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Posts posted by Althalos

  1. Themes are dumb, but I'm dumb so I'm joining in.

    I usually play my antagonists in a chaotic fashion. Ham it up, have people scream through comms about how there's a ne'er do well running around with toy guns shooting at people 'til they fall. Althalos is an odd fellow.


  2. No mention of Althalos? Sad day.

    Captain: Amir Stahl <- His notepad advertisements are great
    Science: Viichii <- Favorite quick R&D voxxy.
    Medical: Sam Aria <- Cause she's a cutie.
    Clown: They're all the same TO ME.
    Cargo: From what I've seen, Flora Fulton.
    Engineering: Solatus is my bae.
    Bartender: I 'unnoo


    Plasmamen were added to the karma shop two years ago by Ponies (of course) and they weren't finished back then and they still aren't. It was a bad idea back then and it still is. You can get extremely angry at the coders (you should really tone down your post, how many fucks are in there), but in the end no one wants to touch this poorly made race.


    While this might be the case, they're still a part of paradise station and they deserve to have-- at the very least-- some of their broken mechanics corrected so that they aren't as buggy as they are today. Whether you believe they're bad or good, that's fine, your prerogative. Doesn't mean they should be left to rot with some gnarly bugs.



    Two things to note, One, in a Voxygen Environment a Plasmaman CAN take off his suit, it just shows the burn message occasionally, I dont believe it actually damages it. also, that vote system seemed a little biased.


    Regardless of bias, the burning message proves the fact that the plasmamen are unfinished as a whole; this should've been something that was fixed weeks after plasmamen release, but it's -still- present. Another bug is the O2 alarm (amusingly) that continues repeatedly flashing despite not being in any danger.


    Not to mention the unfinished plasmaman suit indicating that it has some sort of self-functioning extinguish mechanic that doesn't even exist in the code (apparently) and you get a very, very clear impression that they were just left in the dust while coders went and focused on different things entirely. Conjecture, of course. But justified conjecture.



    Althalos here. Obviously. I'm not that great at providing any insightful ideas, but hey. Attempts are attempts.


    Biggest issue I have is how the current lore conveys the plasmamen as, essentially, a human with a special disease that makes him a spooky purple skeleton. As a player who frequently plays a plasmaman, it feels rather annoying to be categorized as a sort of 'sub-species'. Considering that plasmamen are ridiculously expensive to procure, for almost negligible mechanical variety. I'm not sure if this is a place to discuss lore -and- mechanical feedback, but it's worth noting.


    That said, it might be an interesting prospect to have them be an artificially created race of sorts considering that plasma is a fairly recent discovery. Food for thought.


    Honestly, I'd love to provide some actual lore feedback, but most of my complaints (besides being categorized as a diseased human, for all intents and purposes) are purely mechanical.


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