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Daniel Huren

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Posts posted by Daniel Huren

  1. well this isent really an appeal and theirs no place i can actually discuss this unless you think its a good i idea posted it in general discussion and its not a complaint against a player but anyway i guess i have my answer

    i was gonna make a rant here about how this is massively frustrating considering the time investment i put into this game but instead i will just say thanks for your answer feel free to close the thread unless another admin wants to comment on it

  2. Admin Key:not applicable

    Your Discord name (if applicable):Daniel Huren

    Complaint: so i was banned about 5 months ago and though i did deserve it and you guys have bin patient with me at a certain point i feel its necessary to ask this since by now i could have made another account goten the time locks off all the jobs and posibly gotten a few of my karma jobs back but i wont do this cause im not a shitty person i know i was a disruptive person at times and i always tried to push the envelope when i thought i could get away with it and i did push it pretty far sometimes but before this i had played probably a little over 2 thousand hours over the year i played on the server considering in the time you started tracking it i already was well into the hundreds after 3 months i spent alot of time on your server cause it was the only server i really enjoyed rolplaying with other people on i liked the community and though there were hic ups they seemed to like me so after stating all this i have a simple question since i dont like wasting my time or yours trying to appeal something that is never gonna be removed

    is there or will there ever or will there ever be a time were you would consider unbanning me and if so should i even try

  3. so before i make my point i want to respond to EvadableMoxie's comment since it relates heavily to the point i want to make it is true that when an ai is running rampant or theres a terror spider infestation no one would likely stop you from running around with a gun or reprimand you for breaking sop but thats not the point of the original post the point as i see it is two fold people are treating this less and less like a role playing game and more and more like an action game were your the hero even when there is no crisis going on, and or have no idea how to do there job and use that as an excuse not to do it aswell as ignore sop which is almost completely unenforced even when its green and theres no reason you should be ignoring it beyond doing my job is boring and i want to hunt antags/blow up crap/screw with people, now i know im not one to talk and am currently sitting out a perma ban which i will appeal in another month or two once the admins have had a decent break from my antics but that shouldent invalidate my point if you take paradise from when i started playing and compare it to now you would notice a remarkable difference and i and many others feel that should be addressed


    as a whole i love playing on paradise cause i like the staff and they have tolerated me better than many i am not an agreeable person and i hope that some of these issues can be adressed in a less obtrusive way then making drastic changes to the rules and again im not one to talk hen it comes to this catagory but people need to think of how can they make others enjoy the game just as much as i or you enjoy the game without causing them or the admins undue stress something i miserably fail at but hope to change in the future so i can rejoin the server as a better player

    • Like 1
  4. jedrs got a good point just cause you think somthings a good idea doesent mean it is or it will even fit with the server you complain about getting overwhelming support for an idea but ignore the fact that its not the code thats getting the support its the idea behind the code and regardless of if people support it that does not mean the code is good or that what you want to add fits with the theme of the game i do think that sometimes the maintainers do set a double slandered the stuff they want to add seems to be pushed through miles faster than the stuff other people want to add which can be frustraiting but they also put in alot of work to maintain the server, but as a whole this just comes off as complaining about my pr dident get put through so im gonna complain about it on the forums


    also im only talking about the initial post the rest of this thread seems like it could quickly start turning toxic so please make shure you remain civil and try to keep on topic

    • Like 1
  5. my comment was directed at flat aswell since i was 90% shure he was being sarcastic but issue is other people might not think that way and as for his secound post hes right i may not have malicious intent or be trying to make the game unfun for other people but i am completely oblivious to most other people there are some that i do work with better but just cause i dont intend to be an ass doesn't mean i should get a free pass

  6. so im gonna start this post with an apology and to that goal i am sorry about my behavior i have intentionally annoyed other players when i was bored done and said idiotic things ic and generally bin an ass cause it amused me and as neca has pointed out me my behavior may be acceptable most of the time but it is far outweighed buy the times that i behave like a shit and my player record is a reflection of that. admins have pointed out to me on multiple occasions that my admin notes are probably the longest on the server and if one of them wants to post it i do not mind if there are people that try to defend what i do. although there is alot of negatives to this i am happy though that i do make them laugh on occasion which is my end goal but sometimes the way i get there can be atrocious i dont just tow the line once or twice a week its almost every shift which is unacceptable and im sorry to the admins and the community for that it sets a terrible example for new players and normalizing it would be a detriment to the server, i could go on for pages about this but i think i have said enough if people have questions i will gladly answer them as i said i do not mean harm by how i behave im just trying to have fun and involve others in said fun though i should not have to break the rules to do so.


    also sorry for the grammar and lack of punctuation it has never bin my strongsuit

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  7. i find it a bit irritating when a player who is breaking minor laws and if security arrests them they go ssd even if there timer is ten minutes or less this bugs me for two reasons one ic and one ooc cause it often leaves the sec officer wondering what to do and even if its already covered in sop and it also from an ooc standpoint means there avoiding punishment in ic cause there bored or were not an antag and im not talking about suicide here i mean ghosting cause you cant be fucked to sit out your timer now i understand the issues with banning people for this but it would be nice if possible for it leading to a ban if you do this constantly to avoid punishment for being a greytide ic

  8. on a side note i feel this is also more of an ic issue than an ooc issue but i feel it will only be resolved if it is looked at and talked over with the admins i feel the biggest way to improve it would be to make security able to actually enforce cracking down on greytides since thats what there job is supposed to actually be but most of the time all they seem to do is chase after antags and i feel this could be resolved by ether cracking down on greytiding in general or actually cracking down on sec and make them actually do there job at all times and not just when theres a vampire or a traitor running around


    so as someone who grey-tides on a regular basis this may be weird for me to say but i feel like theirs a difference between what i do on a regular basis and what others do


    the character i play Trip fuzzball and i feel people will agree with me on this for the most part does not greytide with the intention of ruining the round for others i may break into tech storage to steal gloves (and big thing i fix what i break afterwords) or make a mech without permission or make drugs and then annoy security cause they signed up for the job but i do not personly do things that i feel would cause undo harm or troll people that cant fight back and most of the time when i do get in trouble for it ic i will engage with them and try to roleplay it and i will be the first to admit that i do it for attention but again i also do it to interact with people and try to make shure the situation is appropriate


    my issue is that though i may do stupid things when i do them its cause i want to engage with other players, but when a guy runs around the station covering it in blood and gore or breaks into random places cause there bored it contributes WAY more to the rounds chaos than me doing things like handing out drugs in the bar or drugging a sec officer or thermiting a few walls cause secs being shit yet i never see any of these people getting in trouble for it



    i hate saying the word triggered but as someone who can understand both sides of the argument and being unable to not stick my nose in things that dont involve me i feel i should state this


    getting offended over nazis in a game is stupid in the events were admins have spawned fascists (which are not the same thing as nazis anyway) there not being introduced as ether the good guy or the bad guy ther just more flavor to the round and most of the time are murdered or they are part of a joke now i understand that to some people it may be offensive to them if players engage with the fascists but that is not the administrative fault cause the offended partys cant take a joke


    also on a side note fascism and Nazism are two different things one is a political party the other is a political ideoligy now i dont agree with fascism but thats not the point the point is you seem to think that even mentioning the fact that fascism is a thing is offensive regardless of context which is just asking to get triggered do you get offended by CoD nazi zombies as well


  11. i only brought it up cause i feel like if the appeal is about a ban someone feels is unwarranted i feel like it would be detrimental to the people involved. my reasoning for this is based on a comment another admin made to me "of course you feel the ban is unfair if you did not think what you did is wrong" but wouldn't that logic go both ways especially in a case were the person in question is in a grey area. i don't mean this just in my case ether i just felt it should be pointed out due to the nature of some bans, if you guys feel im wrong about this then feel free to correct me i love to play on this server and you guys have bin very understanding with me and some of my less than appropriate behavior when i choose to greytide


    Admin Key: N/a


    Your Discord name (if applicable):Daniel Huren



    So this is a simple problem i have and i don't know if its prevalent or not. I don't think if someone appeals a ban that an admin has placed that the admin directly involved should handle the appeal. Regardless of the subject of the appeal i do however understand if the appeal is something like a guy asking "Hey I wanna be unbanned." followed by a bunch of shitpositing. Then that is acceptable, feel free to close the appeal but when a person makes an actual appeal isn't the point of the appeal system for the person in question to apologize for breaking the rules or contest an unfair ban and get another admin to review the ban.


  13. its actually pretty hard to kill people in such an obvious fashion without all of the crew starting to chase you down and murder you with toolboxes the bain of my double esword rampage i could have killed at least two more people if it were not for a toolbox

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