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Posts posted by Bernkastel

  1. I've tried maybe 3 times with green sentient spiders in xenobio laying eggs, but the problem is there is no way to effectively communicate with the spiderlings that hatch throughout the station, and i've had conflicting rules stated from admins about how they are governed. They're like the only thing with its abilities in tact, so it'd probably be best as was suggested that round, to just remove them? Regardless i', not going to be messing with them anymore as its just a mess lol. The only contained way of doing it would be to weld all the vents in the room before hand so they all hatch in xenobio, but its still just generally a problem...

  2. I thought because they had no blood, chemicals would not work on them. For instance black slime extract does nothing to shadow people who similarly have no blood, nor do roburgers or anything else(I accidently turned myself into one and tried desperately to be anything other than a useless monster until I died and got my brain transplanted). Because of the rarity of plasmamen I haven't tried it on one and came to the conclusion that since they also have no blood, chemicals were useless against them. If that's not the case and chemicals work on em then case closed, I was just ignorant. Honestly I was just tired of code red where the same person is a vampire and kills all of science wing...every single time without exception, and the only method of self defense available to science wing is chemicals and bombs, obviously not gonna use a bomb. Its that or play literally the entire round as a civi with a science degree which isn't what I signed up for.

    Thanks for the lesson on plasmamen, learned alot which i'm sure you've nearly got on copy pasta because of all the op talk surrounding them. You have a good argument... 

  3. Heyo first post here, anyway I've heard that ipcs cannot be vampires as they do not have blood, but then i notice that plasmamen can? Why is that, they also have no blood. Not to mention their built in strengths plus a vampires strengths make them near impossible to deal with. Without blood you cannot use any chemical warfare, they break out of stuns, can jaunt away. I'm still fairly new but it feels like vampires are the strongest antags among the typical starters. Their thing says don't go in chapels, and don't go in space, but plasmamen are immune to space, immune to chemicals, immune to stuns as a vampire, and typically will get anti fire gear asap making them impervious to almost everything? Its kind of frustrating, and doesn't make sense lore wise. Can slime people be vampires? Give me your thoughts.

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