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Posts posted by GentlemanDoge

  1. Salutations. My snowman is called "Farroon-Suurn-Iist", usually an Atmos Tech or a Brig Phys. Expect him to be polite and use nice words, just don't get close to him for too much time: He will probably slip you with a soap and will throw you in disposals, if he is on mood.



    And there he is (Not a hipster):


  2. Bombs? Drug Grenade? HOP suiciding? Disposals being rerouted to your office? Yep. I was playing that day. I was trying to reroute part of disposals to go to my silly Conveyor Circular Trap. But apparently someone already rerouted disposals to your office. I couldn't leave. That was a living hell. I tried to leave by disposals, but it's like in American Horror Story when a spirit tries to leave the house (PS: They can't). Was fun to see your office so messed up, tho.







    Is this waste loop better? It will be easier to make it. I changed the pumps that go to filter loop, used the freezers on the filter loop, the waste only goes to space loop and no pumps in space loop (only those hipster looking valves).

    Notes: Waste is purple, Filter is green, the Space Loop is grey and the red one is the former Cool Loop


    Thank a lot everyone who responded this.


  4. This problem started recently, and i don't even know if it's a glitch or not. I neither know if this happens when i play on other servers. When i play on the server for some time, for like, 1 hour (maybe), the game's FPS drops HARSHLY (1 FPS or something like this) but the chat message works normally . When this happens, my character interacts non-stop with anything in the same direction i interacted before, and i can't even: Move; Close in-game windows; Close the game (without the Task Manager). Also, when the problem happens, everything else works normally outside of Byond. When it happens, i update my Byond to Beta, then everything works normally for 1 day, then the same problem appears and i Update my Byond to Stable, then 1 day, then happens again, then update to Beta and it goes like this. How can i fix it? (My Byond is Up to Date, just to make it clear)

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