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Posts posted by HeadyBucket

  1. Sorry I'm late, took longer than expected and I'm not even finished. So this is what I've got so far.

    Shiv suggested by AzraelKnightquest: 
    taping a piece of glass to stop it from cutting the users hands, removing the immediate need for gloves, nothing else to it. Requires 3 tape.

    Wallet jokingly suggested by Rumiluntti:
    Makes a wallet. Requires 10 tape.

    Seal boxes, crates, and lockers suggested by FPK (boxes) and Machofish (crates and lockers):
    Done the code for the boxes, but not the crates or the lockers because I'm a forgetful pleb. Requires 1 tape to tape a box, which cannot be opened, have its contents poured out, or folded. Can be removed by hand which takes 10 seconds, or with a sharp object which removes it instantly. Plan on doing the same thing with the crates and lockers except if someone is inside the locker they can break out, but it's going to take some time, also more tape will be required to tape them.

    Seal vents suggested by FPK:
    Sealing a vent stops small things from crawling through, stops air from flowing, but it only lasts for 5 minutes and you cant tape it if the exerting pressure is too high. Requires 5 tape. I've also done the same for the scrubber, but because it doesn't exert pressure, there nothing potentially stopping someone from taping it.

    Cover eyes suggested by FPK:
    To cover someones eyes either target the eyes directly or attempt to tape them after taping their mouth, disregarding a specific target location. Requires 2 tape.

    Repair damage on IPCs, borgs, and mechs suggested by Machofish:
    To make it not replace the welding tool I put a limit on the amount of times they can be repaired for the brogs and mechs, and for the IPC I made the amount of healing that can be done equal to half of the amount of healing that can be done by the welding tool, which is 60. The borgs and mechs can only be repaired three times before a welding tool is needed to reset this, but to reset it completely they need to be welded an equal amount of times it was taped. And if any of them were repaired with taped, repairing them with the welding tool doesn't repair them until there's no tape left on them.

    Can replace cautery for ghetto surgery suggested by Machofish:
    Exactly what it says. Requires 1 tape.

    Repair inflatable walls/doors suggested by Machofish:
    Imo this is the most needed, because as far as I'm aware of there's no way to actually repair these, or at least from what I seen in the code. Requires 1 tape per wall/door.

    Make a belt buckle on a chair suggested by Machofish:
    Stops you falling off the chair when you smack into a wall. Requires 5 tape.

    tape+wood to make splints suggested by Machofish:
    exactly what it says, but now that I'm typing this I think it might be a problem since splints last all shift and remove the need for surgery, though I might be wrong about this since I never use them and just go straight for surgery anyway. I think I saw a pr about changing how splints work, which would go well with this assuming what I said is true.

    Finally, I've also increased the max amount of tape in a tape roll to 20 and added them to the YouTool vending machines.

    This is what I've done so far since I liked these the most. Everything else either didn't work so well when I tried to code/sprite them or I didn't really think they would be suitable, but I can be persuaded to think otherwise.

    The ones I thought were nice but couldn't make were:
    - Nerd glasses. The sprites were to small and pixelated to clearly see them, making it pointless.
    - Blind Cameras. I had lots of fun making this one, learned a lot about the AI, but then I realized that if I made it so that it would show the name of whoever covered the camera to the AI (even if they are unknown) it would just make it too easy for the AI, making it better to hack and this whole thing pointless, But if I didn't then it would be better than hacking it anyway, and make it OP. I couldn't find a middle ground for this. Got some coding for it done but holy shit I've never spent so much time reading code.

    As for everything else, sorry but I couldn't think of a reason to put them in. Either there was an alternative way of getting the same result or the result just wasn't needed. I'd list the reasons but the post is already too long as it is

    It's worth noting that every single number/variable here is merely a place holder.

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  2. lol thanks.

    I've almost finished everything that I've been working on. Should I make a new thread or just post it here? Either way, I'll do it tomorrow or the next day. When I'm finished I'm going to make sure I didn't miss anything that should've been done.

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  3. Can't say I don't like doing things simpler just for the sake of it, I like things to make sense with some thought put into it.
    While I can't blame anyone for trying to do things the easy way, however if you're doing work for something you're interested, it wouldn't make any sense to me.
    I appreciate you trying to make it simpler for me, but I don't work like that. If there's something I'm interested in, I'll do what I think is right. I may half arse some things to an extent just so I can mess around with it and experiment (like I did with the makeshift armour) or not spend so many hours on it on a certain day, but that's about it really, Ill happily do it over again or spend more hours to make up for it.

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  4. The YouTool sounds like a good spot. I finished the shiv on Thursday, even showed it in the post above. As for that armour you described, I'm not fond of it. Not saying I'm opposed to the idea of any actual makeshift armour, but makeshift armour that has the sprite of actual armour just with tape on it, seems misleading. Makeshift armour should look makeshift and not like REAL armour that is just patched up in some way.

    This is my imagining of makeshift armour: 


    hazard vest for comparison:

    (Made this for an example, I honestly don't like it)

    Imo makeshift armour should visibly display the scrounged parts it was made of, like you can visibly see what's keeping it together. If you look at a well crafted piece of medieval armour, a bullet proof vest, or even scrap armour, you will find that the things keeping it together are either not very visible or not at all. Where as the armour I sprited above looks like it was put together in 5 minutes with what the person had near them as a "temporary measure", which is exactly what makeshift means.

  5. I've made it so it takes 5 pieces to craft the wallet, but it's probably going to change.

    With all these new things you can do with tape, I get the feeling I should add in some way of getting tape, maybe from a lathe? There isn't a way to make them as far as I know, might be able to order them from cargo on the console. I'll have to look later. Maybe I could just increase the amount of tape there is in a roll? currently it's 10, it seems like a fair amount with the current uses it has, but now that I'm adding more, I get the feeling I should either increase the amount there is in a roll, add a new way to get them, or both.

  6. I'm not really opposed to it, I just think something like that should be handled by people who know more about the server and with more experience. I'll still work on the code/sprites, but I'm not really confident that they'll get accepted.

    for the time being I think I'll just work on adding more ways for duct tape to be useful, rather than adding in new and potentially fucky items that just happen to require duct tape. 

    I'll just show what I've done so far.

    I've moved the code for the shiv I was working on into another file to never be used again for later use, and just made it so that you can wrap any shard in tape, removing the need for gloves all the time. Literally just a normal shard with tape on it.

    By simply using a stack of tape on a shard (must have 3 or more in the stack) it changes...

    From this 1.PNG.08426abf797973465c778c537953ad21.PNG

    To this 2.PNG.51aed68df5f82cdba44ec5363d06495f.PNG

    I sort of lazily made these as a simple placeholder until someone with better sprite skills is willing to help out.

    And yeah I couldn't resist not making the wallet Rumiluntti jokingly suggested.


    Looking forward to feedback.

  7. just because of its intended use. A weapon intended to be hidden, cause infection, and cause bad internal and external bleeding would seem OP to be so easily made and never break. The reason I added the previously stated traits was to make it unique, otherwise you just have a glass shard that doesnt cunt your hand, which you can get anyway if you just wear any kind of gloves.

    but yeah I get your point, it is illogical, but I believe we need to prioritize balance and uniqueness in this case.

    Edit: Infact, the more we talk about it the more I kinda think it's not really needed, although I think it is a good idea. I still plan on finishing the code/sprites though regardless. Some server might still use it.

    Edit 2: in DOUBLE fact, I just realised how uncommon gloves are, yet tape is almost everywhere. Might not be such a bad idea to just make a glass shard that doesnt cut the user after all. If my initial intented shiv isnt so accepted, think I'll just make it like a normal shard, without the hand cutting.

  8. don't quote me on this, but I think the reason the spear doesnt break so easy, despite being made of glass, is because glass is the only material that can be sharp AND widely found (I might be wrong on this), which can help with fighting blobs and big things like that. Not entirely sure though. Would have to ask someone higher up like Fox or something about that.

  9. On 2017-6-19 at 2:41 PM, Machofish said:

    Make duct tape usable to repair damage to cyborgs and mechs within a certain threshold - perhaps a limit of 10% integrity. Make IPCs somewhat repairable along the same lines.

    Seconding FPK's idea to ducttape boxes. Make lockers and cargo crates ducttape compatible, too.

    Allow duct tape to be used in place of a cautery during ghetto surgery.

    Using enough pieces of duct tape and glass shards together should make a complete pane of glass.

    If you're an atmos tech and your welder is running out, or you're caught without your toolbelt, ducttape should be usable in place of most tools when it comes to laying sections of ventilation and disposals piping.

    Allow duct tape to repair damaged inflatable walls and inflatable doors.

    Duct tape should be usable to blind cameras - the AI should be notified whenever this happens, and who is responsible.

    Creating a duct-tape belt buckle on a chair should prevent you from being knocked out of the chair by most means: Best used for fire extinguisher+rollie chair joyrides.

    Duct tape flashbang grenades together to make bundled grenades. Get job banned from sec immediately after using one.

    Combining ducttape with wooden planks should make single-use medical splints.

    Ducttape with a pair of prescription glasses to make them into cliche nerd glasses with tape around the bridge.

    I like these even more than the weapons. If the shiv is proven to be not needed or something, Ill get to work on these immediatly.

    My only problem though is with the taped grenades, you can already power game by getting two bluespace beakers and fill one with potassium and the other with water for a massive boom, wouldn't this make it easier to get the same big boom but with more beakers? unless of course  you only meant it for the flashbangs, even then I kinda question it.

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  10. On 2017-6-19 at 2:13 AM, AzraelKnightquest said:

    i think the Duct Tape roll could be used for various other things, such as crafting stuff that I've seen in other servers. I think it would be useful and smart to borrow from these applications. Of course, WITHIN reason. I'm not expecting to be able to make a dang Gundam out of duct tape and so forth and I know that of course, there would have to be "balancing" done. But I stand by my belief and support of these ideas.

    Duct Tape + Tray = Makeshift shield

    Duct Tape + 2 knives + Boxing gloves = Knife Gloves (If you don't support this, Wolverine will get you)

    Duct Tape + Glass Shard = Shiv (one that DOESN'T cut your hand)

    2 metal + Hazard Vest + Cable + Duct Tape and use a Wielder = Makeshift Armor (I'm NOT suggesting something on par with security armor)

    I believe Yogstation uses this and therefore the necessary logo's/symbols and coding should be accessible from there.

    Have to say, I liked the idea and think the items you stated could be some good use, especially because the tape has an actual reason to exist, which in it's current state is barely used. I decided to take this opportunity to practice some DM since I'm new to it. Though I do have some concern since it's just another way for people to self antag, valid hunt etc. but I geuss we'll see what other people think.

    The one that intrigued me the most was the shiv, I like the idea of an antag being able to get a hold of something like that so I started the code on that first.

    I couldn't find the code for any shiv on yogstations code though, so I just made my own. Took about 3-4 hours, with mostly reading other code to understand what it does.

    I attached the files with the code and some shiv sprites if anyone wanted to take a look, give some input, or add to it. It's all still WIP. Ill go through what I plan to do and have done:

    -different glass types. currently done normal glass, plan on doing plasma and supermatter, which have different strengths etc.
    -limited use, the shiv has a 1/3 chance to break slightly, which each time it breaks, it does less damage, until after the third break it's worse than the glass shard
    -I added the screwdriver as a required tool to craft it, google glass/flint knapping and youll see why. Because of this I might increase the time to craft by quite a bit, and to balance that out, increase its damage or decrease its chance to break.
    -you can dip the shiv in a toilet or a reagent container full of toilet water to increase its germ level and infect someone. It does infect but currently its not very good at it and needs some work (Also plan on adding fish water since I didn't yet look at the code for the aquariums etc).
    -finally, I plan to make it so when the shiv breaks one of the 3 times, shrapnel gets inside of the targeted area

    Made 4 glass shiv sprites, but I haven't made a sprite in about 4-5 years so I'm pretty rusty. Would be greatly appreciated if someone with good sprite skills took it upon themselves to make some glass shiv sprites.

    I'm taking a break from all this until tomorrow, so what do you all think? I look forward to any negative/positive feedback and additions to the code. :)

    Edit: forgot to mention that because the shiv inherits the glass shard, it can be used in surgery and do other things the shard does. And that because the shiv is intended for stealth, I made its item state null so in order to see it, you have to look closer at (examine) whoever carries it




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