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Posts posted by ColdSuit


    Great responses from all of you. The reason I suggest metastation was simply due to the fact that it was reasonably ready and able to meet the population sizes that paradise has been having for a reasonable amount of time now. I'm unaware of any large features in the pipe, someone care to explain those to me??


    But otherwise, I'm just making a suggestion that would affect the long term stability of the community so I completely understand any reason not to go for a bigger station.



    As seeing Paradise being towards being one of the highest population servers (80-120+ on a regular basis), would be proper to suggest a larger map to help alleviate the issue of overpopulation and lower job slots by increasing number of slots?


    A candidate map, I would suggest MetaStation. Seems like a good sized map with plenty to do, and simply a fresh change of pace for the community.


    First big suggestion I've made here (as a reasonably long term player of the Paradise community).


    Your thoughts??



    An odd sort, a bit by the book, but an all around good person.


    If you don't remember my character Phil Smith, you were the captain during a Vox trader round. I had brought in a Durand during the negotiations. You demoted me to janitor, which was broken for some reason,and took my mech. Was angry as hell as I wanted to trade the precious mech for alien technology, but I thought you were a strong captain. Props to you Harriet.



    Phil likes to relax in his apartment on Mars with his girlfriend. Goes out quite a bit too with her. Visits old friends (Mainly from the New Sweden PDF and from his university) and remaining family members (most of whom were killed in the First Corporate War, check Phil Smiths bio for more info) on New Sweden from time to time. Enjoys online gaming, and thanks to his spacious apartment due to his salary, has a small company sanctioned lab in his apartment where he plays around with mechs and mech-related equipment. Accidentally used all the hot water while micro pressure washing his quantum printer while his girlfriend was getting ready for their opera date that night.

    She was not pleased....

    Good date anyway, and even better [REDACTED] that night.



    Hello to all the denizens of The Cyberaid!


    Some of you may know me as Phil Smith, typically as the RD (but I hop around the place in terms of jobs) and occasionally the AI C.O.L.D.S.U.I.T.


    I have been playing SS13 for about two years now and have come off a period of hiatus with the game. I have played Paradise for about a year which is now my favorite server with you all.


    If you have seen me in action and want to give me advice or give me criticism ( knowing that I'm a mech loving bastard), leave it in the sections below.





    Name: Phil Smith

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Blood Type: B+

    Occupation: Head Researcher in various fields


    Biography: Phil Smith was born in New Malmo, the capital of New Sweden, Nanotrasen's center of power in the Epsilon Eridani system. His parents worked at the NT complex, managing the company's assets, in particular the orbital shipyards and manufacturing lines, located in-system.

    He lived a privileged childhood due to his parents high paying positions as chairmen on the system board of administration. But it took a turn for the worst. When Phil was 16, the Syndicate invaded the system in the First Corporate Wars, hoping to seize the high value assets in an attempt to cripple Nanotrasen. When they hit New Sweden, the NT complex was obliterated from

    orbit by the Syndicates' capital ships, killing his parents in the process. Phil fled his home to escape the bloodshed. He then came across the regiments of the Planetary Defense Force

    advancing to the various front lines across the planet. During a brief conversation with the battalion leader, he noticed the various combat and support mechs making their way to the front, a hot flashing orange glow on the night horizon. The ones that captured his attention the most, were the Durands, with heavy laser cannons and missiles pods on their chassis. He asked the officer how much experience was required to operate one, the officer replied that not much was needed and offered him position in the mech battalion.


    Over the two long, brutal years that the war lasted, Phil became a seasoned and distinguished Durand operator, earning several medals including a Purple Heart, which he earned when a Syndicate Gygax missile exploded next to his Durand, sending shrapnel into his left leg. He named his Durand "ColdSuit", even painting on a business suit on the chassis complete with a tie. After the war ended with the Nanotrasen fleet expelling the Syndicates from the system, Phil enrolled in the New Malmo University, taking classes in various sciences, passing often at the top of his class. After he earned his doctorates in Blue space Physics and Robotics at the age of 24, Nanotrasen came forward and offered him a top position in the research division on their newest station, the NCS Cyberiad. There, you can often find him working with his fellow researchers, playing with his pet facehugger, Lamer, and in robotics making a Durand, to remind him of his glory days in the PDF.


    Qualifications: Various degrees in science, Doctorates in Blue space research and Robotics


    Employment Records: New Sweden Planetary Defense Force Mech Operator 5th Mech Battalion

    Nanotrasen Head Researcher on the NCS Cyberiad


    Security Records: Reprimanded for disturbing the peace. (Screamed at a miner who didn't bring him enough materials for making Durands) (Possible case of PTSD?).


    Medical Records: Limp and scars on left leg due to combat injury


    Appearance: Phil is about 6 feet tall and 190 pounds. He has a slight limp due to combat in the First Corporate War. His figure is unremarkable except for slightly larger biceps. He speaks with a slight German accent. His eyes are blue. His expression is friendly and calm.


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