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Posts posted by Colfer

  1. Ok, so I thought about it some more, but I dont know how to edit forum posts, so Im going to say this: It should do microbattery damage (1 per 5 tiles moved) and will only last about 20 seconds (And wont drain like normal if your not moving), and the speed would be enough to make it about 20 tiles before collapsing back into near perma crit, Im not a game developer I just believe that for all the weaknesses IPC's have (not having DNA /no powers/ weak /50% more damage from brute burn/ unaffected by viruses /no healing virus what so ever/ I believe this could offset all of that back to a balanced scale, Im not saying the IPC could survive a nuke and walk around for 20 seconds, Im just saying that if you get your head cleanly blown off and both your arms are flashing red in damage (which can happen in.. one shotgun blast theoreticly) you should get knocked over yes, but you shouldnt be completely unable to get back up because of 150 damage, you could lay down and let the microbattery conserve energy and allow you to talk

  2. As an IPC I don't generally like how at 150 damage your body just suddenly stops working for no clear reason, I was thinking about a change for it. Instead of falling over and your body just giving out for no reason, your power cell has to work extremely hard to carry around your extremely battered body and therefor your power (hunger) starts to drain extremely quickly while your moving, after your hunger gets to red your body will be unable to move and you will collapse, your micro battery now at extremely low power only powers your posibrain and nothing else in your body, allowing you to speak even in this status,

    (Also this is my first forum post I've done)

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