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Posts posted by Baguette


    Name: Joshua Parker (Daniels)

    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Race: Caucasian Human

    Blood Type: O+

    General Occupational Role(s): Geneticist, Shaft miner, Cargo Technician, Virologist, Engineer


    Qualifications: Manual Labor, Biology, Engineering


    Employment Records: Interest in Biology, Engineering, and sometimes Mixology


    Security Records: Has been fined for various Vanalism charges, including plastering photocopies of his ass all over the station


    Medical Records: Socially Impaired


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text):



    A Caucasian man with Shoulder-length brown hair, Looks to be of Martian descent. He looks as if he's just woke up, his eyes staring at the camera in a blank, non-caring manner. He has a headset clipped to his right ear, the microphone extending to just next to his mouth. His eyes are a dark brown, and to be honest, thats about it.



    The same man, but this time with a slightly more damaged face, and instead of his regular left arm, A Bishop Brand cybernetic arm. The arm is joined to his torso with various stitches and, what look like welds.


    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:



    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Other Notes: When Joshua is absent from the station, the IPC J.O.S.H.U.A has been approved to substitute for him. Keep in mind that J.O.S.H.U.A Has a simmilar psychology to Josh, and is to be treated pretty much the same way.


    23/11/2559 ((23/11/2015))

    Joshua lost his left arm in a mining accident where he struck a Gibtonite deposit, losing him to have his left arm blown off, face lacerated, and various broken bones. The only thing that saved his life being his hardsuit, he now rarely takes the mining shift, out of fear of this happening again, but this time a worse fate.


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