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Posts posted by AceWhite27

  1. Name: Rhemus Miller

    Age: 80

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Blood Type: O-

    General Occupational Role:


    Shaft Miner




    [Rhemus's real name has either been lost to time and/or deleted by the Syndicate, so until relevancy will use {UNKNOWN} as a placeholder]

    {UNKNOWN} was born to a rich Italian crime family on earth called the Le Teste di Topo, growing up, he was a brash, arrogant and a spoiled child. Approximately when {UNKNOWN} was roughly 8 to 9 years of age, the crime family's country home was raided by earth military forces, the mother and father were killed, and the criminal empire was destroyed. {UNKNOWN} was put into protective custody under an alias name and military personnel put as watch under the guise as parents, unknown to the personnel, {UNKNOWN} had resentment in for what happened to biological parents and wanted revenge, and escape.

    Roughly around his teenage years, {UNKNOWN} made a plan to escape into the night, but before he left, he decided to make a quick stop into the adoptive parents room. {UNKNOWN} quickly slit one of the personnel's throats in their sleep, the other military personnel was able to awake from the gargling sounds of her comrade bleeding to death was able to shoot {UNKNOWN} in the heel  before he ran into the night. The world went on a massive manhunt for {UNKNOWN}, he vanished without a trace, and during this hiding, he was able to contact the Syndicate and be airlifted off of the planet as a new member.

    The documentation here is sketchy, as there isn't much to go by, but with what we can confer, the Syndicate decided to make {UNKNOWN} into a field agent, the Syndicate trained him in deadly combat and a secret form of ghost stealth, that utilizes augments and skill to become an assassin. {UNKNOWN} underwent treatment and given experimental augments that Nanotrasen still hasn't been able to find or produce. During his time in the syndicate, he achieved countless assassinations of political leaders, VIP Targets, and general enemy's of the Syndicate.

    Around 55 years old, {UNKNOWN} took an assassination target of a "highly appointed political figure" that the Syndicate wanted dead. When {UNKNOWN} reached his target he was surprised to see that his target was the leader of a religious convent. It is unknown what happened during that killing, but after the assassination {UNKNOWN} surrendered to the local authorities without incident, and sentenced to life in a max security mining asteroid. {UNKNOWN} was expected to have a high violence and high escape attitude, but interestingly was completely docile. {UNKNOWN} was reportedly working the maximum a prisoner could, and only having request's to stop in order to pray. During his time his only infractions were misuse of tools, and self harm, as it was reported that {UNKNOWN} was purposefully damaging his prosthetic to beyond repair. The station guards gave him to the chaplain to hopefully talk "some sense" into {UNKNOWN}.  After a few hours the chaplain reported that {UNKNOWN} had been rehabilitated and would like to be called Rhemus (believed to be the name of the Religious Leader he assassinated). After being prodded by the prisons physiological officer, and it going nowhere, the priest tried and was eventually able to set up a parole hearing for Rhemus, and after three attempts, Rhemus was let out of prison, only serving 22 years out of his life sentence, left as a free man and a new name, Rhemus Miller (Last name confirmed to be from the priest who helped him in prison).

    For the next few years Rhemus went around the galaxy doing odd mining jobs for money, and preaching on the side. After a sermon at a mining project overseen by Nanotrasen, we offered him a job to work on the Research vessel called the NSS Cyberiad. Rhemus was ecstatic, knowing it would be a stable job and a box to preach on, Rhemus happily agreed and went aboard with high hopes and a strong heart that hopefully he could earn forgiveness for his, innumerable sins, and help others see through the darkness, and find what light there was, on the station.






    Excels in sermons and prayers

    Mining Equipment knowledge

    Employment Records:


    Chaplain (Preferably, has a high connection to religion)

    Shaft Miner (Apparently has relevant training and knowledge of equipment, when asked how, he doesn't reply)



    Security Records:


    Medical Records:


    Right & Left Arms and Hands Mechanical
    Right & Left Legs and Feet Mechanical
    Cybernetic Eyes and Ears

    When approached by a Psychiatrist, he is distant.


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text):

    A person who is older than Christ is standing here, he has long light grey hair, pulled into a ponytail, grey, almost dead eyes, and a long scruffy beard, he is constantly mumbling, and all you can decipher from it is he is asking for forgiveness, probably lost his marbles.......

    You notice his cybernetics are dented, wires sticking out and entire sections removed.


    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Other Notes:

    Arms, Legs, Eyes and Ears were surgically removed by a professional, it is unknown by who.

    Prosthetic are custom made for a purpose, but can't determine due to heavy damage and purposeful removal of key parts, assumed to be removed by Rhemus.

    Name change may have occurred, or records were deleted manually.


  2. This might have already been said but eh fuck it.

    Keep a mug of hot chocolate in your backpack, its the most filling out of any food item and a hell of a good time saver if your starving, a good 3-4 sip puts you to full from starvation, just don't down the whole thing, then you will become obese, this is a handy trick for mining, or anyone off station/always on the move away from the chef or a food dispenser.

  3. Used to play on Hippie a long time ago, when I realized hippie was a hellhole compared to every other station, my time was then shared between Colonial Marines and Para, but I slowly drifted from Colonial to full-blown Paradise because of the normalcy I wanted from Space Station, and how much they changed Colonial Marines, I also had a stint with Fallout 13, but that didn't last long.

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