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Posts posted by Slith-Skaar

  1. Mute sting is fine as it is.
    There are a few issues with it that need to be fixed, for example;
    Grey Translator doesn't mute and command highlights being able to spam


    "(Head of Security) Halpus Polseus stammers, " " "

    Which automatically means oh he is a goner, and feels extremely meta(y).

    • Like 1
  2. Heirophant staff is honestly, really weak and just used for intimidation. It does jackall damage with its spells, Xenos can ignore it, and just heal from the resin faster. Tspiders can just do the same in webs. The only good thing about (not counting the pretty lights it makes) the heirophant staff is, is for an emergency teleport out, but in saying that, that requires the user to stand still uninterupted for 5 seconds.

    Meathook is STRONG, yes I will admit. HOWEVER this requires you to actually aim at a target, and connect. if it misses, it has a HEAVY cooldown. Most of the stuff obtained from lavaland honestly isn't too bad, considering the risks.

    Dragon Transformation, again strong however very fragile at the same time, glass cannon and unrevivable should you die.

    Lavastaff and Staff of Storms, both I will admit are the VERY strong counters to biohazards such as Tspiders and xenos, but at the same time prove a risk to the crew so... I guess its a trade-off?


    In any sense, I don't see an issue with miners being able to counter biohazards considering they already go against giant man-eating skull-face-things and angry birds and dragons. They should be threatening to fauna such as Tspiders and Xenos. Play around it and play stratigically. They aren't immortal, just tougher than your regular folk.


  3. Aye the cloak looks great but sadly is shadowed by the Explorer Suit, which can be upgraded 3x chest and head, and doesn't even provide any immunity to ash storms. Its not worth making unless you are a Hermit, but even then you can be better off hunting legions for a better suit.

  4. i am an australian crocodile irl that hisses and stuff 100%

    (Real response)
    In regards comparing Slith to myself, Slith is more.. how I would be would I not be affected by anxiety and the load of crap that comes with it. I'm not nearly as expressive as I am when I am in character. The reason he is known as "the maint lizard" is because I am a sucker for horror and science fiction, which is why SS13 has grown on me tenfold. I will most of the time put others ahead of myself which sort of coincides with Slith, himself.

    So to put it short I think its a 80-20? if we put it into a ratio?

    • clown 1
    • honk 1
  5. Quote

    1. The RNG needs to go or at least be reduced. People can stand up at random or just die instantly. This makes the game feel unfair and random. Which it is.

    Completely agree here, there seems to be way too much RNG involved when handling combat scenarios. I've been in cases when I was constantly whaled on by FOUR cultists, three with burning tomes, and one with a sword, which had removed my heart and lungs. My entire health doll was red. I was still able to stand because I didn't roll for shock. This feels incredibly unrealistic in many aspects.
    Another case is I have been hammered by a holoparasite as an officer,  fairly recently too, while on fire, for about a minute straight. Rolling shock despite being in constant negative health seems too be too inconsistent or unrealistic.
    This is one of my key dislikes to the "Newcrit".


    2. Have a set damage threshold at which point people die guaranteed. Once again. People won't die or go down, making it extremely annoying if you unload a full clip into somebody and they keep happily walking around disarming you.

    I'll just refer to my previous statement, the amount of scenarios people have been in, bombing runs, fires, slash-fests.. people should have died in these scenarios but because of the lack of damage cap and reliability on braindeath is very high, it just really don't work for most antagonists sadly.


    1. Chemistry is quite useless due to the fact that the vendors are stocked to the brim with meds. Reducing the amount of stuff in there will help make chemistry relevant again. Although this would also mean that medbay is heavily reliant on chemistry. Even more so than before new crit and such.

    This is a huge issue here that one core job is made redundant due to recipe removals and restocking of medvendors. All chemistry is in the current form is a Strange Reagent shop or Cryoxadone Cabin, don't really need much else apart from maybe Mitochloride.
    Vendors need a drastic nerf in my honest opinion.

    As much time and effort that is put into "NewCrit", I don't think it fits in a mediumRP server. The previous health and crit system was perfect in my honest opinion, simple but effective and gets the job done.

    • Like 2
    • angryeyes 1
  6. I can one up this.

    Slime Powered Taxi.
    Step 1. Have Xenobiology produce Black Slime Extracts.
    Step 2. Find someone willing to behave as a sentient slime.
    Step 3. Have Research and Development construct a temperature gun.
    Step 4. Set the Temperature to the highest hot setting.
    Step 5. Have the sentient slime drag you as you fire them with the Hot Temperature gun.
    Step 6. ...help I am going too fast now.

    This probaby is faster than old meth speeds, it is absolutely hilarious and silly.

    Enjoy slime races.

    • Like 2
    • fastparrot 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, ZN23X said:

    Ya'll need to get better at losing and dying. I probably get xray in sec once every 15-20 rounds. I get killed by cheesy shit antags do every 4 or 5. Get over yourselves lol

    I wouldn't mind losing fairly, but what you just said "Cheesy" is exactly what Xray is. Its like playing against Counter-Strike:Source wall-hackers, its not fun at all.

  8. 2 hours ago, Dinarzad said:

    The thing is, Removing X-ray will not make playing antag more predictable, if anything it opens up more possibilities. you can afford to make riskier moves on-station because now X-ray is not a possibility. And without X-ray bogging everyone down, you can afford to re-balance in other ways, the looming concern of "Sec officer/Antag with X ray plus X? Too OP" is now taken out of the equation and drastically lowers power creep, so that different and actually interesting mechanics or things can be added, it opens up so many more possibilities in balancing and playstyles then having it does.

    Nailed it right there, couldn't have said it better myself.

  9. I am also for making vampire fully powered nightvision toggle, plus heat receptors (Similar to changeling augmented eyes minus the flash protection). It sucks not being able to see the shadows and the lighting. Half the time I don't bother getting full powered due to this effect.

  10. Personal Opinion:

    I would be perfectly fine if X-ray (Genetics) was dumbed down to Nightvision. It still leaves the element of surprise, it doesn't leave the Stealth antags with the choice of going through the murder-bone route, giving them a chance to still play in a stealth manner.

    X-ray, the implant compared to Thermals, is just a full on upgrade with zero downsides. Thermals have a weakness to Flash and light based attacks whilst X-ray has none of this but giving you more of a view. I don't feel like X-ray belongs in a game like this, in its current form at-least. It eliminates the element of surprise, the spooky atmosphere of Space Station 13, and have on many occasions, ruined the roundtypes leaving them extremely dull and boring. (See: Cult"stended" episode 132).

    Limiting the effects, giving it some nerfs, or even removing it, would honestly be an impact that would be purely beneficial to the server. It would allow people to be more creative with antagging, creating on-station bases, on-station lairs, and even some bargaining rooms, in short... Freedom (From validhuntings too).

    Those are my two cents.
    I am welcome to discuss balance means and theory-crafting too.


    • Like 4
  11. Good ol' DepuTea. Keep at these FoS, you do amazing work. Never fails to bring a smile whenever I am in Tea's presence. Its an aura of happiness and joy, not to mention the amount of adorableness it projects.

  12. Best of luck to you skele-man Slade. You have been a good inspiration to the SS13 community and a damn good person to share horror stories with. Hope to see you around these parts when you get the time. You have my seal of approval.

    • Like 1
  13. Yep, laser pointers have a microlaser installed that you can remove and replace with a screwdriver. Higher the tier microlaser, the more powerful it is. Increases the chance of camera knockouts, borg sensor overloads and piercing the flash protection veil.

    • Like 1
  14. I have a few weapons that are all equally favorable.

    1. Changeling Arm-blade / Dark Blessing - Feels so satisfying and looks sick, and I mean come on, its a fucking bone/flesh sword for an arm.

    2. Power-gloves (Shock-gloves). Makes me feel like Dominious from Path of Exile - " THE TOUCH OF GOD!"

    3.  Claws. Those things can actually decapitate and rip out organs. I am okay with this.

    4. 357 Revolver. Its high noon.

  15. Thank you for replying Streaky with that, however the context of the situation was that the sentient syndicate on the Wild West gateway mission was an uncalled for way to "change the meta". The gateway itself is a huge challenge if you are without a way of reviving yourself (I.E. Changeling). I was doing the gateway completely solo as a non-antagonist and just being a whole "MacGyver", using only what I obtained or made my own tools, up until the point of this "addition" which was not a fun or entertaining way of adding a challenge. It was a blind curtain fire in the dark which ended my run, due to internal bleeding. Had there been more interaction or at least some reasoning behind this stunt (besides the whole "leave thith place, itth ourth", {yes, with the lisp}), I would understand but given the scenario of being a solo combatant against this gauntlet of operatives, it was not an enjoyable experience, took me out of the round fairly early on with zero chance of being revived (Due to being in the gateway) and killed my mood for the night.

    Taking a player out of the round due to this is not fair, Spartan did not give you the context of the situation nor did they make this an enjoyable or pleasant experience.

    • Like 10
  16. Admin Key: LPSpartan

    Your Discord name (if applicable): Slith

    Complaint: From the start and setting the scene, normal round, went into the gateway. The gateway being the Wild West. Making tremendous progress, first time solo going through this dusty hellhole. Stocked up on firearms and about to finish off the last gunners. LPSpartan decides to adminbus himself with Nuclear Operative gear (From my perspective, it was dark as night) and ambushes me without any word. Shot multiple times and died to internal bleeding. This was uncalled for and quite frankly an abuse of power. I never asked for this, I never taunted nor prayed for a random adminbus encounter, nor was it deserved and was not even compensated for the unfair round ruining stunt he pulled. His attitude towards my adminhelp was quite disheartening as well. Image source attached.

    Thank you.

    (If more context is needed, I can try and provide it as soon as possible)


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