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Posts posted by linukas

  1. This "cage" had been built since pretty much the start of the round, but if you guys truly believe that Just Ordering Someone to be executed is completely fine then i'm happy to be gone

  2. Admin(s) Key: Abydos2 or whoever was responsible for the centtcomm report
    Your ckey (Byond username): Linukas
    Your Discord name (if applicable): N/A

    Date(s) of incident (GMT preferred): 14/4/20 12:34 am ish

    Nature of complaint:
    (Select all that apply: EG - clarification required, misapplication of rules, misconduct, abuse of powers, feedback, other)
    Links to all relevant ban appeals for any bans related to this complaint: misconduct, misapplication of rules, Abuse of power

    Brief description (tl;dr here. Just the critical elements):
    - Built rage cage with permission from captain
    - Advertised it, it was not used because a blob was killing people
    - Centtcomm sent a message stating for me to be killed on the blob
    - I state that this seems like abuse of power
    - Get (perma?)banned for calling the admin corrupt

    Full description of events:
    Abydos stated that centcomm ordered myself to be told to fight the blob ,which I would've been fine to do, however that is a lie as the nature of the message was to straight have me killed on the blob which was what was attempted as the blueshield stunned, handcuffed me and then threw me at the blob with the handcuffs still on. I complained that an admin just straight telling the crew to lynch someone for minimal reason was pretty invalid. I cannot remember exactly what was said but i was relatively antagonistic in my wording because who wouldn't when an admin orders your character to be lynched.
    I genuinely couldn't care less about being unbanned because I thought paradise admins were above simply ordering the death of other players through the guise of centtcomm.
    I feel like this could've been handled much more professionally than simply "he built a rage cage, he must die then" I won't dispute the ban I am simply disputing the what seemed like abuse of power to me in game.

  3. 55 minutes ago, Birdtalon said:

    2 hours is already too long in my opinion. It's fine as it is. The collective sobbing of the people in dchat when a round is voted to continue is almost physical as they have to wait another 30 minutes to have a hope of being able to play again. Not fun.

    I fully agree with you there

  4. On 9/24/2017 at 7:13 PM, FeiH said:

    Spicy shift today, peeps.

    Round start I'm a syndie collaborator. In the middle of the round I spot the chaplain's corpse, having committed suicide. I take his clothes and his ID so I can dress up in the cool witch hunter garb when a Diona walks up to me and tells me to incinerate the body. I can immediately tell that this person is a syndie, so I play along since I like to have fun. I'm in the process of helping him destroy another body when he starts telling me that he's going to kill me... Alright. I call his bluff. He slips me and feeds me ketamine but luckily he's a diona so he can't abduct me at all, so I retaliate by slipping him and cuffing him before dragging him to security.

    First, he gets stripped in the hallway. Then they find a power glove. The security officer has no idea what to do so he's calling the HOS... who's too busy doing something else to check on the, you know, syndicate agent with a power glove who killed one person and tried to kill me. He passes by processing ONCE and says "hold on I'm doing something", because he's putting on a big court trial of demoting the warden instead of doing important shit. we sit there for probably 15 minutes until the officer says "fuck it" and permas him as an EOC. 

    Yep i remember this, I think i was the officer in that situation.That hos really tilted me, I don't think I found a power glove but instead something else but the constant screaming from the diona that you were a traitor was just breaking me

  5. I remember this one time when I was security, cargo decided to declare its independence as cargonia and barricaded themselves into the warehouse. It took the security team around 20 seconds to stun and cuff the 4 or so inside armed to the teeth as they were woefully unprepared for the officer charge.


    Admin Key: Kluys


    Your Discord name (if applicable): N/A


    Complaint: I was the warden doing my job updating logs and doing processing until two people who kidnapped an officer were arrested, They were serving their time until HoS and a few of us start discussing potential of them being cultitst ultimately falling to the conclusion that they are Very Likely to be cultists so I reset the timers to get time for the chaplain to come in and test them, Kluys then proceeded to tell me over admin pms to release them as "I had no proof" "you are not above the law" etc. The kidnappers had served 14 minutes 8 of which was for kidnapping and 6 minutes in between. I then asked on the forums how to deal with suspected EOC and got this reply from a senior admin:


    If you have any legitimate evidence of them being an EOC, you prosecute them according to Space Law.


    If you have very strong, but not definitive evidence, you have the right to hold them up to ten (10) minutes in Processing. If you find no definitive evidence, you have to let them go.


    If all you have are suspicions, you leave them alone and just investigate on the side.


    I feel as though Kluys had no right to ask me to do it and then threaten to "step in" if I did not oblige








  7. I finally remembered what the other suggestion was, add in shutters to the bar area so the grey tide cant break in when the bartender is away doing other stuff which is rare but still, I have had some great RP moments in paradise so a chameleon kit would still be fun. my most vivid memory of a moment in ss13 involves a chameleon kit so that's really why I suggested it


    Well I used to sprite ss13 stuff and i can help in that aspect if that is ever needed but (Ive been playing a tajaran so much that I just want to talk in third perrson and rr- roll the rrrs) I have never really coded in byond and would personally like to learn so I could just do some fun custom stuff. Honestly a chameleon kit shouldnt be too hard, the stats are always the same, the tedious part would be the list and the changing of sprites for all eternity

    Edit: Kinda forgot that there are different races and most of them have different bodies thus required different sprites Oh god I just realised how annoying a chameleon kit is to code



    A full chameleon kit that costs probably most of the TC a traitor has available would be really cool and would introduce so many interesting situations. A kit would consist of jumpsuit, helmet, glasses, shoes, exosuit and a gun that does 1 damage


    Security should get one or two more max members as on the 100 or so players security are overworked to shit


    Had another suggestion but kinda cant remember it


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