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Posts posted by Peter


    After hearing all this, I want nothing more to do with this site, or this game. I want my account removed from the game please. I do not know how you will do this, but I want you to remove my account. I also want my forum account removed.


    Thanks and goodbye



    From what I seen from your time here, you seem to take things people say very personally. In this case here,


    If you're offended by that or have a problem with it - find a different game.


    You seemed to take it as jab at you, when this is not the case, nor was it meaning to be taken as such. This ties in with the issue at hand, swearing.


    SS13 is to be considered a teen to mature game. We have massive amounts of blood. You can see pixalated people nude. There's tons and tons of violence through various means, clawing, energy blades, bashing the head with a toolbox, strangulation, just to name some. As such, to censor swearing, a extremely minor thing compared to everything else that this game has to offer, seems redudant. Particullarly since in society, many people will not bat an eye to you for swearing as long as it's not a degenerative insult.


    Now onto the next issue,


    What rank is he, oh yeah 'head of community' so we have the head of community calling his community bad things with horrendous language and he basically tells me if I have an issue I can leave.


    As the Head of Community, we have to have a far broader look at how people behave and how we want the community to look and act. In this case, you seem to be wondering how a Head can ignore one person to allow all others to be allowed to act this way. As stated earlier, to censor swearing in a highly mature game like this is very redudant, particullarly when only one person has an issue with it.




    And in this case - yes, the player was a fucking idiot.


    I'll admit, this feels out of place and should not have been said. The proper thing to have said in this scenario would have been "Yes, in this case the player was wrong", rather then indirectly attacking them. However, this is also something everyone does in real life as well. People talk behind peoples backs at an alarming rate, very often. The difference between it being a problem is if you act upon those words, or you spread rumors and insults at huge rate (Hello, Highschool kids).


    Once again, the original comment of,


    If you're offended by that or have a problem with it - find a different game.


    Is honestly very true. SS13 is a very opininated game, and many other servers are much worse at this when we are. Please do not take it as a "Get out" retort, but rather as a recommendation.



    Thank you very much for taking the time to make that proper reply :) I appreciate that. The other people so far have seemed to just have a go at me. I have not done anything wrong and you made your point in a kind way that didn't have a go at me, so thank you :)



    ... Because we aren't going to change policy just for you. Swearing is acceptable in moderation around here, we have no rule against it, if you take offense to that then your only choice is to leave. Referring to someone as, quote, a "fucking idiot" is not against our policy.


    I don't see any substance to this complaint, and Necaladun is correct- apologies if you feel offended, but if you are offended by words commonly tossed around in our community, then this community is not the right place for you.

    So, you don't have any care to the happiness of your players?

    You don't take care to be polite and kind to your members?

    You allow people to just go round insulting each other, swearing and saying they could punch someone?


    I suppose we are all just more jaded on the internet than you.

    We know that most if not all threats are bull, and we usually don't take insults personal or find them "that offensive"


    We're not saying we're not giving a shit about our players, but you need to understand that we will not change our entire policy because you and yes, only you find it inappropriate



    I do not think that only me would find that offensive. I would like proof to back up your claim please.



    ... Because we aren't going to change policy just for you. Swearing is acceptable in moderation around here, we have no rule against it, if you take offense to that then your only choice is to leave. Referring to someone as, quote, a "fucking idiot" is not against our policy.


    I don't see any substance to this complaint, and Necaladun is correct- apologies if you feel offended, but if you are offended by words commonly tossed around in our community, then this community is not the right place for you.

    So, you don't have any care to the happiness of your players?

    You don't take care to be polite and kind to your members?

    You allow people to just go round insulting each other, swearing and saying they could punch someone?



    Admin key: Necaladun

    Complaint: I made a complaint about a player and without going into detail about it, Necaladun said that the player was a f****** idiot. He also said that if I had an issue with swearing I should go on another server.


    What rank is he, oh yeah 'head of community' so we have the head of community calling his community bad things with horrendous language and he basically tells me if I have an issue I can leave. He does not make an effort to make the place nicer for me, he just says I should leave. A head of community telling people to leave, wow.


    As the head of community he should take complaints, see where the issue lies and work on it. Instead, he agreed with the player, called the other player a ******ing idiot and said if I have an issue I can go elsewhere! Wow that's just horrific.


    It seems like he doesn't care if I leave





    I replied "Maybe" because I had not yet decided whether or not add anything to your notes. I generally wait until after the discussion before making my mind up.

    Thank you for replying and making this clear...


    Look, I'm not a bad guy, I am sorry for the issue that I caused and I am prepared to move on from this.


    Let's stop this thread now,






    From what I saw, you were slipping an atmos tech.

    Who was trying to repair a hull breach.

    Inside the bridge.

    With nuke ops killing people just outside the bridge.


    Yeah that's asking for a lynching even on heavy RP servers.



    And admins do not have to tell you anything about your notes, they are for admins to use and only for them.


    hey thanks for the kind comment :)


    I understand that they do not need to tell me, that is not what I was saying, I am sorry if I caused any confusion. What I was complaining about was the attitude of the admin regarding the issue. As you can see in the picture I have kindly provided up above. He responded in a childish fashion.


    Thank you for your kind comments and respectful opinions :)



    Admin Key: Necaladun


    I was slipping someone when there was a nuke ops with my pda as a clown and I got attacked with a toolbox into crit. I ahelped and had the most unprofessional reply. I was astounded because your server prides itself on having 'great admins' and I didn't experience this when asking for help when someone was breaking the rules.


    I also asked if I would get a note for it and he answered very childishly, "Maybe". Why would he answer in such an undermining tone like that?


    Let me be clear; this is not about ME slipping them during a nuke ops round. This is about Necaladun behaving the way he did about it.






    I often hear people using bad language in game and I just want to make it clear that I am not saying people shouldn't swear, that is not why this post is being made. What I am saying is, in my opinion, people should not swear excessively, especially when it is unneeded.


    I often walk round and one little thing goes wrong, like they slip on a banana and they're like **** you yiu ****ing ****faced ***** CLOWN!


    I don't like it when people do that, and I do not think it should be allowed. The point of my post is, is this allowed,nowhere do we draw the line?


    Let me be clear, I am not moaning or anything, I am just merely raising an opinion. I am also making clear that I am merely stating my opinion, if someone disagrees,m please say so. Please don't say things like if I hate swearing stay off the internet...


    Thanks :)


  10. It's nice to see a guide helping people to get karma. I love the karma system, it's really good and a fantastic way to show appreciation to players. This outlines a few ways that can help you to see how to act in order to get karma. I like it well done :)


    We are now looking into further rewarding those who help us out in this open sourced game!

    Running this community is a lot of work, on top of general server management we also have to have an up-to-date forum and Wiki for our new and old players learning about what we are adding to the game.

    We are looking for those wanting to go the extra mile and chip in their help towards making our community even better!


    As this is a charity run community, with the continuous donation of hosting graciously provided by Melandor0 and all donations saved to only be used on server and community, there is not much we can give away other than our thanks and appreciation, and to show our appreciation we have decided to give those who show great effort in helping us a special forum badge

    This forum badge will represent your amazing work helping us, making our lives a bit easier.

    To apply for this badge, make a thread in this sub-forum with what you have done in the past and what you are currently working on, this will help us get a good look at what you are contributing, as well as giving other forum workers a heads up on what other people are working on.

    Badges will be given out on a case to case basis, and has "set in stone" requirements.


    Im gonna be doing some work on the wiki in the next few weeks :D



    If I get what you are saying here you are telling me that I should instead do my admin buisness in game while I was in no way ICLY involved in the issue. We do not handle extreme abuse of security ingame we ahelp it which is what happened.


    I am sorry but I did not abuse anyone...you are on the side of the guy who ahelped, please take both sides into consideration :)


    I have asked for a higher admin to get involved so please lets wait for that to happen :)


    Thanks :D



    I did not react in a calm manner because this thing had been going on for a full 15 minutes and i was getting tired of the constant messages, At first he was going to be executed and then when the mech pilot asked "want me to take his foot" which to anyone who speaks english can't be mistaken for something else than "i will take his foot off" you said go ahead. With the amount of stuff that went on that round including the near execution for stealing something small I had to intervene in you can be pretty happy Bans weren't dropped and yes I instead outed my anger by writing a single line in frustration. This is not however something that would justify a big complaint in my opinion.

    You are making this about what I did, this is not what this thread is for. As I said, you had the chance to have a go at me in the game, but instead you raged at me. This is not what an admin should do and this is why I am complaining.


    Also, I want to say that in response to the admin message I accepted that I was in the wrong, even though I did not know what was going to happen. I said That it was wrong of me and that I was truly sorry. I then said in LOOC That I was very sorry.


    I request a more senior admin to look over this issue please.



    Sorry if this is in the wrong place..


    Hey all,


    In relation to any online community, including ss13 do you guys find that there is a lot of negativity and abuse online? I personally have felt like I am really bad at online games because of what people have said to me sometimes, but you have to either man up or stop taking online and it's hard!


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