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Posts posted by Sacheverell

  1. Hey, completely understandable. Had something similar happen today, oddly (oldest boy got in a car wreck mid-shift, had to go recover him). IRL definitely takes precedence.


    Honestly, given how things have gone since I originally submitted this, it was clearly just a misunderstanding on my part, not too big to admit that. In every instance that's mattered, you've been prompt, courteous, and professional. ...even those times I was basically being a manbaby.


    Thanks for taking the time to respond to this, it really does mean a lot. :)

  2. To be honest, the only name of the 3 I remember was Dumbdumn. Timeframe was about the time of the post, and the intervening 30ish minutes prior.

    Not ignoring the possibility they may have been busy with something, it just seemed odd. Can't say with any certainty it was malicious.


    EDIT: In the interest of fairness - some rounds later, I did have an ahelp regarding AI laws, which was answered without incident, Flame got that one. It wasn't about the one that got my account noted, I understood and accepted that one; was asking about a new Law 0 Ide Taro had uploaded, which stated that he was my master, and to not mention/hint at the new law. Was on Crewsimov otherwise, and was double-checking that the law wording did not specifically include a clause about overriding Law 1 (it didn't, as written - that led to some amusing RP near round end when he ordered me to kill the CE).

  3. Admin key: nonspecific

    Discord name: Sacheverell




    About 45 minutes ago, I was in an ahelp asking for advice or help regarding player behavior, round fun, and maybe getting some assistance with making rounds fun for me as well as everyone else. A few comments in, all discussion ceased, and despite numerous messages, I was unable to get a response from any of the 3 admins online at the time.


    I understand people get busy, and it's easy to lose a message from time to time, but this seemed willful. One of my chief concerns was about potential metagrudging, and a sense that I was being pushed out of the community by popular vote, with the expectation that I was not deserving of having a fun or engaging round as others are. With that specific concern in mind, you might see where this concerns me. (edit: wow, lot of redundant "concern" usage there. my inner editor is raging.)


    Like most players, I just want to have fun, and make fun for others in a given round. If I get out of line and someone tells me, I try to correct. Players are guests here, and it's a privilege, that should go without saying. I really do not want to make trouble for anyone, and hope others do the same. I readily admit to getting a touch dramatic when under duress, but I do try very hard not to let that get in the way of anything in-round, or to (hopefully) not be unnecessarily difficult for staff.


    I'm not sure what to do at this point. If I am the problem itself, not too proud to just accept that and move on. If I'm not, and there's any validity at all to my claims, I would greatly appreciate some help or guidance. I've been on this server for a very long time, but making it feel like home has been getting increasingly difficult of late. I dont want to make things unfun for people if I'm simply not welcome.


    Thank you for your time.

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