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Posts posted by Shanewayne9

  1. Admin Key: Shadykins

    Your Discord name (if applicable): Shanewayne9 


    First to explain:

    On the 1/29/2018 I was job banned from traitor for round start cultist suicide by shadykins. On the  1/31/2018 the job ban went from traitor to all specials jobs. I thought the reason for the job ban was confusion due to a part in rule 5


    Frequently joining a round, only to then leave if you did not get an Antagonist Role (Antag Fishing), is not permitted;

    Due to my confusion, I went looking around trying to see what I did wrong, after talking with Shadykins over in the unban request post, saw what I was looking for in rule 6


    If you are not willing to act as an Antagonist, or if you have to leave the round midway, Adminhelp so someone else can fill your role;

    Apon looking I also looked in the admin guidelines. Perma job bans for antag are for those deliberately or maliciously acting against objectives of team-based antags. For a temporary job bans for antag its for those acting against in a non-malicious manner.


    Players that warrant a Permanent Jobban do so because they are deliberately causing harm to others by abusing their job and its access, or deliberately and maliciously acting against the objectives of team-based Antagonists (Nuclear Operatives, Cultists, Shadowlings, Xenomorphs and Abductors).


     This punishment can also be applied to players who deliberately try to be apprehended by conversion Antagonists, or team-based Antagonists (Nuclear Operatives, Cultists, Shadowlings, Xenomorphs and Abductors) acting against their objectives in a non-malicious manner.


    Now for the complaint:

    I do understand the reason for the ban but I feel like the ban was a not justified. According to the admin guidelines, a perma job ban for antag is for those who act maliciously against team based antags objectives, and I feel like suiciding is not malicious. I would understand the reason for a temporary job ban as, suicide, is not a malicious manner. Definition of malicious is in a manner characterized by malice or ill will; with intent to do harm. If you look at the unban accepted and look at my post you see I do understand that suiciding could give up there is a cult and I do have better talismans then normal but I feel like my perma job ban was not justified based upon the admin guidelines and suicide is non-malicious to the cultist goals -as it was not harming to the goals but just one less member which does no harm. Also would like to point out that my perma job ban went from a traitor to all special jobs banned - I can not play as pAI/etc. It makes no sense to my why I would have my ability to be pAI or other special jobs that are not antag related taken away, or non-team based antags also taken away. That is all for my complaint. Thank you.

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