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Posts posted by Victorarvan

  1. I hate it every time I choose to play a fat guy, everyone calls me fat
    Yeah, thanks.

    Then they try to force me to drink weight-loss shake.

    I wanna play as a fat guy, can I please be left alone?

    Why should I get my secway stolen by a clown, only to never ever be returned because I choose to be fat?


    So what if my sec belt has nothing but donuts stored in it?

    I demand that all the bad guys stop running so fast, I can barely breathe,
    stop trying to give me a frickin  heart-attack, damn you.


    sick joke.png

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    • honk 6
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  2. The point is not about how this server sucks, the point is about how it could improve vastly
    by taking the advice he gave.

    Stop being a bunch of bitches, stop treating this game like a job, the game should be about fun.
    When something goes wrong, stop pinning players to the wall, yelling at them like they fucked up at a real job that will actually cost you money or your entire company.

    The players came to enjoy themselves after a long day (or a long nap and doing nothing)
    You need to let the game play itself a little.

    I am not talking about total anarchy, but banning people permanently for small mistakes that affect only a single round of maybe 2 hours is just moronic.

    Stop being so strict on language, people sometimes just want to freely express themselves and cannot help it, they want to talk the way they talk in real life
    and if someone's offended by it, which by the way, literally nobody here ever is, let them be.

    I've had a few bans, and I'll admit, I've been banned before for good reasons, but sometimes it's just completely stupid.

    It's like you guys are powertripping and want to show off authority in-game.
    you wont even allow sarcasm and jokes to be used as responses.

    In unban appeals, you ask that we kiss the very floor you walk on, that's simply fucking bullshit,
    the template asks for your reasoning, but if you say what you think, your appeal is declined, even if you admitted where you were wrong or you
    promise not to do it again,
    unless you come up with a new one where you kiss their asses.


    Edit: I lole at your shit tier memeing abilities


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  3. Admin Key: Spacemanspark


    I got jobbanned for accidentally setting an incorrect law set to the AI that someone pointed me to, which by the way, I was ahelping for: "How can I reset the AI" for which I got 0 responses within 20 minutes, then suddenly when push comes to shove, I take action, THEN mister spark finds the right time to attack and tell me I'm job banned for accidentally misusing an AI lawset (protect station or something like that), which was immediately corrected 5 seconds later anyway.

    this is not an unban appeal in any way, I do not necessarily give a shit, saves me from being the captain or head of security even though I set those to low every god damn round.


    Admins like spork don't like arguing at all, they seem to think they're above debate.
    You can't even respond with a joke, or it might hurt their fragile ego.


    Me: "You could at least have told me about my jobban after the round was over as to not cause a panic attack and ruin the rest of the round."
    Spark: "No."
    me: "Now who needs a job ban?"
    Spark: "Tone down the snark."

    If you try to pursue an argument with the admins, you'll get threatened with getting banned, same on discord, OOC or dchat.
    I understand that they're busy, if that's so, they can just ignore/mute people they find annoying and no one will be hurt, 
    but threatening them with a complete removal from the server for personal grievances with a person that's actually trying to tell them why
    they are wrong, to me simply sounds absurd.
    And I don't mean shit talking them in OOC/dchat/discord, I mean literally one to one PM chats.

    Admins like spark are just on a powertrip and need to stop taking the whole thing so seriously, it just feels like you're constantly walking on eggshells.
    It shouldn't feel like being in Court where you have to be careful what you tell the Judge or face execution.

  4. A couple rounds ago, I decided to be the bastard fat piece of shit HoS.

    I was Brett Keane, the fat HoS with white hair even though he's only 40 because of how unhealthy he is.

    We had slings on the station and due to my fatness, I had to get the secway for better mobility. 

    Some asshole clown decided to steal my secway and hide it in maint or whatever, I later made the announcement that anyone who
    was obstructing our work would be severely punished for aiding the shadowling threat. Few minutes later I arrest the clown and told him I'd only give him 10 minutes, but 40 if he didn't tell 
    me where my secway is,

    he being a clown of course refused and I gave him 40.

    A magistrate comes by (round end he said *sees 40 minutes* he was laughing his ass off) 
    He says "Theft doesn't get you 40 minutes"
    To which I replied "Theft of my secway DOES!" (*bursts of laughter from everyone while discussing this later*)

    Later we finally killed the slings with fat HoS on top.

    I don't know where I was going with this, probably trying to make some point.

    anyway whatever.


  5. Metagaming is somewhat involved if you have the same authority from your performance in other rounds.

    Unless you can somehow "earn authority" within less than 2 hours every single round, it's basically impossible.

  6. Nah, I like showing off authority when I play a high-standard position.

    If I'm hos and some shithead underling works against me because he disagrees my methods, I will fire his ass.

    I wont meta against powergamers, but if they powergame at that moment, refuse to take orders and just go doing whatever willy nilly, I will take action against them.

    If he doesn't like it he can ask an IAA.

    The unfortunate thing is that almost everyone has already played every role before at least once, so they think they shouldn't have to take orders from someone who had a
    less significant role previous round and they many also base their respect on their authorities based on how they performed in other rounds, which is also metagaming, I think.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Streaky Haddock said:

    Blueshield is for protecting the heads. That is his only job. He makes sure the heads are:

    1) Alive

    2) Healthy

    3) Awake


    That is their entirety of their function. Their accesses and equipment and SOP all center around this one job. Blueshields can detain but they can't arrest. They don't have access to equipment storage, and they only have basic department access so they can reach the Head's office but can't go inside the office itself.

    Similarly, Captains are forbidden from engaging in security duties. They are not allowed to arrest or take down those they see committing crimes except in self defence. In the example you gave you saw "an antag" and instead of calling security /as you are supposed to do as the captain of the ship/ you had your bodyguard attempt an arrest which put him and then inevitably yourself in danger.

    Blueshield is not your personal attack dog. They aren't your personal security officer. They don't even fit into the standard chain of command. They report to the NANOTRASEN REPRESENTATIVE. 


    In your original post, you basically turned into what is referred to as a 'redshield'. You abandoned your charges to chase after your ID and PDA and got humiliated for your efforts. You chased this guy and chased this guy and accomplished nothing. You are not a one man army, you aren't even the scariest dude on the station. The little blue folder on your desk tells you one thing and one thing only:

    Only the Heads, VIPs and Centcomm officials matter. You don't matter. The rest of the station doesn't matter. Keep. The Heads. Alive.


    You get robusted by a greyshirt? Tell security, get a new ID and PDA from the HoP/Captain, equip yourself again and keep the feelings of shame and humiliation buried beneath a professional demeanour and a single-minded focus on getting the Nerd, the Fascist, the Butcher, the Grease Monkey, the Scrub, the couch potato, the the complainer and the narc all out in one piece.


    And what's more: You're going to fail pretty much every round to some degree.


    I don't mean to be a dick; but you're coming across as contemptuous of the people without a mindshield, fragile and, quite frankly, like you've never read the Blueshield page on the wiki at all.

    That is all well and dandy and I had admitted to my mistakes, I was just so frustrated at the time, I didn't think about it. But the major complaint was that the greyshirt was wasting everyone's precious time over being searched. There's alternative ways to deal with so called injustices, which he didn't take, instead wasted security and ERT's time trying to catch someone who wasn't an antag.

  8. On 23/09/2017 at 7:41 PM, FeiH said:

    I feel that if someone wanted to be an antag Hunter they could just join as a security officer than as a Blueshield. 

    There seems to be a weird recurring sentiment that blueshields can act like regular security but with command-level access. If you're a blueshield and shadowlings are taking over the station? Let Rome burn, keep the captain safe. Everyone who isn't command or mindshielded is a potential threat. You're not here to make friends or enemies, you're here to ensure the survival of your charge. Let the brutes in red handle the rabble while you focus on keeping the captain alive and breathing. 

    You can certainly shoot and detain antagonists who threaten you or command, but if some balding man in a gray jumpsuit gets shot in front of you, you're no more obligated to do something than anyone else. 

    It often does directly affect command and the blueshield themselves, also the original complaint was that the blueshield's shit was stolen by someone and security was not willing to help until shit got way too out of hand because of some greytide stealing tasers, kidnapping the blueshield and getting the ERT to run after him for absolutely no reason, just because he didn't want to be searched.

  9. On 23/09/2017 at 6:37 PM, Streaky Haddock said:

    I don't really think this is a bad thing. Inconvenient for blueshields, yeah, but it means that blueshields focus and their responsibilities are clearly defined. They aren't supposed to compete with security or the HoS because they're meant to concern themselves with the security of the heads, which I find quite liberating really. All of that horrible shit sec's dealing with? Not my issue. I meet an antag in engineering with the blueprints when there hasn't been a CE all shift? Do what you want, man. I'll mention it over command but it's the HoS' job to listen.

    Shadowlings take over? My job to heroically drag the Captain/NT Rep/Whoever to safety, weld the door behind them and scream YOU'LL NEVER TAKE THEM MONSTEEEEERS.

    If someone steals command property, you are in full rights to take them down.

  10. On 23/09/2017 at 11:48 AM, EvadableMoxie said:

    I think the problem of Blueshield vigilantes comes down to how unrealistically constrained they are.  The rules make zero sense, and pretty much force the Blueshield to either be a completely ineffective bodyguard, or to break the rules in the course of doing their job.

    Take shadowlings, for example.  By the rules, A blueshield can only attack a shadowling or thrall that directly impacts a command member.  As long as none of them attack heads, the Blueshield can't touch them.  And even if one does, he can only arrest that one.   Yet, the shadowlings are trying to take over the station, and if the ascend they'd be able to teleport to the bridge and gib the captain instantly and there would be nothing the Blueshield could do to stop it.  Now a sane and reasonable person would say this means Shadowlings are a massive threat to the entire command staff and need to be stopped at all costs.  But the Blueshield isn't allowed to be sane or reasonable.  The Blueshield must sit next to command and wait to see if security wins of the Shadowlings do, and will be completely useless either way.  It's frankly absurd. 

    This pattern repeats with just about every type of Antag except for nuke ops by their very nature. But bodyguards are not gunmen who help their wards win a fight.  Any bodyguard who lets his wards get into a gunfight has already fundamentally failed at their job on a very basic level.  A real bodyguard identifies and proactively neutralizes threats before it gets to that point.  Unfortunately, Blueshields are not allowed to do this and as such as not really Bodyguards. They're a sentient turret that follows command around.

    I remember one time playing cappy, me and blueshield both had x-ray and there was an antag behind a door to maint from cargo where we were and he was getting prepared to attack us, so what I did was order the blueshield to surprise him by opening the door and arresting him, frankly both of us got robusted and I got killed instead, but I got bwoinked for ordering the Blueshield to arrest him. Was told "call security instead" when he was directly going to threaten my life as a captain.


    I don't even know what blueshield is for anymore.

  11. 1 hour ago, Jovaniph said:

    I think the problem is that players who play security are afraid to go from non-lethal to lethal, because they expect to get BWOINK, Jobban, and/or even permaban. Even if you had a good reason (I had a good reason but got permabanned and jobbanned thinking that someone was a shadowling), In my experience, you have a chance to get banned regardless. 

    edit: and when I mean good reason, I mean a solid reason that you assume something was true happened to be true/false in the end. For example, when an admin bwoinks you and tells you that they were not a shadowling and then get banned because you failed to recognize that.

    Meanwhile IRL, cop's constantly shoot innocents out of false suspicion but get to keep their jobs.

    "You're expected to follow higher standards" yeah, well mistakes always happen.

    And don't you DARE question the Adminolino's judgement OR FACE THE PERMABAN.

    Some times if you get bwoinked and you believe your IC actions were justified to them it means "they'll do it again".

  12. 9 hours ago, FeiH said:

    Their ID says Blueshield. Blueshields are bodyguards. I'd assume that someone who gets hired by NT would receive a crash course on identification, especially when "BLUESHIELD" is on the ID and not "BADASS DUDE WITH A GUN". Crew definitely IC know what Blueshields do.

    The blueshield has no security authority outside of protecting Command. To quote the wiki:

    emphasis mine. 

    The blueshield should notify security when crimes are happening. If it's not happening to command or within a command-access area, it's not their problem. 

    It literally WAS happening to command, it was happening to BLUESHIELD HIMSELF.

    How hard is this to understand?

  13. 4 hours ago, Birdtalon said:

    Blueshield is not a security officer and shouldn't be acting like one and that includes searching people. I admit this comes from an ooc hatred of the abuse that the role is used to perpetuate. The blueshield is a bodyguard and is not there to enforce space law short of detaining trespassers on the bridge / command areas. Why should I comply with someone searching me who is not even authorised to do so?

    I agree to some extent. However Normal crew IC do not know what Blueshield's orders are,
    for all they know Blueshield is just a badass dude with a gun who can do whatever he wants.

    The problem with my experience was that it was a personal matter, someone had stolen from the blueshield and the blueshield was not able to get it back
    even though he was fully in the power to do so at his own will, these things were ID and PDA, without these, he is incapable of doing his work.

    Although I know, It could have been done better, but at the very moment that it happened, I didn't want to let it slide.

    Civilians should not pretend to be members of command and should not pretend to know how they operate within.

    Stop with the Sovereign Citizen crap.

    • explodyparrot 1
  14. This might fit in the complaints section, but as I don't want to get any players in trouble, or at least would prefer not to,

    this is a general thread about types of players I hate.


    I am not talking about people who just pick up medkits and treat themselves without visiting medbay once or picking up tools and hacking doors, breaking into places for no real purpose,

    stealing shit etc.


    People who simply do not know their role and their place in the chain of command.

    If you are not an antagonist and you go around stealing security/command's weapons and then using them against them while they chase you,

    there's a special place in hell just for you.


    Some of them know many of the game's key components perhaps, but they do not know one very important aspect of the game, which is knowing your place.

    CC>Captain>HoS>security>heads of staff. (Probably not super accurate but you know what I'm getting at)

    Most players have played all these roles before, but when you sign up to play a role that's none of the listed above, you must know that you have no authority over them.

    You're not supposed to kidnap Security or command personnel because you think they're doing poorly at their job or you feel are abusing you.

    If you feel there's a problem, you take it up with the IAA and at the VERY WORST, that you are maybe permabrigged or  killed/executed unfairly when you're not a valid,

    you should take it up with the admins.


    Pretending to know all the secrets that Security and Command normally know while playing as a civilian or a staff is simply powergaming.

    No matter what you do, someone will always disagree with what your actions. That is a known.

    But, I can't stand people who think they know the game inside and out and think they have some kind of IC authority over you for something they might think you did wrong, so they

    try to forcefully "Fix" it without your permission. 


    Example: I played blueshield, then this greytide wants to show how "ROBOOST" he is in the game, Story starts like this, the blueshield just got his PDA and ID stolen by someone with pickpocket gloves, this does not show on the chatlog when something goes missing, now wrongfully, he wanted to personally search everyone he suspected to have stolen it, although naturally called security at first, security didn't find anything on the ones they suspected, then they stopped caring.

    Blueshield could have just asked the captain for a new ID and forget about the whole ordeal, wrongfully tried to search an old man who had been a pain in the ass to everyone the whole round, because maybe he had stolen them. Then a barber helps this old greytide and they go on an eternal journey with the blueshield running after them trying to just search them.

    What happens? ERT catches the barber, Blueshield almost gets the old greytide, but gets pushed, greytide picks up the baton, decides to stun blueshield, cuff him and go on an adventure with the entire security department and ERT running after him, while he simultaneously tazes and batons security and ERT personnel. Eventually all things come to an end and the poor old greytide gets rusty with his "robustness". 

    During the end of the round, it turned out he was not an antagonist. He just did all that for shits and giggles. He could have taken it up with the IAA or anything else because he disagreed with blueshield's choice to search him personally (because alas it was a personal matter), instead goes on a rampage with security and ERT while the station was in a state of emergency with Xenos running around.


    What should be done?

    I don't know, as I don't think banning is the right solution and everyone should be given the chance to improve. 

    But it should be a reminded to players to not be powergaming dick and to know your place in the chain of command.

    ps: All command personnel were fine in the end of the round.

    Pic unrelated


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