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Posts posted by Aracino

  1. I'm with LTH on this. I'm seeing so much stuff get a lot of support for someone to say "I don't like this though". For example, how long has Flattest been waiting to put the pirate mode in, and no one has even looked at it. It's likely going to fall in obscurity. What boggles me is that fucking Terror Spiders got in before that pirate update did. I'm with LTH on this issue, I think we need more maintainers or a bigger "approval" group that isn't dependent on one person saying no. (IE Neca on the mait rework)


    Actually it was used after that in the vault hallway before we had won. ERT was the only threat at that time so when people fired destroy lasers at the blob we went in to kill them. The cent comm officer shouldn't have been with the ERT.


    EDIT: If anyone should have got it, it should have been a ert member, not an admin.



    Admin Key:Elysian_Prince


    Your Discord name (if applicable): Aracino


    Complaint: This was during a blob round around 2 am, two blobs spawned, one in detective mait and one in the abandoned office. I was observing at the time and just noticed the blobs, I was prompted a little after to be a blob split and I took it. We did pretty well, got rid of the emitters and such before they could become and issue and we were looking at an assured win, which in the end we did accomplish. My problem was with the ERT that round. The normal ert guys were fine, but their ship was parked right where our blob had expanded due to being at the abandoned office. Soon as they showed up, we started to push in an attack them as they fired destructor lasers at us. We managed to take out the ert...But something was off. The cent comm officer came with them (Elysian Prince) and in his hand he has a laser weapon called THE DESTROYER. Which fired destroy shots ( the thick blue laser ones) had infinite energy from what I saw, and fired 10 or so shots and could be spammed which crippled our blob heavily. The ship eventually left, the ert dying at cent comm due to the medic not knowing medicine. We pushed back over to the vault area, the station having finally gotten xray lasers but we kept pushing despite that, it as I said earlier, was an assured win on a non abused blob round. (Besides the destroyer laser) But then that SAME cent comm officer showed up and destroyed massive amounts of our area via the destroyer. We did win but still, Elysian may do fun admin abuse at times but giving himself a death machine and running around as a CC official trying to solo a blob was just too much. I'd leave this to the other staff to determine if its worth punishing.


    Edit: After looking at the map and where our blobs were, a more accurate blob spawn area would be the disposals line south of the old office.


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