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Posts posted by Bradstein

  1. Hi Widgets, welcome to Paradise! I don't think there's anything in particular you have to do for the time requirements other than, well, wait. I don't remember the requirements for each role but I do know they differ depending on the rank. Is the requirement changing for any role?

  2. 1 hour ago, Birdtalon said:

    Not everyone wants to have to do a job every round. Sometimes it's nice just to chill and not have anything to do.

    Yeah, I get that. But I know there's still plenty of people who join late and can't join as a role they want, so they're obviously just left with Civilian. By making more positions available, it allows people who just want to chill to do just that, while giving the people who want a role (but can't get one currently) the opportunity to have a job. If the new positions aren't critical to the station then it won't matter whether they're taken or not, so simply having that choice can't be a bad thing.  

  3. Yeah, removing Civilian maintenance access would be a mistake, as would capping the number of Civilian/Assistants. I think it's a matter of determining why so many people play Civilians, even when there are jobs available. If there are new jobs created (whether that be more positions available for existing roles, or brand new positions that don't currently exist) then there will be less Civilians, simply because there's more choice for people. If having such a large number of Civilians is an issue, then giving them a reason not to play a Civilian is the way to go in my opinion. 

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  4. I think adding Werewolves would be a good idea, perhaps not in this capacity, but more in the stereotypical way. You can imagine a round with some Werewolves, some Vampires, if one starts gaining the upper hand the crew may be forced to ally with the other and vice versa. Just things like that would add another element to certain antag rounds that could turn out to be pretty cool. Obviously this idea could apply to other antagonists too, but since Vampires and Werewolves are portrayed in many different stories as the typical competing nemesis to eachother, I think it could work well. 



    This will cause more problems then it would allow them to fix anything. It would allow players to run up and pull something away from someone who is trying to do something. Yes the player in question will get Jobbanned, but he already stopped the antag from killing his target or he pulled the nuke away from Nukies if you make it restrictive to Machines. There's not many instances where there would be a breach that needs to be repaired but a machine is in the way. It feels very niche.




    Your first point makes no sense to me... As... Well... There are countless other ways a Drone could stop an antag from doing their thing without the ability to pull, so you may as well just remove the ability to play a drone entirely.


    No. You chose not to play in the round, you don't get a free "I'm off to goof off and make my own thing" spawn. Not to mention the drone's entire purpose is to be a station repairer, not to build on the station. That room you are building might cause problems for someone else in a round. A good example of it is the old bar area. That is a good spot for S.Lings. to go and make a crude base of operations, but because a maintence drone decided to make the place pretty, there's now lights everywhere.


    As for your second point.. Allow me to just point out that one of their laws is to "Improve the station", not just repair it when things go wrong. By the example you've given, then installing lights COULD hinder Shadowlings in the future, if it even a sling round, so don't ever install lights at all. Anything, absolutely anything a drone does will impact an antag in some way. If they're repairing something, they're probably repairing something done by an antag (such as a bomb). By repairing that damage, the drone is interfering with and hindering the antag's efforts. If they can't repair damage done by an antag, because that's involving themselves with an antag, then that will leave a drone will pretty much nothing to do aside from repairing some minor damage to windows and the usual engineering maintenance. That's when the improvement law becomes necessary, as it gives the drone something to do without directly affecting anyone negatively.



    At the minute, the limits on Maintenance Drones are way too restrictive in my opinion.


    First of all, they can't pull anything. This causes many problems in many different ways. One example is if a machine blocks a tile where a wall needs to be built to prevent a breach, then the drone is incapable of moving it and the breach will continue. Since they are also unable to communicate and get help, there is literally nothing they can do at this point. This means they are unable to do the only thing they can do, which is build or fix shit, in similar scenarios. Either allow the drones to communicate with the AI at the very least, or let them pull things. Given they can carry 50 sheets of glass, you'd think they'd at least be able to pull one sheet of glass.


    Secondly, I think they should be given the constructor that Engineering borgs have, as well as the floor painter. It just makes building things a lot easier, and being able to paint the floor just makes the place look better. I also think a pen should be added to them, so they able to name new rooms/airlocks (etc) which they have made.





    You can just inject a normal loyalty implant into you. All they do is prevent you from being converted to cult/rev.


    Yeah, but you can't do that without going to the Warden or a Command Officer and asking to be implanted. Here's a scenario, you kill the HoP whom for whatever reason has been implanted, so if you try to impersonate them they'd know you were an impostor because of no implant. However, you can inject yourself with the replica that shows up as a loyalty implant, so they'll never suspect if you effectively replicate their appearance.


    1. Replace the X-Ray genetic mutation with a thermal version.



    no thanks, X-Ray is a vanilla power, it's been the same for fucking years, literally one of the original 4 powers


    1. Replace the X-Ray genetic mutation with a thermal version.



    no thanks, X-Ray is a vanilla power, it's been the same for fucking years, literally one of the original 4 powers

    Changing it won't change many problems that are associated with it (other then Antag powers acting strange, such as room-wide Shadowling glares).


    As for what Thermals does, it is just seeing people through the walls, without seeing the areas in which they are in. Infact it's more powerful because you still have darkness obscuring people with Xray, you cant hide anywhere with thermals.


    At the moment the problem with Genetics is more how ridiculously easy it is now. Most geneticist players can get a full set of powers in 20-30 minutes.


    Well, fair enough I suppose. But if you look at the antag win rate, it's very low. Rarely do you ever see anyone completing all 3 of their objectives, and I don't think it should be so rare. Genetic powers go a LONG way to ensuring people don't achieve their objectives. If you won't remove X-Ray, then yeah, I'd suggest just making it much harder to get. I've gone as the Geneticist before and got X-Ray on the first block, and I think this needs to be addressed. As Earthdivine said, the difficulty just needs to be increased really. Also, thanks for clearing that up about the thermal.


    ... you still have darkness obscuring people with Xray ...


    Xray completely negates darkness as far as I know. Maybe it wasn't like that in the past?


    Yeah, darkness is completely negated with X-Ray, which is unfortunate but true. You're basically a ghost with X-Ray, without the ghost ears and ability to go through walls! :P



    Time to weigh in boy-o.


    Personally, I play this server over others because it's mid rp, so it's not as chaotic or stupid as low rp but I don't have to use the me verb for every step I take.

    One of the bigger appeals here is that you don't have to pretend like you've never seen an emag before, as doing so would make sec infinitely more frustrating and boring than it already can be. The only people this change would help are the poor antag players, and frankly they will get better at it over time.


    Another argument people use in favour of this is the whole rp thing, but as already stated this is mid rp, and in my own opinion rp shouldn't take priority over game play.


    I think this thread refers specifically to the stealth items. Syndicate Items that are disguised as something you would normally find on a space station. Items such as emags are pretty unique and easily distinguishable as out of the ordinary, so it makes sense for that to be instantly recognisable by Security and other crew members.


    Personally, I support the move to add a rule which disallows Security from instantly recognising stealthy items as being hostile ones, everything else is fine to be recognised. It's difficult to be stealthy even with this in place given the general mechanics of the game (i.e. still managing to talk after being stabbed in the eye with a screwdriver) and things such as X-Ray vision, so this step in my view is a great way to improve stealth antaging!



    Hello! So I've only been on the server now for a few weeks, but I have noticed some things which I think could be improved upon! As with any suggestion, I welcome any and all feedback. Thanks! :)


    1. Replace the X-Ray genetic mutation with a thermal version.


    Alright, so recently I've seen plenty of people complaining about how X-Ray is seriously overpowered when distributed to Security personnel, especially in combination with Telekenesis. It enables them to find antagonists that are forced to "base" (such as Xeno's or Cultists) as well as many other antags very quickly and effectively, giving little time for the antagonist to set up or react to the impending stampede of lethally armed crew. Combined with Telekenesis, security can literally attack the antag behind the safety of reinforced walls and the antag will have no idea where the person attacking is. I would recommend that you simply make it harder to get X-Ray, but since it's still possible to get it, I still don't think it goes far enough to preventing such easy and quick shut downs of antagonists. Now obviously it all depends on who Security is when determining the effectiveness of X-Ray vision, but from what I've seen, if they get it early-mid round and the antagonist hasn't had time to set up, the antag rarely if ever has much of a chance of progressing to any decent level.


    So, what I am proposing is swapping it out for some form of thermal vision. I've never used the syndicate thermal goggles, so I'm not entirely sure how they work, but this is what I have in mind. Instead of seeing through the walls directly, instead just have smudges of red light where there's heat outside of vision range. This would show up for warm blooded life forms and machines or consoles. Having this instead of full vision would mean it is harder for Security to instantly identify a threat, give the antag more time to hide or react, as well as generally making actually search, rather than just running around maint with full vision of everything.


    Unfortunately I have no knowledge in coding for Byond or SS13, so I have no suggestions on that front, but I hope it wouldn't be too hard to implement if the idea is similar to the thermal goggles.



    Another idea I had in place of the thermal mutation, was the ability to see electrical signals. This would allow the user to see brain signals, as well as machines, consoles and cables. I think this would be pretty cool in comparison, but I thought this would be much harder to implement from a coding point of view, but I thought I'd drop this in a spoiler anyway. :P



    2. Add a preview option for the Chaplain's null rod.


    Just like with the bible or cyborg, I think a preview option should be available for the null rod so the Chaplain can view the different appearances before having to choose. Not knowing what the result of your pick will look like is quite frustrating, as you're forced to stick to what you know or run the risk of picking something you don't like. Although it's only minor, it's quite annoying, and I imagine is equally annoying for admins when people ahelp to have it reset so they can choose something else.



    3. Add a syndicate item which replicates the appearance of a loyalty implant on a Security HUD.


    This would allow agents to effectively impersonate Security Officers, which in my view is very important. Since officers can't start as a traitor, and are automatically implanted, I think there needs to be an easier way for agents to infiltrate security without people realising they aren't implanted, or them being forced to be loyalty implanted. This would open up many more options for the syndicate in terms of security, which otherwise they'd be very limited to doing stealthily unless they're a traitor command or decide to just go full brute force. Completing traitor objective stealthily is difficult since, as has been discussed in another thread, Security basically have unlimited knowledge of antagonist items and will often perma brig or even execute someone for just being in possesion of a single antag item, even if it is disguised. This item would be much more difficult for security to pick out someone as being antag, even if they did know it existed, making it far easier for the traitor to conduct stealthy operations.


  10. I agree with Love-to-hug. Although I participated in the corgi killing with a flamethrower, it made no sense that I was only locked up for possession of a dangerous weapon when I single handedly burned about 10 corgis alive and destroyed much of the flooring there. I do think there actually needs to be a law added to protect the pets/animals on the station (that aren't monkeys or food). As for destruction of private property, as was pointed out, nothing on the station actually belongs to that crew member except for shit bought in vendors and what not, however, there still needs to be punishment for destroying the property regardless. I find it hard to believe that NT would approve of people charging into a chapel and damaging their shit as well as killing innocent corgis, ayy!


    What I do think should happen is making the Clone Memory Disorder compulsory, so people don't remember anything about the circumstances of their deaths. As I understand it, that's optional currently.

    also, enforced CMD has never really worked for this server, and I doubt many people would be willing to go along with it.

    As stated above, we did have a period where you were unable to remember, then we had period in which you were able to. No CMD has worked out for the better in most cases, and netted us more players than we would have had with CMD heavily enforced. From an administrative and player standpoint, the hassle of enforcement coupled with the complete inability to prevent continual death (without violating CMD), would prove to be incredibly frustrating over time, especially since I, as an admin, wouldn't feel comfortable forcing people to roleplay a certain way in a certain circumstance, where I've never had to do anything like that in two full years. It just wouldn't feel right.


    What I do think should happen is making the Clone Memory Disorder compulsory, so people don't remember anything about the circumstances of their deaths. As I understand it, that's optional currently.

    I want to come out against forced CMD, for, while it would answer some of my concern pertaining to the limiting of antagonist strategies, it places onerous expectations on both the players and admins. Players would be expected to divorce their personal knowledge of antagonists from their in-character knowledge. Anyone who is familiar with the temptation to use information obtained while "screen-looking" in a split-screen console game will understand how challenging this expectation will be to uphold. When players inevitably succumb to using illicit information, admins will have to spend their time cleaning up the mess. In a medium-RP environment, this does not seem feasible. I would prefer to influence player behavior by altering the game mechanics so that certain incentives, disincentives are created.


    Fair enough, I suppose CMD will only work with certain types of players. But I still feel there should be some sort of negative impact when cloned. As you pointed out, being able to come back again and again unless you're blown to smithereens is overpowered as it is, but without any detrimental effect such as CMD you're going to get people asking for cloning to be removed all together. Something, in my opinion, needs to implemented to balance it out. Even if it's just that cloning will work only once, or that the genetic mutations which come with cloning can't be cured.



    Put simply, I don't think cloning should be removed because it's integral to SS13 as we know it. People take such risks because they know they can be cloned, or brought back in one way or another. I don't think the game, and the way people play it would be the same without cloning, and that's bad.


    What I do think should happen is making the Clone Memory Disorder compulsory, so people don't remember anything about the circumstances of their deaths. As I understand it, that's optional currently.



    Came here from /VG/ after realising their admin team leaves much to be desired, and I don't regret it. :P Been on Paradise for a few days and so far the station has been great, some good RP and general gameplay. I look forward to the server being brought back up so I can get back in game! Along with SS13 I play Warcraft III, Overwatch and Elite Dangerous (mostly). If anyone plays any of these and wants to play let me know. :)




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