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Posts posted by MooneyDriver

  1. 1 hour ago, necaladun said:

    This "single rude comment" was you saying that you sincerely wished someone would get cancer. So yes, the server would be safer and better without you. The kind of person who would say that is not welcome here. This is not the kind of server where we tolerate such disgusting behavior at all. The fact you have not at all apologised or even recognized this behavior as absolutely abhorrent, and instead claimed that it's not against the rules, and have complained about getting an incredibly short ban, that has since expired, shows that his judgement was wrong however - the ban should have been much, much longer.

    This entire complaint comes off as incredibly petty. You received a day ban for something against the rules, something which it should be obvious is not only against the rules, but is also a despicable way to behave.

    I see no action that needs to be taken.


    Posts in this sub-forum are supposed to be polite and calm.  Read your responses here.  Do you really think you're being polite and calm?

    Maybe I've just been corrupted by too many years of online gaming, but people say heinous shit to each other all the time.  I understand that you don't want to see it here, and it's not going to happen again.  That doesn't mean I agree with you that I am literally Hitler and said the worst thing that anybody has ever said to another person in all of human history.  

    For the record I'm not complaining about my ban, I was just pointing out a certain lack of professionalism by one of the admins, and asking why the punishment he handed out was directly contrary to your published guidelines.  If you're just going to make it up as you go along, why bother writing down guidelines at all?  

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, necaladun said:

    Admins are allowed to handle their own appeals here. As the person who issued it, they'll be more knowledgeable of the situation. 99.9% of the time, there is no issue there. If you wish for someone else to handle the appeal, that can be arranged, but I see nothing wrong in how spark handled it.

    Temporary bans are for a minor to medium thing, as is stated in the guidelines. Telling someone that you sincerely hope they get cancer is not seen as a minor thing here. That degree of abuse and disgusting attitude is majorly not welcome here. A 24 hour ban for such a thing is still a light punishment.

    The type of person who doesn't think it's repulsive to tell people you hope they sincerely get a painful and often lethal disease, is a disruptive player, and the server would be better off without them. Thus I see no problem at all with a 24 hour ban.


    Saying that a single rude comment to a single person is so malicious "that the server, as a whole, would be safer without them" is a bit hyperbolic, no?

    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, necaladun said:

    I see nothing of merit at all in the complaint, and find sparks actions merciful.

    I don't disagree that what I said was rude.  I said as much in my ban appeal.  I am not arguing that my single line in LOOC was acceptable.

    My issue is the disparity between your published administrative guidelines and how this ban was handed out.

    The guidelines say that one hour bans are appropriate for people who continue with vitriolic chat after being warned.  I received no warning.  I did receive a ban 24 times what I would expect even if I had been warned and continued.

  4. I forgot to add, spacemanspark does not seem to be operating within or even near the ban guidelines posted on this forum.  I was given a 24 hour ban for one line in looc.



    Players breaking a Rule they were already warned over in the past, acting in a disruptive (but not overtly malicious) manner, or just generally being disrespectful when being PMd over a minor issue are all examples of what could warrant a Temporary Ban.

    60-120 minutes (1 Hour - Full Round):

    Applied for cases of continued vitriolic behavior in chat, usually to the point where it begins to bother other players, especially if an Admin had already warned the player to calm down, or as an exceptional “time-out” option. Do note, that continued escalation will lead to harsher punishment.


    Again, I was never warned to calm down.  Spaceman told me that I had broken a rule and that he would be applying a 24 hour ban.  I have never been warned over violating this rule in the past.


    I think it is important for admins to be able to differentiate between somebody politely disagreeing with them over something and what spacemanspark calls "snark".


  5. Admin Key: spacemanspark

    Complaint: Spacemanspark banned me for violating a rule that did not exist.  I submitted an appeal, and rather than let another admin handle it, he took it upon himself to respond and close my appeal.  He was quite condescending and unprofessional, both in our initial encounter and in his response to my ban appeal.  I get that being challenged can make people feel a bit defensive, but that seems like a great time to step back as an admin and let somebody else deal with the problem.

    Spacemanspark also thinks that 24 hour bans are what was meant by "warning" in the following rule: "While anger, frustration, and abuse may be quite suitable ICly, you may be asked to stop by an Administrator if it is seen as over the top, spamming, or without good cause."  That seems more than a little heavy handed.



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