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Posts posted by Lorenzo_The_Marauder


    I'm all for another traitor specific science item but maybe something that doesn't do 36 damage for such a concealable item? That is a ton of damage for a pocket crowbar.


    And it's not a pocket crowbar, it's a /crowbar/large. Only two are on the station, and they aren't exactly "tracked"


    You can't equip it anywhere, even your belt slot. The idea is that it's just a strong crowbar Ala half life, it's either in your backpack or in the skull of a security officer. Again, NOTHING save for the general idea is final, if you have a better idea than to scrap it by all means lay it on me.



    Currently, more testing is being preformed. This post will be updated with the new numbers to ensure an accurate estimate.



    Second round of testing: Humans (No armor)



    Strengthened Crowbar = 10 hits

    Weakened Crowbar = 43 hits

    Default Crowbar = 21 hits

    Esword = 9 hits

    Double Esword = 7 hits

    Sleeping Carp = 20 hits

    Captain's Rapier = 17 hits

    Meat Cleaver = 10 hits

    Katana = 6 hits

    Fireaxe = 52 hits

    Fireaxe [wielded] = 11 hits



    Alright, so i was thinking about a potential new chaplain weapon and figured that it would see more action as a traitor item.


    Basically it would be a reskinned crowbar (not a pocket crowbar, like the one in robotics) That deals extra damage against all roles that start the shift with a loyalty implant, blueshield, captain, officers, HoS etc. And reduced damage against anyone else.


    Large crowbar deals 12 damage by default

    Damage against security could be triple = 36

    Damage against anyone else could be half = 6


    I did some testing to see roughly how many hits it would take to kill someone, depending on who you're attacking.

    All tests were done using human mobs, which were hit in the chest until the death message popped up.


    Against Non loyalty-implanted crewmembers = 42 hits

    Default crowbar = 22 hits

    Against mplanted crewmembers(Test was done with an npc wearing sec officer gear including the uniform and vest) = 12 hits (9 hits without the vest and uniform)


    For comparison, against unarmored (human) targets aiming for the chest. It took approximately:


    Esword = 11 hits

    Double Esword = 8 hits

    Sleeping Carp = 22 hits

    Captain's Rapier = 18 hits

    Meat Cleaver = 10 hits

    Katana = 7 hits

    Fireaxe = 53 hits

    Fireaxe [wielded] = 13 hits


    Coding difficulty? just add a different flavor text. Code the dynamic damage system, add it to the traitor uplink. I don't know EXACTLY how hard this would be to implement, but it's not nearly the scale of say lavaland or moderate map changes.


    Why this would be a good idea to add? It's a stealthy alternative to an energy sword, it discourages murderboning, and it forces everyone involved to think of different ways to approach the situation. The amount of TC or other details can be discussed and revised as needed.



    The "hits to kill" numbers are apparently all inaccurate, i'm leaving them up just to provide a /barely/ accurate comparison between the different weapons.



    oh dear.

    Dont be afraid. Im think its would be like with asari - it dont matter what race the father have. The child will have same race with mother. In our case it will be little kitty.


    Genetic incompatibility is no match for the power of the glorious retcon!



    Violet got ESTP


    You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (31%)

    You have moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition (50%)

    You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (25%)

    You have slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (12%)


    I took it again and answered the questions as i normally would and i got INFP


    You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (50%)

    You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (22%)

    You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (28%)

    You have slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (22%)


    I never realized how much you could distance yourself from a character of your own creation.



    Holy shit guys, my sides are killing me. Even more so because i'm actually brought up in this idiot's rant.


    "Bob Good was a spaceman that graduated Space College through his unsurpassable charisma. While not very intelligent, Bob Good knew God gave him a calling to visit as many NT stations as he possibly could.

    On August 10th of 2560, Bob Good™ visited a bar in Paradise Station. Bob saw a Vuplarkzkinikin standing at 6"1 with a red overcoat and hat (character drawing: imgur/xhsjakaiwis.jpeg). Bob had the irresistible urge of knocking the Vuplarkzkinikin on her¹ (Citation Needed) ass using a telescopic baton he had legally acquired from the local Head of Personnel. All went wrong when the indescribable horror pulled an arm sized circular saw out of its ass and began cutting open Bob Good. Bob Good grinned, and kept pushing the monster to make it dance before finally finishing it off. Bob Good was then shot by the bartender who was also a monster."


    (I was that bartender, trying to stop two people from killing each other, funny how details get swept to the side in favor of looking good huh?)


    "Bob Good knew both of them were gonna gang bang him. In an adrenaline rush, Bob Good regained his momentum and delivered approximately 13 piercing blows to the Vuplarkzkinikin cheeks. Suddendly, the vulpeksks lost all of its bruises, became frozen (just like Bob Good, but before him) and fell on her ass for the fourth time now. Bob Good drifted into the abyss as the voice of a thirty year old man lectured him on furries and their peaceful manners." ~YoloKony1 (Yeah that name just screams maturity doesn't it?)

    This sad sack made a "EX DEE DANK MAY MAYS" type video complete with "Mom get the camera" and "Oh baby a triple" sound clips.


    Watch it and laugh your asses off like i did if you haven't already.







    There's a lot you can learn about a person through seeing what music they enjoy.


    Post your best and most favorite music playlists, be it full of crazy electronic/dubstep, or classic 70s music.




    This post was born from an ooc discussion at around 2:00 AM, random topic i know.


    My playlist:


    100+ songs, just look at the title of each one if you want.

    Do you think you could possibly do a picture of the equal parts beautiful and dangerous Violet Talon?


    [spoiler2]I mean if it's not too much trouble and you don't mind doing it of course[/spoiler2]


    I love your artwork and i just had to ask when i saw your picture of our one and only Nova.



    I was playing as my character Violet Talon (a botanist, 20 minutes or so before i posted this) and i decided to raise some bees for the first time considering nothing was going on for a good 45 minutes. I finally get my bee crate and start harvesting the honeycomb and getting stung several times. For some reason i thought it would be a good idea to create two additional apiary's so i could get more honey. The bees first spread to the kitchen because the chef busted the botany/kitchen desk window and the bees took their first victims. It's at this point where people are actually getting afraid of the bees, and also the point where i get swarmed and instantly murdered after trying to harvest the honey. So the paramedic and the warden drag my body out of botany (getting stung all the way) and to the medbay, where i was revived and returned to my duty as a beekeeper. This time i actually started to fight back, and died again, during the time i spent dead, the bees somehow spread throughout the escape hallway, stretching from the bar all the way to the chapel stinging and killing people until the shuttle was called.


    TL:DR I basically re-enacted nick cage's bee scene from the wickerman and got the shit kicked out of me by the tiny flying bastards i brought into this world.





    For those of you that like to go bartender, how do you like to stylize your bar? Do you just remove the stools and add ACTUAL chairs? Or do you go the whole nine yards, replacing the floorboards, tables, windows etc.


    I personally like making some sort of display in the middle of the bar using lighted glass tiles, remove the windows and the table in the middle of the bar, and turn down the lights so the lighted tiles color the room.



    Hello, just wanted to make one of these to get myself out there and noticed in the community. I'm new to paradise station, found it listed on the hub for a split second and i checked it out of curiosity, needless to say I've already fallen in love with the perfect mix of RP and UI simplicity.


    If anyone feels like walking me through a few of the more complicated bits of SS13 (telesci, genetics, atmospherics, toxins etc) or even giving me a few pointers on anything from following security Sop to general roleplay tips, I'd greatly appreciate it.


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