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Posts posted by Carprillo

  1. 1 hour ago, Ziiro said:

    Parallax combined with goonlighting and the sheer size of the playerbase on paradise caused unplayable lag. So it got tossed out.


    Wouldn't keep your hopes up

    Is the lag really that bad? /tg/ runs it with goonlighting and they consistently get 60-70 players on both servers, with little to no added lag. I mean, obviously there's a difference there, we're looking at a 110-at-a-time playerbase here, but I suppose I just wasn't expecting the added lag to be that huge of a deal.

  2. 1 minute ago, McRamon said:

    It... dont feel reaistic to me at all. It looks like these are not stars but glowing dust floating few meters away. Stars billions of billions of kilometrs away would not move from the human perspective. Would like to see space retextured though

    I mean, even setting that aside, it does definitely add a lot of much-needed depth to space. And as I said, if you really don't like it, it's coded with an option to turn it down/off, meaning that if you're hung up over it not being realistic, you can just elect to not use it.

  3. Hey! Just a small thing that I thought I'd suggest after coming back to Paradise after quite some time.


    Put simply: let's make space SEXY. With Parallax, the fancy-shmancy moving space code that you might have seen on

    servers such as Goonstation, /tg/, and most recently, Aurora. What it is, in technical terms, I don't actually know. I'm not a coder, not gonna pretend I am.

    But the point is, it looks awesome. It makes space feel much more realistic and have a lot more visual depth, at very minimal tickrate/ping/performance cost.

    Hell, I'm not even sure there's any cost period, except maybe a small ping increase. Anyway, yeah, go on to any of those three servers and take a look at their

    space graphics, and you'll see what I mean. In comparison, Paradise's current space is just...flat, so I think the server will hugely benefit from having Parallax

    added. And the best part is, if you don't care for it/your computer can't handle it/whatever, it's completely optional! You can toggle it off, on to basic, high, or 'insane'

    levels, and it's just generally a pretty kickass addition to servers!


    It seems pretty simple to port too, as /tg/ and Aurora ported it from Goon and it works fantastic!

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