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Posts posted by Katrina.752


    I meant to imply the ERT be optional - I just worded it wrong.


    As for the rescue team, it is optional as well. The gateway team and the rescue team should consist solely of volunteers.


    The ERT is just a suggestion for a possible solution to recover a large amount of lost staff, if it is deemed necessary.


    Plus it gives ghosts something fun to do.



    Okay, so I had an idea.


    The gateway. It's an awesome, potentially amazing, potentially lethal, potentially boring aspect of every round. There are no dedicated jobs for the gateway, but that can be a boon as well as a con.


    Given the current system used to enable gateway access (everyone running to the HoP and asking for access,) I've spent some time thinking of a way to enable proper gateway expeditions.


    My idea stems of what department the volunteer for the gateway originates from.





    Expedition team size: 1-6


    Gateway Leader (Scientist): Science + Gateway and EVA access. Must be experienced in gateway exploration and proven trustworthy. Permitted to use an energy gun.

    Gateway Researcher (Scientist): Science + Gateway and EVA access. Primary researcher of the expedition.

    Gateway Xenospecialist (Scientist): Science + Gateway and EVA access. Primary xenobiological expert of the expedition.

    Gateway Technician (Station Engineer): Engineering + Gateway access. Primary tool expert of the expedition. Uses engineering hard suit for easy identification.

    Gateway Medic (Medical Doctor): Medical + Gateway and EVA access. Primary caregiver of the expedition.

    Gateway Bodyguard (Security Officer): Security + Gateway and Armory access. Primary guardian of the expedition. Permitted to take two energy guns (one for the leader) from the armory, as well as a security hard suit. Must be supervised by the HoP, Warden, Captain, or AI while within the armory. Uses security hard suit for easy identification and additional protection.

    Gateway Assistant (Civilian): Civilian + Gateway and EVA access. Standard volunteer of the expedition, no special role.


    Volunteers are to be assigned to a slot based on their respective role when volunteering. If the slot is already filled, or the volunteer asks specifically for it, they may be assigned a different slot WITH THE PERMISSION OF THE RESPECTIVE HEAD, HOP, OR CAPTAINS EXPRESS PERMISSION.


    Before entering the gateway, the team is required to state the station time and that they are entering. If the team does not return within 20 minutes, a rescue team is to be sent. The rescuer team is to consist of 2-3 members, all of which are armed with weapons and medical supplies.


    If the rescue team does not return within 15 minutes of entering, a gateway ERT is permitted to be requested to retrieve lost staff.


    Upon returning from the gateway, the team must submit to a search by security personnel for any and all possible contraband, weaponry, and relevant documentation obtained within the gateway. Failure to submit to a search shall be considered a major crime. (Due to the possible intent of said individual, as well as the potential lethality of recovered items.)


    Recovered items may be kept by the gateway team if the HoS, HoP or Captain deem it acceptable.


    If the gateway destination is deemed habitable and safe, then the gateway is to be opened for free crew use.



    Okay, so that is my idea for a gateway expedition team and SOP. I'd love opinions on the idea, criticism, and assistance on fleshing it out and giving it proper formatting. My shift at work is about to start so I have to wrap it up like it is now. Perhaps we could turn it into a procedure the server actually uses!



    I will never understand all the furry hate.


    I mean, I'm a furry, so that makes me slightly baised toward liking furry things. I like the Sprite. I think it'd be awesome to have around.


    But I still never understand why everyone hates on furries as much as they do. People seem to think being a furry means PORN PORN SEX SEX YIFF YIFF WERE ALL PERVERTS.


    And because of that, simply enjoying the subject spawns legions of hate. People get so triggered, so upset, so.. Pissed off because the furry community exists. I'll never understand why people are like that.





    Hey everyone! I love hearing stories of great shifts and rounds, recent and old, but the dedicated stories section is rather lackluster. I'm making this thread so people can give summaries of amazing rounds, without having to format it into a fully fledged story!


    So come on! Give me your best experiences. I want to hear them all!



    From what I've seen you've managed to get pretty good at some of the antag roles pretty quickly. That didn't stop me from catching you dragging humanized animals to the research outpost to feed on while I was playing AI though, bwahahaha!


    So THATS how I was found out.


    That was my first time as a vampire, I was getting a humanized animal because I didn't want to kill anyone yet, I just wanted to learn the mechanics.


    You made me sad :(



    Hi everyone! I'm Katrina, the local newbie that's been learning the game over the past two weeks.


    You all may see me around in OOC, or playing the game as Buck Wilson, or, as most may know by now, the so-called "Yuki clone" Nichel Waiereng.


    I've been really focused on learning the mechanics of the game up until this point, so most of my time has been spent doing that, with much less RP than I desire. Buuuut now that I have a pretty good handle on (most) things, I'm gona step up my rp and try to make some IC friends, as well as some here!


    On the bright side, my learning of the mechanics has led to me being rather robust. I've won nearly all my fights so far!


    Soooo... Hi! Nice to meet you all! Don't murder me please.


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