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Posts posted by lordexvar

  1. I think I forgot to say this, the ERT commander DO doesn't lead the squad, he briefs the squad and on admin approval, opens up the armor shutters. They are basically just an armchair general sitting in ther special ops office.


    Read the discussion here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7419


    I have played space station 13 for years. I had my own server with an average of 20-30 people, I was an admin on several stations, but the thing I had the most fun doing was a role on Aurora station called Duty Officer. Duty Officer? Whats that you say? Currently, the task of answering and responding to faxes and communications, along with starting events and all is the admins. Aurora station had a role that was whitelist exclusive called Duty Officer, and on aurora they had that task. I was the head Duty Officer (most active one, really), reviewing applications for DO white listing along with the admins. I quit aurora after I just... got bored of it, and decided to come here. But something that really annoys me is that, well, we don't really have a thing like that on this station. I say we should definitely add this or a role similar, it takes the task off of the admin's hands, sets an active role that actually reads and responds to faxes, and even fills in roles at centcomm station. This wasn't a one person role, there were 9 DOs in total who each had a different role(or served for another person's role if they were absent). If we implemented this, we would have a Special Ops DO who briefed ERT and other things, Comms Officer who would, well, do comms stuff, the head DO to oversee them, etc. Each of these DOs had their own specific character, like SI Brennan or CO Jenkins, we always stayed in character and 'greeted' the escape shuttle survivors.


    If we do implement this, I could be the head DO to try and teach the next generation le ways, I still remember the good ol' days. Here is a general set of rules that I would like to see suggestions on for the DOs.


    I completely agree, DOs were and should be hard to get into. Does this server have any sort of record/log for bans or just on people who go on the server? We always checked the logs to make sure that this guy who claims to have played on the server for 2 years didn't just join yesterday. DOs also filled other roles on the station, for example we would have a DO at the special forces command office and another at the bsa office, playing a character that would actually be there. So it wasn't all paper-pushers, the DO Major was the ERT/DS commander, who would direct them while they were on mission and brief them when they spawned in.


    Here are some basic rules I have thought of:


    1. ADMINS ARE KING. Despite your seemingly massive amount of power over the round, the admins still reign supreme on every decision. If you want to call a death squad but the admins don't, then DON'T. Don't even think about firing that BSA at that asshole who butt faxed you unless you get an admin's approval.


    2. ALWAYS RP. You must remain in a high quality of role play and always stay in character, so pretty much no having your paperwork-handling character all of a sudden turn into a badass and go out with that death squad. That also means that your elite, high ranking ERT DO won't suddenly be the nicest guy in the world replying to faxes if there isn't another DO doing that.


    3. STAY IN TOUCH. Don't just ignore that pesky little station that keeps faxing you, ignoring the station is directly against what your job is. If somebody asks you what is going on, you should be able to summarize the situation in accordance with your IC knowledge. If you have to go to the bathroom or leave the game, inform a fellow DO. If you are the only DO and have to leave, inform an admin.


    4. KEEP THE ROUND MOVING / KEEP THE STATION ALIVE. Your goal as a DO should be to have the station survive for so long that the automatic crew transfer arrives. It may seem like a hard task, what with the incompetence of command sometimes, but you sure as hell will try. If you can't get them moving, visit the station yourself(with admins approval, nerd) and set them straight.


    5. REMAIN AT YOUR POST. You just performed a visit to the station, but you feel like you wan't to stay even though you've already completed your task of fixing command. Don't. Your goal should be to always stay at your post and never leave it unless you feel you absolutely have to. Your job is at centcomm afterall.


    The job would not be a karma job, not for mentors, and heavily moderated white list applications viewed by admins and senior DOs, and would require them to create a DO character to see if they are truly ready for the role.


  3. The mentor idea sounds cool, yeah, but I will still open it up to non-mentors. This, however, will be extremely scrutinized so no bad eggs get in. I'm glad we're discussing the ideas for this, I'll post this to the suggestion board when I get on my computer.


    I completely agree, DOs were and should be hard to get into. Does this server have any sort of record/log for bans or just on people who go on the server? We always checked the logs to make sure that this guy who claims to have played on the server for 2 years didn't just join yesterday. DOs also filled other roles on the station, for example we would have a DO at the special forces command office and another at the bsa office, playing a character that would actually be there. So it wasn't all paper-pushers, the DO Major was the ERT/DS commander, who would direct them while they were on mission and brief them when they spawned in.


    Here are some basic rules I have thought of:


    1. ADMINS ARE KING. Despite your seemingly massive amount of power over the round, the admins still reign supreme on every decision. If you want to call a death squad but the admins don't, then DON'T. Don't even think about firing that BSA at that asshole who butt faxed you unless you get an admin's approval.


    2. ALWAYS RP. You must remain in a high quality of role play and always stay in character, so pretty much no having your paperwork-handling character all of a sudden turn into a badass and go out with that death squad. That also means that your elite, high ranking ERT DO won't suddenly be the nicest guy in the world replying to faxes if there isn't another DO doing that.


    3. STAY IN TOUCH. Don't just ignore that pesky little station that keeps faxing you, ignoring the station is directly against what your job is. If somebody asks you what is going on, you should be able to summarize the situation in accordance with your IC knowledge. If you have to go to the bathroom or leave the game, inform a fellow DO. If you are the only DO and have to leave, inform an admin.


    4. KEEP THE ROUND MOVING / KEEP THE STATION ALIVE. Your goal as a DO should be to have the station survive for so long that the automatic crew transfer arrives. It may seem like a hard task, what with the incompetence of command sometimes, but you sure as hell will try. If you can't get them moving, visit the station yourself(with admins approval, nerd) and set them straight.


    5. REMAIN AT YOUR POST. You just performed a visit to the station, but you feel like you wan't to stay even though you've already completed your task of fixing command. Don't. Your goal should be to always stay at your post and never leave it unless you feel you absolutely have to. Your job is at centcomm afterall.


    any more suggestions for rules?



    I could write the guidelines, base them simply around current station rules and old duty officer rules. I would absolutely love to see this implemented, it would bring out centcomm's character more. For example, a random event the DO's could do is have 2 DOs become ERT guards and protect one DO who goes to perform a visit to the station if command shows its incompetence. I know I've done that a few times.


    I'll do anything to get this implemented.





    I could write the guidelines, base them simply around current station rules and old duty officer rules. I would absolutely love to see this implemented, it would bring out centcomm's character more. For example, a random event the DO's could do is have 2 DOs become ERT guards and protect one DO who goes to perform a visit to the station if command shows its incompetence. I know I've done that a few times.


    I'll do anything to get this implemented.



    I think it theoretically COULD be a karma role, but on aurora it was a thing you had to fill out an application for. the admins would look at it and if they liked it, the senior duty officers would look at it and if they approved it then TA-DA! there is a new duty officer. And yes, occasionally duty officers would come over using a vip shuttle and do shit, which was so spectacularly fun. Sometimes they'd even have an ert bodyguard. The duty officers had a vague rank system when we had 9 duty officers on and off at different times.


    Inspector-General: the head admin who rarely came on but was pretty epic

    Colonel: Senior Duty Officer (i was the colonel)

    Major: Senior Duty Officer

    Captain: One of the admins, forgot who

    Lieutenant: Duty officer

    Lieutenant: Duty officer

    Lieutenant: Duty officer

    Lieutenant: Duty officer

    Lieutenant: Duty officer


    pretty sweet, huh? i could start out as a senior do and help recruit new people and teach them le ways


  8. On aurora station, a station I used to play on, there were 3 categories. Admins, Mentors, and duty officers. What is a duty officer? A duty officer performs the currently admin-assigned task of reading faxes and comms, and sending them back. They have an actual character that they create and roleplay on the centcomm station, briefing any erts or deathsquads and 'greeting' the crew after they arrive from the shuttle. They kept the round moving. I was a duty officer, infact, I was one of the 2 senior duty officers among the 9 duty officers. But I slowly went away from there, and came here. Why don't we implement a system like that into paradise? I know i'd LOVE to be reading faxes and communications, replying and all that.

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