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Posts posted by SkyonAir798


    Hi there! Welcome to the forum! c:

    Here, take this photo.




    ...I know not what to do with such a photo. But it is a wonderful photo.


    Mason's pretty cool! A bit of a blunt guy and a handful for some of my timid characters, but he seems like a hard worker. :D Wonder if there's a squishier interior to that hard shell...

    Well, for about 95% maybe. There's just more hard shell on his arm.



    Name: Mason Barr

    Age: 24

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Blood Type: AB+

    General Occupational Role(s): Roboticist, Trader




    Mason is a Roboticist. A VERY good roboticist.


    Mason lived for most of his life on a combined colony/Mech manufacturing plant on the moon of Titan, a harsh world in theory and in practice , but a paradise if you want a nice flat place full of minerals to drop a manufacturing plant on and connect via a massive space bridge. From a very early age, Mason was surrounded by the trappings and fundamentals of Robotics. At age 17, he was at work on a line making smaller robots that would maintenance minor issues of the colony and plant. From there, he moved on to working on the floor, building mechs and repairing the ones used in the colony. It was here that he managed to figure out the specific groove that many roboticists find. He was good, one of the best, and expected to spend a large portion of his life working here, then get out to join the Nanotrasen fleet at an older age to teach young Roboticists when he got old and tired.


    Life uh...finds a way to complicate that.


    He's 20, and a calamity strikes Titan: An asteroid breaks away from Saturn's rings and slams into the moon, setting off all sorts of danger. Most importantly, the plant is struck, and in the process of helping fix the damage, the asteroid's fallout rains onto the plant, thundering debris all over. In a daring decision, Mason is able to mitigate further chaos to both plant, and Colony...but the Ripley he's in is crushed on the left side and his arm is shorn off at the shoulder. It was so cold and so fasy he doesn't remember it happening, only waking up to find no limb, and a shiny prosthetic waiting for him. He returns to the floor, but is quickly promoted to foreman...which doesn't sit well with him. In his opinion, he didn't lose an arm just so that he couldn't work at what he was best at. So he transferred. And ended up Foreman again. And transferred again. And still was not spending as much time as he wanted doing what he loved: Making Mechs, and Building Borgs. Finally tired of this annoying dance, he sent in his papers of resignation, got an official mechatronic degree on Mars, then threw his name in for NanoTrasen.


    And here is where you find him.


    Personality wise, Mason is a personable, laidback, and sort of understated person who has a razor wit whenever it's truly needed. He prefers casualness, rarely wearing his jumpsuit up all the way and never wearing his labcoat. He's intensely proud of what he brings to the Science wing and Robotics in general, and isn't really afraid to show it, and basks in the glow of any praise that comes Robotics' way. He thinks of his casual wear and long hair as a testament to his skill (though he's just as prone to mistakes as the next guy.) He's not all fun and games, however. He takes pride in his job, and his experiences working on Titan have made him a very proactive person with a high sense of self preservation. He hates the feeling of being useless or not needed, so he makes a point of getting involved and getting things done on his terms and on his time and more specifically, his way. He also HATES paperwork and beurocracy, and will get very unhelpful whenever it's an enforced policy. When he's not in the lab, he's usually in the bar, chatting it up and complimenting the bartender on making a fairly simple drink.



    - Degree in Mechatronic Engineering

    - 6 year mechanic for Mechs in both maintenance and creation.

    - 2 year Roboticist for Nanotrasen

    - Expert Cyborg maker and creator

    - Competent IPC mechanic

    - Cursory knowledge in Station Engineering


    Employment Records:

    - 5 Years employed at Hesphiastos Industries; Titan Manufacturing Plant

    - Nanotrasen Roboticist


    Security Records:


    Medical Records:

    - Amputated left limb due to catastrophic workplace accident on Titan. Limb Replaced with Prosthesis as per company policy, manufactured on-sight.



    Personnel Photo (Appearance text):



    A human of about 5'8, decently built. He has brown eyes and dark brown hair, which goes down his back. He has a thin beard that connects to a sharper half goatee. A confident smirk or an intent gaze is usually his expression, depending on whether or not he is working. He is wearing a band shirt, usually different every shift, a pair of welder's goggles, a tool belt, and a Roboticist's jumpsuit, of which the top half is currently hanging below the belt.


    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:


    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Other Notes:

    - His favorite drink at the bar is a Whiskey Cola.

    - He prefers making Borgs and Mechs as opposed to bots, but he'll do either.

    - His favorite Mech is the Phazon, which he's only ever been able to build once in his entire life.

    - He usually sends the mech he ends a shift with back home every five shifts, considering it a "Winner". Please don't ask why, he doesn't have a great explanation for it.



    Hey friends, this is SkyonAir798 Reporting in from [REDACTED] to play SS13 with you nerds. You probably know me from such characters as Mason Barr and no others!


    So yes, let's keep this station relatively intact, eh? Except if you antag, then keep fucking things up.


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