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Posts posted by ClockworkRuse

  1. I can give a little bit of my own experiences from playing Zip Reed:

    What I've found is that when I play IAA, my experience is largely based around who is command and how you interact with them. If the heads are willing to hear me out, I've had much more fun as an IAA because I've felt like I was able to impact. Warden trying to open the armory on code blue? Say something politely over the sec channel. Chances are someone else will chime in if you've made your introductions. You aren't there just to ensure that space law and SoP are being followed, you're there to protect people from the punishments from not following them.  Of course, if that same warden handing out lethals on code tells you that they are the law and you should fuck off? You write a report and send it to the heads. Even a PDA message can go a long way in a lot of cases. I've had plenty of Captain's tell me that they didn't know something was going on/weren't okay with something going on that have stepped in. I usually say something about IAA being on station over comms and that if anyone has any concerns, they should come talk to me. A lot of problems that an IAA faces could be solved by just communicating.


    I honestly don't agree that the IAA is a useless position or underpowered, it's just a very difficult role to play. For an IAA to be really effective, there has to be enough time to go through the proper channels and make your presence known. I've had more success trying to play an advisor than anything else, just trying to chime in politely over comms.  I don't feel like giving them access to suspend ID's is a good idea, because ultimately what will happen is that security will ask them to use that power for their valid hunting and the IAA should no part in that, besides do you really want to give the clown the possibility of shutting down IDs? Because one tabled IAA and suddenly security can't open doors.


    Letting them disable ID's isn't going to let them ensure SoP or Space Law are being followed, giving them access isn't going to do much either. Most of the time, if you just ask, someone will let you in anyways. But do you really need to be in engineering making sure that they are doing their job? Do you have to babysit the chef to make sure they are producing at least three dishes every twenty minutes? With basic access you could walk by and see things like that. Hell, you can wait in your office until you hear people being pissed over comms before you go check anything out. And even then, just talking to people and feeling the situation out should be enough to get things to go somewhere.


    As far as answering to HoP? I could see that. I've seen a magistrate like.... five times. If that. Maybe if an IAA answers to HoP in regards to matters of SoP breaches and a magistrate in regards to Space Law? That would work.

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