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Posts posted by Master_Exploder

  1. something i've never gotten to work (the setup takes foreva) is a saw style trap, where you trap em in a room, one dude's got a bomb in his chest and is on a table, the other dude's got some ghetto surgery tools. You give them a time limit to get the bomb out and disarm it, and watch the fun begin.

  2. Anticept, that is a perfect Idea for R&D. Cooperation from departments that should naturally work together, and a science department where research from all the different labs matters. That would be, pardon the French here, fucking fantastical. However, would require coders and a totally new system. I'm seeing tons of criticism from people like our dear friend Someguy here, and by that I mean people with no idea how science works and who openly state "oh I never play science ew", which is shorthand for "I have no idea how these changes effect gameplay". I've said it and I'll said it again, yes, science needed to change, it was boring and tedious, but at least there was something to show for it at the end. Now lt it's boring, tedious, and /literally/ impossible to finish, as half the high tier items are either not in the game at all or non-functioning. Someone earlier mentioned as a brig doc, they had to pester medical in order to be any use whatsoever, and I want you all to imagine a department that's only goal is to now pester other departments.

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  3. Science is by it's very idea the most "broken" part of the station. The point of science is to make cool shit and upgrade things, and no other department has that role, which is why it's "broken" to other players that don't like science. People don't play science to finish R&D by the time the shuttle arrives for a crew transfer. the department itself is built around creating things for the crew to use, whether it's upgrades for medbay, parts for engineering, the station project, or items for a traitor abusing science for their own nefarious purposes. Removing or making it so tedious it's not worth the effort is not a fix. You might as well remove the department as a whole and replace it with a piece of paper that says "no fun allowed SRS ROLEPLAY ONLY!!11!". if you want to fix science, fix the items, not make the items unobtainable, and hurt the department as a whole.

    As for "not doing the job" there is PLENTY of work that goes into R&D, but people have naturally found the quickest way to do that. That's people for you. As i mentioned in the first post, i'm even all for changes to the tech levels. I dont think R&D should be do-able with mats and one dude running the protolathe, I really like the departmental co-ordination now required, for science at least. You need Xenobio, Genetics (if that actually worked), and robotics working with you, and that's great! What's dumb is having to go to cargo to beg the QM to let you use 160 points on two machine prototypes, and then go to the captain and HOS, and beg them for riot shotguns, or the chain of command, and then go to botany and BEG them to stop making weed for just a second.

  4. If we really want an IC perspective, why are we researching anything? NT has way better gear, and apparently machine prototypes just sitting around that max engineering R&D.

    This is clearly a punishment nerf to anyone that likes science. At least make it fully functional with anomaly cores and other items from TG.

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    But in all seriousness after playing a round of this, it just seems petty. The autolathe has been mentioned plenty enough, and yeah, it's just a minor screw you to whoever is unlucky enough to get forced into doing R&D. The departmental co-operation is kinda nice, seeing as you need to get slime items and robotics parts, and even the botany items make SOME amount of sense, but as for the combat and engineering levels, it's just silly. Why are we researching engineering items when NT just has boxes of engineering level six items sitting in a warehouse somewhere, and the other option for improving engineering? it doesn't work! DNA structural Enzymes, no matter how many powers are loaded into them, give engineering one. Why does the chain of command give combat 6? WHY DON'T ANOMALY CORES WORK, GAH! max research levels are /actually/ impossible to get for most techs, RNG or not, since cores are broken still. Illegals are totally impossible without high level contraband, as well. The best you can do is illegals 2, and that's kinda whatever, but still, is the right way to fix power-gaming just removing it entirely?

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  6. Heya, Master Exploder here.

    long time lurker on discord, and I've just now warmed up to the forums and such.

    The two characters I play are John Falconey and James Nightly, and probably based off those name (especially John), you know i can be really dumb sometimes. Anyways, i look forward to getting more involved in the community, see ya all around.


    Also i take commissions, MS Paint only.



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