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Posts posted by NoWolfie

  1. Quote

    Actually I never entered the Vox Box, I was an Unathi.

    My bad, thought you're another person

    Point still stands though these guys had it coming, except i think that human was bald and in jumpsuit so he was probably new and had no idea what he was doing, but at least he went for medbay after getting beaten up so i don't blame him that much unlike vulp which kept coming back for not much reason even while being very hurt to get damaged into crit which resulted in one of vox getting bwoinked towards round end


    Also there are really not much information about "how to vox" on wiki, all it tells is some lore and Inviolate, so everyone are winging it by looking at the way other vox behave which also mostly have no idea what they're doing which resulted in almost all vox being pox 

  2. Quote

    A group of vox beating non-vox into crit for entering a vox box (All non-antags, I ahelped but it was 30 seconds before the shuttle arrived and I got no reply from an admin on the matter)

    I remember that round where vox were beating non vox who entered their vox box, except out of four in there only one was hurting people

    There were about four voxes, we built our box and just sat in there, built chem machines, got microwave from maint, made it comfy and fancy, only rule we had is vox only allowed because there was nitrogen only atmos and there was almost no space since we made it in that small tool storage under gateway. But as usual nearly all people who were entering it either started breaking windows or started stealing shit from that box, even after being asked to get out more or less politely they ignored that, and considering sec never gave a shit that round we had to beat people up a bit if they are being that determined to stay in there.
    I think you played that blue vulp that round, also after numerous times where we asked you to go away pls vox box vox only you went on about "Hurr durr why can't i stay, which law why can't i stay ;c", and even after few non-lethal hard punches, ignoring pain you were very keen on getting into that box where things went out of hand and that one vox smashed you into crit with baseball bat while other one was just sitting there and two others were trying to disarm said vox since it was clear that they lost their cool.
    And tbh I can't blame them, if people want to be annoying then they have no right to wonder of why they were met with brute force after being asked nicely to stop being annoying


    I've seen a Vox be arrested only for the officer conducting to the arrest be pushed over by a pair of other Vox (The pair being non-antags)

    Oh wow its not like that never happened with greytiders/metabuddies pushing sec for various reasons while sec is doing arrests

  3. Spriter here and also, oh shit, someone actually cares about this stuff i thought it was abandoned so i stopped working on this ;-;
    I will finish sprites soon if someone will actually code this

  4. 1 hour ago, TwoCam said:

    You could also make not harming the station or the crew a goal for all mages.

    That would probably fit for adminbused wizards midround, not for gamemode wizards which purpose is to wreck shit.

    But they probably should get their own set of goals, maybe even goofy ones, simular to abductor surgery victums, but i don't want them to be restricted to not wrecking shit (aka tator without hijack), or this gamemode will lose its charm quickly. 

  5. Wizard gamemode literally relies on one single person, and in most cases, said person will die in few minutes resulting in round not even reaching 20 minute mark, because its rare to get that role and is very easy to screw up/get lynched by crew.
    If that gamemode instead would be replaced with raging mages, such rounds would have more action in it, more people can roll for wizard and whole station will be affected by this gamemode, which won't result in  <20 minute extended.

    It will require tweaking and nerfing/buffing few spells since slaughter/laughter demons are already very devastating, but if it'd be done right, we will have magical version of nuke ops, which is way better than wizard which we have now.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, MamaFarthole said:

    Is this Jake? Hi! It's Farthole from the Discord / Qoorso! What a coincidence to JUST see your post?

    Hi. I forgot to say hi when i joined forums so i did a post only now

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