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Posts posted by Eric

  1. I was actually IMMERSED in my character because I am a drug addict and had taken a lot of rainbow cannabis leaves, which resulted in a newfound addiction, which I had to fuel through sexual escapades. I did not go into detail on these escapades, and therefore was not in violation, since it was closer to the accepted "Suck my dick" insult than an actual ERP. Which, I must remind you, was accepted by one of the other players.

    "Consent is defined as permission for something to happen or agreement to do something."

  2. REASON: You have been banned by ansari.
                     Reason: whats the key to suck dick = null
                     ill suck ya dick for 5 dollar = null

    If its for breaking RP, I couldn't ask in OOC because it was "globally blocked"

    If its for being ERP, it was a joke and I had not intended on legitimately ERPing, nor was i given proper warning after saying it

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