can be maintained with a central hub. The people that are already "here", will stay here, at least for some time. This is where your costs are going to come in; and where your "income" might start to be an issue. You want your lunch, what does it cost? You got one source of income; it stagnates. Now, you can't afford your lunch. You get bored of the lunch you can afford. Okay, so what does this mean? Stagnation, and a slow of growth, new faces and input, lack of diversity of user base, and creation of an echo chamber. You have a central gathering point, but few entry points, and that is more important. The discord is populated; how diverse are the regulars, though? How many different users contribute to making the forums more diverse with input and new topics? Lack of diversity in the people talking, or the subject matter discussed, means only similar people will gravitate towards such discussions. This simultaneously pushes away differences in opinions, or difference in demographic. A new user may join a populated discord, but what inclines them to contribute? How many become regulars? How many regulars are there on the forums, and what do they talk about? What I am really wondering about, is how cohesive is the community, currently? How much of a community is there? Raw numbers can, and I suspect are, creating a deceptive illusion. I don't think it is all that diverse; and the same exact topic has been brought up for years, now. Absolutely, the current community will remain. It will continue to propagate, and attract like minded people. It will push deviations from the accepted norm away. I don't think that is positive growth; merely growth of common factors.

    In any form of communication, dominant groups will form. For an outsider, it is difficult to find an entry point. This is true anywhere. Classrooms, jobs, etc. People who speak up are more likely to be noticed, liked, get promotions, better grades, and have more social connections than those who don't. Limiting entry points limits social entry, thus cohesion, and increases alienation. In that regard, it is merely implication to be considered. I wrote this in the last thread; I'll post it here. 


    Ultimately it won't really matter in the immediate observation if you do anything with OOC. The only side effect is it will increase alienation. Will it be super alienating? On it's own, maybe. Tied altogether with the other alienating and isolating factors; probably. Just creates more cliques. Who wants to spend time with people they don't connect with/ have anything in common with? Who wants to hang around a place with people they don't like? Really as simple as that; you groom and prune to get the end product of what you want the community to be like. If you don't want casual or a more mature crowd; sure, alienate them and make them uncomfortable. Then prop up whatever you need to, to support the demographics you do in fact want. Simple as that, really. 


    • Salt 1
  10. "I don't like ooc" so shut it off

    "I don't like moderating ooc" so someone else will, probably. Or it will get reported. Shut it off if it bothers you. 

    Seriously, it's difficult to actually understand a legitimate argument for it. If you don't like a certain food, you wouldn't eat it. But would you yell at people for eating those foods, or work to ban those foods, merely based on innocuous differences in food taste?

    "it ruins the round if there is IC in OOC" then shut it off, you won't see it, it won't bother you, you wouldn't know it happened. 

    "But other people will know!" If they have ooc on, they probably don't care. I doubt people hunt the ooc, looking for a slip up.

    "Just use discord!" Discord is lame and obnoxious, a lot of the time. Some one used the term "echo chamber" recently, I think the term applies here. I think it is the polite way of saying a circle jerk. Any discord server is a circle jerk. Echo chamber. 

    "the majority wants ooc off!" great, the really vocal people can shut it off. If they don't use ooc anyway, they can shut it off, no problem. 

    Seriously, like, what exactly is the argument, here? What is wrong with OOC, that it needs to be shut off? Don't like it, don't use it. What is wrong with that solution?

    • Salt 3
  11. So it just dawned on me, that many people don't actually know what a psychiatrist is, what they do, what they know, etc. In a lot of ways, they'd actually (potentially) know more than the CMO. They would probably be a senior doc, second in command, if you think about it that way. 

    So, it would be 12 years, at least, of school/study/practicum/research/etc. That is your first 4 of normal college. 4 more to be a doctor, then 4 more of psychology study/etc. In all of that time, you would have learned everything a normal doctor would have (this includes all aspects (surgery, emergency medicine, etc)). You would have learned some chemistry. You might have even learned some genetics (because this is scifi, and there is no way of knowing what the real word equivalent would be). Okay, so, you know a little bit of everything. Or, a lot of everything. What gives?

    You're not payed to do shit. No patients? No problem. But what could you do, what do you actually know? Well, you studied for 12 years. Do you remember it all? Maybe you forgot. Maybe you cheated, lied, and bribed. 

    You got options. If you aren't feeling that intensity, change the title to psychologist, or therapist or whatever the alt titles are. 

    A psychologist is probably more geared towards researching, or being a professor. Has a PhD.

    A therapist might have a masters, maybe only a bachelors. 

    A councilor might only have an associates, but might have a bachelors or a masters, maybe.


    The role allows for a lot of freedom. You can be super competent, and have a lot of knowledge. You could also be a total dunce that thinks everyone is ill and can't find your way out of your own chair. 

    • Like 1
  12. Pretty much as the title states and implies. There are a couple ways these could manifest.

    Neanderthals are protohumans; the larger brains allowed humans to evolve further. The remnants can be seen today in giant Europeans, like in Iceland. Huge. 

    Yetis are the mythological creature revered as shamanic gods. They are neanderthals, but with the connotation of being reclusive and wiser. 

    Dwarves are mythological creatures. Wise, good with crafting. Short. 

    There are short humans regarded as shamanic spirit guides in some indigenous cultures, similar to dwarves. I don't know the name. Basically dwarves.


    These could be interesting species to role play as. They are human cousins. Think of Cain and Abel. Abel dealt with large animals. Cain farmed. Cain killed Abel, similar to how neanderthals simply vanished from the earth, and humans took their place. Neanderthals were larger hunters, humans were smaller gatherers. 


    While on the topic, why not add dogs, goats, squids, fish, lobsters, rats, etc. There are already other weird animal races. Beastmen or some shit like illithids could actually be cool. Godzilla and TMNT could also be runner ups.

    • honk 1
  13. So, sound doesn't travel in space. But, it'd be cool if there were giant space whales and squids, making all sorts of crazy and terrifying echos and what not. You are right about internal reverb; cool and interesting idea. The silence of the situation could drive someone mad, that'd be cool. More terrifying ambiance in general would be cool, provided that we are indeed in space, no one will in fact hear your screams, no one will recover your body if the vessel is torn open and you get sucked out. Sort of like being on a ship, or perhaps closer to being in a submarine. 

    Sort of reminds me of sabled sun. It's been years since I've listened to them. They do dark space ambient.


  14. Whenever I see your name; I read "Bullshit" instead of however you'd say that name. Reminds me of an Indian kid that went to my elementary school. No idea how his name was spelled, but it was pronounced "duckshit". He had a really rough time in school. Imagine the poor 1st grade teacher every morning for attendance. "Is Duckshit here? Class, settle down, don't laugh, that's mean". I imagine the same from crew. "Sup Bullshit". Or a head speaking to the HOP "Yeah, can you demote Bullshit?" or being an antag "Bullshit just tore a dudes head off!" "Arrest that clown!" "No, it wasn't a clown, Bullshit is the CE!". I imagine the same conversations from time to time, of Duckshit. I wonder how he is doing. Not like I can spell his name or google him. Thanks for reminding me of that kid.

  15. So I was just thinking; we have drugs already, and half of them are meme-ish at best. Like meth. Literally doesn't do anything close to what meth actually does. 


    But, what about steroids? Here's a basic primer on roids; you can pick and choose what you think would make sense, etc. 

    TESTOSTERONE- A hormone that is naturally produced. The more you have, the healthier and stronger you are (to a point). Increases muscular potential. Normal level: 550-700+. Roid level: 4000 or so. Low: below 550. Causes depression, lethargy, fat gain, etc. 

    ---TEST E- long ester. Game purposes; you'd inject fewer times. The more you do so properly, the bigger and stronger you will get. Moderate use would be useful for general strength and fitness. Heavier use would be better for near-hulk levels.

    ---TEST C- long ester- more pins than Test E, less pins than P or suspension. 

    ---TEST P- short ester- Still an ester; doesn't last as long.

    ---TEST SUSPENSION- straight test. IRL; you'd have to inject this like once an hour or some silly shit or your nuts will shut off, and you will have no test production. If you jab your ass diligently, though, it is test, and will work.

    HGH- human growth hormone; allows for growth and healing, and potential mass gain. This can make you huge, with diligence. It can also make all of your other organs huge, and kill you, or blow up your gut. (google slin gut, or hgh gut)

    DBOL- oral steroid; increases mass rapidly, gains aren't keepable, minimal strength gain. Will make you look big, but it is all water bloating. Will shut off your nuts though. Give to someone as a prank. 

    TREN- Good for recomp, but for game purposes, just consider it the steroid for getting freakishly huge and cut. Roid rage isn't real, but if it was real, this would be the thing to cause it. It lowers your patience and heightens your aggression if you do in fact explode. Injection.

    INSULIN- One of the monster mass gainers. Will kill you quickly if you don't eat carbs. Injection.

    SARMS- Research chemicals (oral liquid or pill) for people too afraid to or do steroids. Usually legal. No one knows what they will do long term, otherwise, they act like weak versions of roids. 

    PROHORMONES- Similar to sarms; a pill you take, the body synthesizes the chemicals held within into hormones for the body to use. Causes shit like cancer. No longer legal.


    The healing and strength could prevent bone breaking and allow for faster running. Maybe stronger melee attacks, breaking cuffs or doors open. Not to the extent of hulk, but similar. It could be used by the psych for prescription, or older characters that happen to be frail, etc. The possibilities are somewhat wide, it sort of depends on your understanding of roids, though. They'd probably require you to eat a massive amount of food, though. 4k to 8k+ calories a day IRL. If nothing else, we already have stupid drugs that don't do anything. Roids could actually have some effect.

  16. Post hangover music. Or don't. Maybe tell a story instead. Or discuss something. You're a reasonably intelligent adult, probably. You can make your own decisions. 


  17. Which perspective are you approaching from? Biological? That would mostly be pill pushing. I don't think there would be any difference in RP that you'd find enjoyable with pill pushing. Nor would it be interesting to forcibly have to RP a disorder that someone may have zero concept of. Psychology is a little bit more complicated than giving pills until an infliction passes. Or probably anything that could feasibly be put in a game. 

    Diagnosis of any given ailment could vary wildly depending on background and perspective. Treatment; even more so. 

    Beyond that; role playing a psych is only fun if you treat it like anything else; fantasy, not based in reality. Like a kid playing call of duty and thinking they'd make a fine soldier and it'd be "fun". After a while of any given psych bullshit; it can weigh down significantly on anyone actually worth a damn. Seeing the same people over and over that fail to recover or improve, even with extensive and varied treatment, is extremely taxing. The only people that persist with it, seemingly; are either total pants on head, naive, or chasing after insurance money. Very rarely will you find a psych of reasonable quality that has enough legitimate knowledge, wisdom, insight, to effectively understand or address anything. 

    Otherwise, I'm simply jaded and apathetic towards psych colleagues and much of the field in general. There is insufficient success rate or treatment for my liking. Beyond that; tolerating the people seeking treatment can be the most difficult, at times. So I am beyond biased. My pocketful of cents.

    • Like 1
  18. 1. The station shouldn't be going to Red alert very often to begin with. But when it does...

    2. It should have what it needs to not require an additional ERT team. But when it does...

    3. The armoury should be appropriately fitted for -at least- half the security staff in any given scenario. Increased hardsuits, lazers, etc. Maybe 5 or so of each item. That should be sufficient for the security force to do what they need to, not including the additional ERT forces. But when it isn't...

    4. Gamma gets called because of the lack of actual lethal weapons (no, the same person I always see shooting spiders with an ion rifle, that doesn't do what I think you think it does. Tazers don't do anything, either. Nope, a disabler is not a laser that just happens to be blue. A lazer, you want a lazer. No, not a bean bag shotgun. No, a stun baton won't work. Good lord, put down the flash.) 


    Well? I mean, at least try smoothing out the red alert armoury, first. Gamma -should- most certainly be enough to handle a dire situation of xenos or a blob, a revolution, or what have you. Gamma shouldn't be called because red alert is the new blue alert. Gamma is the new red. Delta or epsilon or whatever becomes the new gamma. It shouldn't be that way. 

    If the armoury is properly outfitted, maybe gamma and ERTs won't be called as much. If red means reasonable lethal threats are brought to antags; maybe antags will learn to not go balls to the wall at round start, because they know they can get away with it, because security can't fight back. Maybe red alert will actually mean something, again. Right now, it is a functional blue alert that no one takes seriously. Red alert is raised 15 minutes into a round, and it stays like that until the end. Hell; this even ties into the shuttle call being reduced to 5 minutes; that's not fair to antags, just because red is the new blue alert. 


    Seriously, when gamma, a moderate security force, and an ERT team isn't enough, something is wrong. 

    • Like 2
  19. Ultimately it won't really matter in the immediate observation if you do anything with OOC. The only side effect is it will increase alienation. Will it be super alienating? On it's own, maybe. Tied altogether with the other alienating and isolating factors; probably. Just creates more cliques. Who wants to spend time with people they don't connect with/ have anything in common with? Who wants to hang around a place with people they don't like? Really as simple as that; you groom and prune to get the end product of what you want the community to be like. If you don't want casual or a more mature crowd; sure, alienate them and make them uncomfortable. Then prop up whatever you need to, to support the demographics you do in fact want. Simple as that, really. 


  20. So what exactly would be acceptable for OOC? Nothing at all to do with the game or game mechanics, as all aspects of the game would fall into this IC category, at that point? If that is the reasoning; I suppose falling into other mediums for communication would make sense, under that criteria. 

    Sort of speaking of which, which seems to not be grasped; social cohesion. The actual forming of an entire community, rather than several splinter groups that just so happen to share a space. Splinter groups are fine; but if they are unable to actually form into a cohesive larger entity; then there is no community. It's difficult to care enough to explain it; but it might be important to someone, and it would be a real side effect to consider. The forums, discord, and IC character interactions are clique-y and circle jerkish enough as it is.To a new player or an outsider to any internal group; they are isolating and divisive. It leaves one either having to fall into a cringetastic group of over the top snowflakes with no realistic/significant substance, or fall into a group that really doesn't care much and just fucks around. There is no middle ground nor possibility to even allow for full group integration and cohesion. The few individuals that are reasonable, are few, and are difficult to find. This risks yet another group arising, simply to tolerate any outsider group.

    Okay; so how does all of this tie into OOC? Very simply; you can casually find common ground with other people, without being bashed into some corner somewhere, which the forums, discord, and IC interactions are almost fine tuned to achieving.

    17 hours ago, Bxil said:

    Do as I do. Make fun conversations IC. Seriously.

    This sort of touches upon the same thing, or at least is similar enough; not everyone wants to talk to everyone else. Not everyone has enough, or even a single thing in common. Which is where OOC comes in. You could easily ask in OOC "wow, am I the only normal person here, or is everyone a snowflake species?" to which some outsiders might perk up at the fact that there are indeed others like them "holy shit, another normal person like me? I thought I was the only one on this entire server" to which yet another person might perk up "oh, nah, there are a few normal people here; we just stopped bothering with interaction outside of ourselves, because we... didn't think there were others" "cool cool" etc, etc. A fun IC conversation to one person, might be over the top cringey to another. "errrheherreerhhhugghuhu  hey QM I found an anime dress and a dead kitten in the garbage, can I keep them?" "get your filthy cheeto dust hands away from me and get out of my bay, you're creepy as fuck" "oh boo hoo why QM why, I'm just lonely and wanted to have a fun conversation, I'm going to the bar!" (supply radio):"just fired that fucking creepy ass weeb. playing with dead bodies and skirts" "ha, what a fucking weirdo; I remember when cargonia was great." "Ha, yeah; I remember running this place like the cartel." --- So, see, fun conversations really only occur with people you have something in common with. Cliques form; because they have nothing in common with other cliques. 

    I don't know; these are the most basic of topics for team building, psychology and sociology. There's a lot that goes into these things; a medium of the most casual of casual communication is something that is going to reflect a community. Which currently is already shaky. At least; from an outsider perspective. I've only found one person that isn't cringey and actually interesting to have a few words with, every so often.

  21. Obviously not Ace, but I can give perspective of what I imagine they are getting at with #1. 

    When I was a mentor; I loathed getting mountains of questions that were totally innocuous and were way more appropriate for OOC, anyway. Especially if it was something I couldn't actually answer coherently. Back then was different, though, and I would often be the only one on during late (early?) hours. I imagine things to be somewhat similar now, though. I find it way more appropriate to ask an innocuous question in OOC for anybody to answer leisurely; rather than potentially sending a probably inconvenient message at a less than ideal time. I find it abhorrent that countless people will screech "F1 FOR MENTOR HELP IC IN OOC MURSHUNS BAN!" over and over, when a mentor, if they indeed had time and could have reasonably done so, would have responded in OOC. By a mentor not doing so; it is reasonable to assume they were busy, thus the innocuous question was indeed most appropriate for OOC. I find it polite and considerate of the mentors to ask OOC or go back to  scouring the wiki, prior to sending them anything. 

    Though; perhaps the notion of a mentor is misunderstood. Either by myself; or others, or both. Maybe the role isn't defined. Is a mentor meant to be able to expertly and coherently explain every question that could possibly be asked? If so; what is the expected response time? Or; is it that mentors are more so... mentors. People with developed knowledge and understanding to turn to for fine tuned advice when needed, that can not reasonably be understood via the wiki or other members of the community alone. 

    Here; maybe an example might help. 

    Mentorhelp: Ckey/(IC Name) : How to air?

    Mentor: I'm sorry, what?

    Ckey: Choking

    Now, at this point, I am sure a mentor would know whats going on. But do they have the articulation to describe exactly what is needed? To put on a face mask (whats a face mask?) (no, not a bandanna) There is a box in your back pack with a mask and an air tank; use those. (I can't get them out of the box.) (take the box out of your bag, and then take the mask and tank) Click the blue oxygen tank icon in your upper left hand corner (I don't see it) (put your face mask on, then try) (it didnt work/ air ran out) (did you put the air tank on your belt or in your pocket?) (no in my back pack) etc, etc. 

    So, you see; this would have been more appropriate for an OOC chat, as it would have been explained a lot quicker, and would have potentially saved wasted time from either a current ongoing round and/or other questions that could have been responded to. I don't view mentors as human wiki pages nor tech support. While ss13 has a ridiculous learning curve; I don't view mentors as fulfilling that role for explaining the bare bone basics. 

    Another example would be getting ahelps like these: 

    Mentorhelp: Ckey/(IC Name) : Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

    Mentor 1: wot

    Mentor 2: I am sorry; could you rephrase that?

    Mentor 3: Are you asking about clothing, or maybe mirrors?

    Mentor 4: You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that?

    Mentorhelp: Ckey/(IC Name) : Haha, you right, thank!

    These were super common. I remember only one person from Europe was able to understand anything of what they would be asking for or about. Again; due to frequency; I think it is more reasonable to send it to OOC. 


    Anyway; this was long winded. screeching about IC in OOC is obnoxious. Bombarding ahelps is obnoxious. If OOC is really a problem for some people, consider muting and banning or generally shutting OOC off for a bit. Otherwise general discussion within the community is good for general group cohesion and forming cohesive bonds outside of IC. Which can be super isolating with cliques and bias against characters etc. Especially for new players, I imagine. There is seemingly enough Circle J'ing enough as it is everywhere else. 

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