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Posts posted by Mark9013100


    This gamemode is however also considered to be one of the more boring gamemodes currently in the rotation, especially if they draw out too long.


    it helps to interact with other players than just go afk and watch paint dry waiting for something to happen



    But then how is that really any different then just murderboning? People are still out of the round, atleast if they are dead people can talk in deadchat and watch the chaos.


    being dead isn't fun, period.


    zmQQuwH.png this was on bay by the way



    I agree that removing the Emergency Response Team isn't the right solution to fixing the issues the team currently has. Rather than removing it, we should find ways to fix the team, as stated previously.


    Well removing shit is the way Fox sees as the method for dealing with problems.


    ther than removing them. Remap the CentCom starting area and ERT shuttle to include holding cells and loyalty implants, and perhaps give heads the option to choose the type of ERT team they need.


    Loyalty implants don't do a damn thing, dumbasses will be dumbasses, placebo implant or not.



    2.) / 3.)

    Agreed, it happends and it doesn't happend. Only way to sort it is as I said, game mechanic or simply "order" them to recall the shuttle as ERT technically take command!


    And this is part of the problem, sometimes ERT takes total control even if they don't need too, and then follow up by not cooperating/communicating with the crew.



    1. They never improve the situation for which they've been called, infact, they usually end up doing more damage.

    2. The crew always calls the shuttle before/after the ERT shows up.

    3. I've never seen an ERT outside of nuclear emergency/xenos(which they're never needed for because aliens got nerfed way too hard).

    4. I've never seen a non-security ERT except when an admin forced one.

    Inshort, ERTs are just shitcurity with all access.


    1.) Not true, I've seen just as many bad ERT's as good ERT's. e.g. ERT was called and killed/captured a wizard and a ninja, while causing minimal damage to station.


    Do not use this round as an example, all I saw was two trigger-happy ERTs.


    2.) Agreed, this annoys me the most. Either you call ERT or Shuttle not both. Maybe some sort of ingame mechanic that disables shuttlecall for x-time. If you call ERT.


    3.) Not true. As Captain I attempt to call ERT for other crisis too, such as above mentioned.


    That still doesn't balance out the amount of Heads that call the shuttle over ERT.


    4.) Not true again, however yes. Sometimes "harmful" players given weapons(ERT) usually end up bad.


    In general I see a higher amount of good ERT, than bad.


    During a ling round, an ERT officer decapitated two people who looked the same.


    Me and another grunt armed with SAWs assulted two nukies holding out in the Caps office and managed to kill them both. Meanwhile the rest of the squad got into research, found the Cap and killed the rest of the nukies.


    That was me with the SAW. Piece of cake. Plus we killed three. ^^

    Like I said, they're only useful in nuclear now.


  6. Karma unlocks do nothing, if some cossack from serbia can buy NT Rep and machine people, they can certainly buy ERT and fuck up someone's day. But as I pointed out, ERTs are only useful in nuclear now, and with the removal of the CC holding cells, it limits their capacity in other modes, like rev.


    1. They never improve the situation for which they've been called, infact, they usually end up doing more damage.

    2. The crew always calls the shuttle before/after the ERT shows up.

    3. I've never seen an ERT outside of nuclear emergency/xenos(which they're never needed for because aliens got nerfed way too hard).

    4. I've never seen a non-security ERT except when an admin forced one.

    Inshort, ERTs are just shitcurity with all access.



    only to be told to just execute the damn Rev head already, by command.

    Good, rev fucking sucks.


    One of my first security ones, which was cult. Two cultists were arrested and had their tomes found, so the dumb fucking warden and an officer decided the best course of action was permabrigging and execution, all without even asking the Head of security/Captain. By the time I already had the Chaplain's items for deconversion, one was dead, the other SSD. Fastforward an hour I detain a rogue customs officer and deconvert him in front of the captain. What happens next is that the shuttle gets called and me and the deconverted officer head to the escape pod, only to be stun and cuffed by both of the fucking morons from earlier. I then ask the Captain to back my story up and he says "it doesn't matter".

    What the fuck.

    Round ends with Tweedledee and Tweedledumb bragging about how they're in the right and how I was rogue by trying to prevent a "valid" execution.



    In case of a non-emergency situation in which both the Captain and Head Of Personnel are MIA, then it's a vote between the HoS, CE, RD, and CMO.

    In the event that is a emergency in which the Captain and HoP are MIA/KIA, then the HoS takes over.

    The NT Rep and Recruiter are not part of the CoC, but in the event that the captain and heads of staff are all gone, it's safe to say they can take over.



    Well any engineer can fuck the station with the supermatter or singlo, any atmos tech can gas the entire station, any scientist can do any number of horrible things.....if we start karma-locking every job that has a chance to cause mass grief, slippery slope and all that


    Yes, but those areas are under constant supervision from other players, where else the virologist is in a secluded part of the station.


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