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Posts posted by Minasojo


    First off let me say thanks SO much for the well put together guide.


    Yesterday was my first real attempt at getting some full legitimate rounds under my belt as the job so I played it repeatedly following and practicing what i'd learned from your guide and found myself able to take the job into my own hands after just a few rounds.


    During a very late low-population round I had the time todo some free thinking and wanted to figure out a time-saving design since following the guide to T was hard todo when emergencies pop up early in the round.


    So what I have here is a setup with the working cooling system, much like the guide's, but avoids the hassle of dismantling the windows from The Cluster area, and less need for pipe laying.


    Here's the original design I came up with on my own before stepping out of Atmos for a few minutes.







  2. Up until the last match I just played today i'd actually never considered the Hotkey mode - and I quickly found it to my liking. God only knows how much time added up in waste while trying to fumble around the HuD with mouse-clicks on every little thing.


    Thanks Crazylemon!


    Left 4 zed no longer forces mutations, but rather increases the chance of an effect when a mutation is induced, boosting chances for a species change at moderate levels. Similarly, Robust Harvest increases the drop of a plant ranging from 0-2 additional produce per bottle applied. Thus, you should try and get as much of each as you can from the biogenerator so as to be most effective.


    And thanks for mentioning this too actually! I had spent a # of rounds trying my hardest with various methods in applying L4Z to produce those mutations without the need for the mutagen - i can finally put that to rest and stop hogging all the trays hehe.


    Oh I've also noticed that sometimes instead of a plant going from Tomato > Blue Tomato, what i'll get is Tomato > Mutant Tomato, is that just an indication that the plant achieved having a Heavy Stat Mutation? Now that's got me wondering if its possible to create something as crazy as a Modified Mutant Blue Tomato...hmm.



    I've noticed that there's a few features about the Hydroponics Bay in Paradise Station that I've never seen before on SS13 servers, and I've had the hardest time trying to lookup information about them (Tried the wiki, google, even Youtube).


    Mainly i'd like to learn about the lysis-isolation centrifuge & bioballistic delivery system. I'm also curious about what the containment Lid's for the Trays...i'm actually at a loss as to what function they serve. (Apologies for any/all ignorance)


    It feels like i need to have some knowledge from the Geneticist job to really operate the Centrifuge.


    I noticed a Greyone in-game who seemed to know how to use the system like the back of her hand, making Wheat grow from Trees and Fruit Grenades of various effects, but I sadly don't recall the name. (That's some cool stuff!)


    (One last thing) Does anyone have any tips on how to best control and increase traits like Plant Potency? I've managed to grow corn with a Potency of 20 but that's the highest I've managed to get with anything.



    Mhreen'Sahjo is his name, and his player is me~ hello. :)


    I'm a player who has an On & Off again relationship with SS13, and I've played something of maybe 5+ rounds on Paradise Station so far, and simply observed another 5+.


    So I'm not 100% new but in terms of skill i'm still working on trying to learn enough to take on a Medium difficulty job compared to Easy ones still. Have enjoyed it alot so far, easy to see alot of loyal players and ones that know what they're doing to boot! Some people manage to work so fast it makes my head spin! (/applaud).


    I think i'm still going to stick with playing/developing Mhreen'Sahjo until I feel like I've mastered all there is to Botanist. Whenever I do get around to it I've thought about dabbling in either Chemistry (for Sciences) or Atmos Tech (For Engineering)


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