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Posts posted by duckchan

  1. i don't understand the logic in wanting to keep plasmamen from working on the tesla. i mean, it's not like they are super buffed. they are space worthy, okay that's a decent buff, but so are vox, and and vox can work on the engine. so what's the issue?


    Great responses from all of you. The reason I suggest metastation was simply due to the fact that it was reasonably ready and able to meet the population sizes that paradise has been having for a reasonable amount of time now. I'm unaware of any large features in the pipe, someone care to explain those to me??


    But otherwise, I'm just making a suggestion that would affect the long term stability of the community so I completely understand any reason not to go for a bigger station.

    The Yin antag type is being worked on, Pirates to replace(?) Vox T/Raiders is being worked on, Metastation has been worked on for a while now, attempts have been made at porting space parallax to the server but it was too laggy so IDK. That's all I can think of in the dev pipeline off the top of my head.


    Besides just changing out the map and getting bigger spaces, concepts for new jobs should definitely be brain stormed during this feature freeze. In all honesty, there is no point in an enlarged map until we get at least a few new roles in unless you literally want to make it four of everything(Chemists, roboticists, botanists, ETC.) but I don't find that to be a very good idea.


    And maybe make some of these new jobs some low level pleb stuff and not karma needed? If all the new jobs that get added are Karma, won't really matter when most of the playerbase can't play it.


    Point being, more space would be nice but we need to focus on job creation. Physical station space is not needed that badly, but rather various new jobs people can play and lower overall civilian count. And yes, HOPS need to be on their ball now, opening more slots such as miner, janitor, ETC.


    The two biggest challenges I see in new job creation is making sure it's not a carbon copy of another job with new sprites and in by making sure it's unique, we need to make sure they do not become station essential; keeping lowpop rounds viable to play on.

    And then just finding the room to cram these new jobs into the station or adding in small additions.

    Good thing this feature freeze gives us time as @Flattest has said.


    new jobs would be to add back the old science jobs like xenoarch and anomaly research, that's two i can think of off the top of my head.


    also you could add more fluff ones like waiters and sous-chefs. that's all i can think of right now off the top of my head though.



    the fact that pAI's can go into any sort of robots is already op as hell as it is.


    i remember a round where a pAI was in a mulebot and proceeded to kill all of sec, and then all of the ERT by runnin them all over. no thanks.


    we don't really need to enable mid-round ghost valids



    it's been absolute fucking chaos and mayhem. i love it. makes for great rp in a sense that, yesterday i was playing blueshield and i basically gave up on trying to protect anyone in the command and only protected the NT staff near the end. i think that is fun. arguably better then everyone being a super mega meta pro at everything and then going to the bar


    Greytide worldwide




    Greytide does not need to be "buffed". Greytide is not supposed to exist in the firstplace and should definitely not be encouraged.


    Hello! I want to welcome new person who does not understand that this is here to add features not to encourage greytide.

    i don't know if you are being sarcastic or joking, but being condescending to someone who is "newer" than you by a matter of months will net you any points in your favor. also, adding features can buff greytide whether or not intended


    edit: just read his join date, saw it was more about a year. but considering his posting history and the fact that him being here for a while i still don't believe going "oh, youre new, you don't know how it works around here" is exactly the right way to go about it


  6. the one thing i DO like about the nukes is that it often leads to a situation where the crew still wants to fight, and it basically ends up in a mini revolution of the crew desperately trying to find the command staff to overthrow them and stop the nuke


    The objectives for science and robotics work fine, don't they? Roboticists complete their objectives when they finish a ripley or put a posibrain/mmi in a cyborg body, scientists complete their objectives when disks loaded with tech are shipped in a closed crate on the supply shuttle. Unless you meant broken in another way.


    allow me to clarify, i meant antag objectives that are specific to your job role on round-start.


    when i was speaking of the more broader micro-objectives i was comparing it to the miscreant system on GOONstation, which i can elaborate more on if you aren't familiar with it



    so, we were talking about this yesterday in OOC chat about how to make rounds and roles more varied. i threw out the idea of role-specific traitor objectives and gave a few examples and it seemed to go over well, so i was asked to make a thread for it, so here i am


    the problem i notice the most when playing tator is that the objectives are always the same unless adminbus'd in, so things like "steal secret documents", "steal the medal of captaincy", etc etc. the issue that arises is that this consistency enables powergaming on both sides in that the captain/heads/etc will hide what should be IC just seemingly innocuous items like the medal, and then for traitors that are experienced it becomes very trivial to snag these items just from their past playthroughs and their own knowledge OOC of where people tend to hide shit or what have you.


    SO, onto the meat of the idea, i used to play on GOONstation back in the day and they had a pretty cool "miscreant" system that gives you micro objectives dependent on your role, usually dumb things like "make sure the bar is clean at all costs" as the janitor, or "make useless renovations to ____" as engineer.


    this makes me thing, why not have specific traitoring objectives to your job role? the chef has to feed human flesh to X amount of people on station (or has to make food from X amount of crewmembers), the chemist has to create X amount of drug addicts on station, botanist has to get X amount of people stung by bees, robotocist has to make X amount of subverted borgs.

    the possibilities are endless, and these are just some examples there were thrown around during the OOC discussion, and i don't know how realistic this is from a coding perspective, but here it is anyways.




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