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Posts posted by Alriac

  1. The viewport being wider makes it easier to shot horizontally, to explore space vertically, to fight lavaland monsters horizontally, to chase criminals horizontally...
    It is inconsistent that the characters are able to see further away in east/west direction than north/south directions.
    It doesn't feel alright.

    In my 3440x1440 monitor the game looks fine, but everything on the right side is too small in a 1920x1080 monitor (like my laptop's), at least for my taste since I like a wide chat box.

    I think its best to leave it a square.

    • Like 5
  2. They have too much relieve and detail, causing the visuals to feel overloaded. Meanwhile, there are many items that don't have that depth and makes them look out of place.
    Also tiles give an industrial feeling to me, maybe its the many dark dots they have, like if it was a metal plate.

    The darker tone looks cool, though. Still weird at least in the hallways, since everything seems to be way brighter.

    • Like 1
  3. Premise:

    Most of security tends to cut off the cling heads first chance they have. Some even carry circular saws with them, in case the occasion presents itself.
    Its a fast and easy way to definitely kill a changeling, cancelling their power to revive themselves and is sometimes seen as a dirty, un-fun move.


    A passive ability that activates when a changeling head is cut off. The head grows disgusting tentacles and is able to vent crawl. Same as head slug but without the advantage of the body explosion. It can't be activated manually, the head must come off somehow and with the brain inside (except suicide).


    May be similar to the already existing "last resource" ability.

    Why is it good?

    Gives the changeling a last chance to escape before its killed. Won't stop people from cutting heads but will make it more interesting, needing more preparation for the head separation.
    Also, I think it adds a feeling of coherence with what a changeling is. Have you watched the movie "The Thing"?

    • Like 6
  4. Assassinate objectives are the worst. If successful, its usually a one-side player interaction, where one dies without a chance(and a word) and the other disposes of the body and walks away, while adding nothing to the round overall. Also, miners usually kill themselves.

    My proposal is to change that to "send a message" with the intention that the target stays alive and can report what happened, both to security and the crew.

    Here is an example of "messages": "Cut off the legs of X and ensure X stays legless", "Turn X into a vox but dont give a n2 tank", "Make X experiment an horrible death, but ensure X revives alive to remember the message", "Take the identity of X and destroy X's life from inside out", etc.
    Or simply "Badly hurt X to send a message"

    The difficult part would be to check success of each different condition, which I ignore how is it programmed. Maybe just remove greentext at once? But that would be another suggestion...

    To make it a bit more elaborated it could add some reasoning to the message, like "X work is a danger to our organization", "X name was given at the interrogation of an enemy", etc. Although assassinate objectives come without context, it could really improve if we have some to talk about.

    • Like 1
  5. The other day I tried to sue the station for personal damage with a circular saw I printed while trespassing in RnD. The was no NT rep and every single character I tried to convince to make the payment, told me to speak with someone else. Talk with the IAA, talk to the RD, talk to the captain... The HoP finally sent it to CC but I think he was lying, because used his own fax and never got any kind of answer.


    • Like 2
  6. The idea is to have a preference in the character that randomizes it when you roll antag to avoid recognition.
    For example, my security officer character seems very suspicius when he has a warrant in every round that is not a sec officer.
    And I know some characters that are usually antags when they have certain jobs.

    I think its easy to code, if the current code for the regular character randomization can be used in the middle of the antag rolling process or after it happened.

    • Like 4
  7. Most of the times I enter the forum is just for that. The approved appeals section is interesting too.
    Its also satisfying to see that certain players whose awful actions you witnessed didn't go unnoticed and got finally banned.

    After that I go straight to the screenshot thread or some random ones that are shown in the recent activity section.

    • Like 1
  8. Prescription glasses without glass, just for fashion, with a description that describes the absence of glass, so everybody can see how cool you are.

    Odors! When a reagent is splashed or sprayed on something/someone, it causes constant messages similar to the food taste but for everyone who gets close enough, until it wears off.

  9. 19 hours ago, Taac said:

    Uh..... super easy. sit at a slot machine for 10 mins, green text.

    Easy yes, but is that fun?

    The difficulty is not the point, but the fun it can provide... Who would sit at a slot machine for 10 minutes just to greentext while being a traitor or a vampire? Maybe some sad players but others would make it a great experience for others and themselves.

  10. An antagonist with this objective would need to get an amount of credits by any means and put them in an especial hacked account via ATM.

    Depending on the amount this offers many possibilities to do so like making hostages and asking for a rescue, stealing credits for the vault, selling class S contraband, stealing IDs to get the money from their accounts... And would get some crew involved in their actions without killing!

  11. I think its a great idea except for the station goal. This way the antagonist actions will add to the round affecting the entire crew even if going full stealth. For the biggest sabotages that can destroy the station (destroy engine, release terror spiders and escape alive, etc) the captain could receive a warning from CC like "According to out intel our enemies have plans to [objective here] in the next hours" so it makes it more interesting both for the antag and security.

    The current objectives are overall pretty absurd and dont help to add fun to the round...

  12. The only thing I miss from OOC is to discuss the last round from time o time, which is at the same time the reason I disable it at roundstart because of the chat spam.
    The most annoying think I can think of is when someone says something IC in OOC by accident, because it doesn't end just there, stupid messages trying to be funny without any success start to flood the chat.

    I would add a "Last Round" channel to the discord server, just to comment last round and for nothing else. Also announce it in the chat when the round ends and right before the server restarts, something like "if you want to continue your conversation about this last round you can do it in our discord server: link"

  13. When you are a clown and people completely ignore you when trying to be legitimately fun: "Everybody come watch my performance at the bar!", "Can I borrow the hand tele for a escapism number?", "Need eggs, a burned mess and access to your grinder", "I require space lube", "Use these genuinely red shoes that aren't dyed clown shoes, they are wonderful!", "Everybody gather at escape, grab a tomato and wait for me around the chair for especial fun!", "You cannot arrest me for the consequences of my prank!", etc...

    • Like 1
  14. Im from Spain. You would love it. We spend the day dancing to flamenco, running from bulls and eating rice with all sort of things in it. Most spanish also love eating snails, sucking them out of their shell, so tasty. Once every 4 years we experiment massive collective amnesia involving all about politic corruption and vote the most endearing old man without even reading the electoral program.

    Also most people don't know but spain is in europe, not in south america. Our vocabulary is very different from theirs. For example the word we use to say "grab" or "take" there means "fuck" in a sexual way (a must know for every spanish who travels there).

    Now you are wondering what of the above is actually true. Only two things are exaggerated stereotypes. Guess well.

    • Like 1
  15. Station heroes, those really piss me off:
    If you see a kidnapping taking place and turns out the kidnapper uses a vampire power to stop you from helping, you don't jump back into maints, you thanks the vampire for not taking you, run away and report to security.

    Or when you suspect of someone being an antag and start watching every move, not playing the role you selected at all.

    Then we have the aggressive heroes. Those start to hit you with the hardest thing they can find for a minor crime they saw you commit. Your cover is lost, you need surgery for sure and the entire security department is after your. Your round is pretty much ruined either you ahelp it or not.

    And last but not least, PET SLAUGHTERS. These players who just kill your pet for absolutely no reason at all, or for totally unjustified reason, in cold blood. And then gib its body. I believe that should be explicitly forbidden in the server rules under a long jobban from everything but animals.

    • Like 1
  16. Great! I would appreciate any feedback to improve it. If something is wrong please let me know.

    3 minutes ago, Athavirasu Aqua said:

    Why would I use this instead of any other calculator?

    This one allows you to copy&paste both X and Y coordinates at the same time. I suggest you test it, compare with others and see for yourself.

  17. It was only recently that I found out about telescience and started to experiment with it. It's so cool! Just like star trek. But didn't find any calculator that I really liked, so I made one and I would like to share it:


    Direct download: https://github.com/Alriac/ss13TelescienceCompanion/releases/download/1.5.1/SS13TelescienceCompanion_1.5.1.zip


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