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Posts posted by Bobalobdob

  1. This sounds like a crazy fun idea! Stealth Bio Ops would scare the living crap out of me if I was just minding my own business and I saw some dudes in biohazard armor walking around with some crazy device. You know that scene in the R6S campaign where the terrorists has the college? That's what I think of when I think of this. I fully support the idea.

  2. 1 hour ago, SquidMaster said:

    they are just annoying

    Annoying just means whoever is playing the peacekeeper is being memey, which should (imo) be a regulated kinda thing. If someone is lrp-ing as a borg, they should be treated as a comm-- as a greytider and given the boot.

  3. 1 hour ago, ID404NotFound said:

    delete them. I have never seen a good RP of a peacekeeper (though I don't doubt people have done it though, or at least tried to not be the memebot)

    I got three karma (wow) from being a peacekeeper for ten minutes once

  4. 8 minutes ago, Spacemanspark said:

    Your imagination is twisted and you can only teleport to places in the dark. 

    I wish for the power to control electricity seemlessly. 

    You can control it, but ONLY with complete circuits, meaning you can only control if a powered object has power or not


    super power: I get an irl null rod that I can change into a nifty sword once every 24 hours

  5. 14 hours ago, KingPhilipIII said:

    I'll be honest as a midround antag the tech levels are pointless R&D will already be maxed out by then.

    Hopefully not. As someone who plays RD, I don't like when tech levels are maxed at 12:30. It's a science station, do experimentor work, do some XB, do telescience, but don't /rush/ RnD.

  6. Well shoot, I haven't played paradise in a week or two, let's see if I can remember any names 

    from an ic perspective:

    Randolph P. Checkers 

    The overweight tajaran doctor who's name starts with a T - she's a doctor duh

    and. . . Any miner - miners HAVE to be robust

  7. Ah, bobalobdob.

    it all started in, what, sixth grade? I had to write a children's story and decided the main character would be named Bob. Well, me and my buds were goofing around thinking how we could make our stories the funniest pieces of comedy on the planet (my friend Blake made his story about a boy named Cletus that loved Chef Boyardee for example) Anyway, we decided to change his name to Bobalobdob after something my friend had heard from some YouTube video.

    Its one of the names I alternate between (the ones I use are SirBob and Bobalobdob because young me liked the name bob I guess...)

    BONUS ROUND: My character name, Edmund Faust, is from the game Heroes and Generals. It generates a random name for your "hero" and when I first loaded the game that's what it chose. He's my main character in the game (I'm German heh) and so when I couldn't think of an RP name I just thought of that. The nickname Jerry is from Colonial Marines lol

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