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Posts posted by badmanbob

  1. Time to come back into the community and actually start contributing!

    • The more flashlights you carry, the brighter you shine. If you have a flashlight in every slot, and a fire helmet (for example because built in light), you will shine so bright and light up the darkest of hallways. I'm not sure if this is exponential (need to confirm this).
    • Addition to this, you can blind people for a brief moment if you aim for their eyes and shine a flashlight into it. Penlights are less powerful when using this. I like to use this if people are randomly dragging me or attempting to disrupt what I am doing, as it doesn't cause any damage (I don't classify this as self-antagging). I've used this on many antags when they try to attack me, to give myself a chance to run away and scream. Stupid effective and simple.
    • A lot of coats have either 1 or 2 pockets on the jacket itself. Be sure to use these spots to store much needed items. A lot of people forget about the jacket pockets.
    • All EVA suits can carry a full-sized oxygen tank.
    • If you are hacking into a door, if you find the bolt wire, light wire, etc, they are the same for every other door and device on the station. Once you find the bolting wire, no need for pulsing additional wires.
      • That being said, I'm not sure if this extends to the bomb that the nukies place... (can someone confirm?)
    • Gas masks are just as good as filters (if not better) than sterile masks, even if they are not connected to an oxygen tank. They will filter contaminants in the air.
    • You can connect sterile masks to oxygen tanks (need to confirm this...).
    • Omniziene can be found in Warm Donk Pockets and extracted (need to confirm). [Changed, no longer works]
    • If you are in surgery and for whatever reason you keep failing to do anything, make sure you are on the 'Help' intent and not any other intent. If your intent is blue/yellow/red, it will let you start the surgery, and it will not go any further.
    • If you know someone that has a mechanical heart (or any other mechanical organs), an EMP will cause them to fail (don't self-antag). If you do this to someone you have no intention to kill just for fun, it's a huge annoyance (I should know). Ex: Mechanical heart. EMP will cause it fail
      • Apply a defib to fix this. If you don't, they WILL die. This one of the few exceptions when you have to use a defib on a living person.

    I have many more, but just wanted to put these ones out there for now.



    It's done! For the most part... Please have a look and let me know! Link is below, and I will also update the opening post.


    http://stuartshobbysite.com/ss13_paradi ... Table.html


    A couple fields to the side need to be populated, and maybe some additional columns for OD and AD thresholds... But that's simple stuff.


    A total count of about 118 unique recipes that are required to craft the various reagents that chemists can (give or take a couple). Holy shit.


    Add your comments, or what else you would like to see added.


    Total project time: +-25 hours, including site troubleshooting and script creation/modification.



    Just an update on the project:


    The site I'm hosting this on will go live tomorrow. Not all of the ingredients will be included, but can be added even after the site goes live. Hopefully once it's live and working, I'll just populate the rest of the database.


    For any coders: I'm using jQuery to perform the live search, and have it integrated with a CSS file, which makes use of Live Data Tables (I'm not proficient in coding with Java, so I had to borrow some code in order to make it work. I'm a novice Python coder).


    The design will most likely stay that way as it is, because I think it's easier on the eyes (think old hacker screens in movies), and modifying the table once it's live will just break everything.


    If this becomes popular, I'm more than willing to use this code, and just duplicate it for the Food and Drinks for the Chef. Heck, this can be expanded to other areas of the station as well, such as Science, etc.


    Let me know!



    • Tabun lacks indicators for the phenol and sodium chloride

    • Fliptonium is missing recipes for liquid dark matter (and stabilizer), and gin&sonic.

    Teporone is missing the acetone block

    You *might* want to add indicators to the compounds which require stabilizer to avoid exploding in your face

    "Other Recipies" should be spelled "Other Recipes"

    Colorful Reagent should include the recipes for triple citrus and stabilizing agent

    It might be good to add Gin&Sonic to the "Food Recipes" list

    Perhaps it might be wise to add some sort of indicator to reagents which aren't normally found in the chem dispenser (fungus, morphine, etc.)



    I'll see what I can do to fix that! Putting it on my flash drive and I'll work on it at work when I have some time.


    This is kinda what I tried to codify with this concept. Kinda run into a dead end because I'm not sure how to go about it without SemanticMediaWiki (maybe I should suggest we use that...)


    Expanding this into food and drink would be great.


    I mean... I wouldn't MIND doing it for food and drink, if there is enough interest for it. Heck, I love making diagrams and flow charts.



    Name: Makgen Rurkuk

    Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Race: Vulpkanin

    Blood Type: AB+

    General Occupational Role(s): Chief Medical Officer, Surgeon/Trauma Field Medic, Chemistry, Genetics, Virology


    Biography: [REDACTED]



    -Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

    -Minor in Chemistry, Genetics


    Employment Records:

    -NanoTrasen: December 14th, 2559 - Present


    Security Records:

    -One count of releasing an airborne virus without authorization

    -Two counts of medical malpractice not involving death and dismemberment


    Medical Records:

    -Mechanical Eyes (lost his vision when someone stabbed him with hemostats)

    -Mechanical Heart (heart failed when he administered too much Epinephrine)



    Hello all, Makgen Rurkuk here. Finally decided to show my face around these forums. I'll get to doing a proper intro a bit later.


    I decided to create a sort of... Chemistry tree based on the one wiki guide, http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Guide_to_Chemistry. It's a very rough sketch, based off of Microsoft Visio software (in this case it's a free/open source version called Dia).


    This picture is not 56k friendly, and is quite large.



    Unfortunately it's not done the best yet, but I got the basics going as to what is needed to make a specific medicine, etc. The reason I did this was, I hated going back and forth on the wiki trying to remember what went into what. Now I can look up a specific chemical, and see EVERYTHING that goes into it.


    It's split into it's parts on the wiki:

    Components/Core Healing Medicines/Superior Healing Medicines/Unique Healing Medicines/Narcotics/Pyrotechnics/Other Things/Food Recipes/Toxins


    Let me know what you all think. I'm open to suggestions! This took a lot of time, almost 6 hours to make decently. I'd appreciate if people did not steal this.




    EDIT: Table here! http://stuartshobbysite.com/ss13_paradisestation_chemistry-tree/chemTable.html


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