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Posts posted by BeccaSalaks


    I would love it if you added the functionality to change the SecHUD Icon for a job. When I need to assign someone as, say, Medical Intern or Administrative Staff, their SecHUD Icon is a [?] - which just makes life harder for the good Security peoples!


    I was thinking you could select the SecHUD icon for custom jobs - IE: Not the present ones, because that'll just lead to aboose! Not sure how to code it or anything like that, but I hope my idea is understood and eventually implemented!



    I am putting /'s for the reason of your own decision. i personally bolt upload and ask permission to bolt armoury and atmos. Calm yourself please. I have posted what you should bolt. All of those should be bolted, provided good reason of course. Kindly do not post if you have nothing to contribute apart from talking down to someone.


    I do apologize. I'm just very annoyed with overreacting AI players.


    On a lighter note. Really well written guide. Very readable and to the point. Nice formatting aswell.

    Despite my previous post I liked your guide!



    2: Bolt Atmos/EVA/Armoury/AI Upload


    This ^^^^^^^^^^^^ is so fucking meta, I can't believe it. I play warden quite often and if you bolt the god damned armory without reason I will disable the god damned airlocks.


    If we're a code blue, perfectly fine, but bolting ANYTHING for no reason in a code green is metagaming.(Excluding of course the AI Upload, that's the AI's own area so that's acceptable).


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