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Posts posted by Voidlord44

  1. What ever happened to ling horror form? to be honest its always been very interesting to me, I think it could maybe be some kind of end game ability for changelings similar to shadowling ascension. the whole giant mutant horror in space ala john carpenter is much better than what we have now.

  2. I hope this isn't dead, this would be a awesome addition. with Doom 4's recent release, I think we all can enjoy some demonic rounds.

  3. I'm Voidlord44 or just Void, I relativley new to the game (only have about 40 hours) but this server has always been my go to. I play security poorly, and I mostly play under the name Joseph Krieger. Hope I dont make myself look like to much of a fool ingame and on the forums. Thanks for reading.

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