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Posts posted by mrturkeytoe

  1. So, there's this new delisting system I noticed got that put in, delists the server at like 110 or 120 population. That's pretty neat and dandy but what about the alternative approach of if the population goes over 60-80 the server will run Polaris' map or metastation instead of Box and just do away with the unlisting system entirely?

  2. 5 hours ago, necaladun said:

    There's a lot of good examples in this thread of why so little engagement has happened recently on the discord. Shadey had a few good examples of the level of discourse.

    Making all discussion on PRs publicly visible simply isn't practical. That would require us dumping huge amounts of logs from multiple different discord groups and PMs between staff. These aren't done behind closed doors for evil nefarious secret purposes, but because it's simpler and easier to talk about them in a private chat room rather than a public one with everyone throwing their 2c in. Stuff gets done a lot faster if we can be frank and honest about PRs without worrying about tact and people's feelings being hurt.

    While I appreciate the work people are putting in to better the server, submitting unasked for PRs can do more harm than good. When it comes to feedback, it can be detailed, or quick, but not both. Try to keep in mind that, especially with the current back log, every minute spent arguing about petty changes is a minute that could be spent actually reading through code, coding, or even playing the game.



    Why not make a publicly viewable thread on the forums that only the voters can post on? That's what people are asking for, we don't want every PR to have a community meeting on whether it goes through, we just want to see what's going on behind the curtains.
    And the argument of 'but it's all jumbled in with regular conversation' is easily avoided if you just have a separate space dedicated to PR voting and disscussion.

  3. I agree definitely with the issues in transparency, it's extremely frustrating to see changes be made to the server (like going permanently listed for the foreseeable future) behind closed doors without the community having a voice.

    On the topic of the ghithub, I'm not active there but several people have told me that it's agonizingly slow going, especially after the feature freeze, and I can definitely see how it is frustrating to only the bare minimum of information on why you were denied, or having to get voted on whether you should go through a second time after having made the changes that were requested in the first vote.

    • Like 1

    And Praxis' gaze.



    Right into your fucking soul.


    I forgot he had the circles under his eyes, you now know Praxis better than Praxis knows Praxis.


    I'm imagining that one time i helped him get super drunk af for his b-day. :P



    Jenkins X Ascendant ftw. Also, who's the dark-furred purple-haired Vulpkanin in the image with Zeke and Elliot in the bathroom stall? Monty Nashville?


    Awesome work, congrats on year-long postage


    Humongous improvement


    The hair's white, but they're on a purple light tile so it looks purple. But the character's mine, Isaac Berkheimer. :P


    It was a 1x1 glass box outside the paramedic garage.



    I had a idea, after a while the same x amount of gamemodes gets boring.


    So what if for any round type that isn't already a combination like Traitor + Changeling there's a chance it will roll say, Blob with nothing else or Blob + Random and randomly picks another antag in decreased numbers in comparison to their standard round type to go along with it like changelings or traitors, so if the blob gets dunked the round isn't just over or extended and as soon as you hear 'level 5 bio-hazard' you still will have to look over your shoulder because there could be traitors.


    Or in a wizard round it could have a chance to instead of rolling Wizard, roll Wizard + Random and add a couple changelings and or traitors so if the wizard gets dunked in the first ten minutes there are still antags and people don't go full "I know who i can trust now because i know the antag type".


  7. What i'm saying is with how atmospherics works the "B-b-bu-buh But! Ripelys and Firefighters are faster in low pressure!" argument doesn't mean anything, they'll still be slow as shit unless they're directly over the hole. So they wont get there any faster.


    I think anyone other than security having a Phazon would end in tears.


    Kero i had put a tracker on it already, and i do think Quark completely broke every rule but security also seemed to just want to blow it up for blowing it up's sake but Quark didn't need a mech either way, if he wanted to make a utility mech, give it to engineering. And your argument about firefighters and ripleys being faster in low pressure environments doesn't really make a difference because the only area that's going to be low pressure is the area directly surrounding the breach, it would still be pointless to bring a firefighter or ripley because 90% of the time the problem's already fixed by the time the mech can get there.


    And with the IAA with the spear and portal gun, i didn't know at the time that people that are loyalty implanted are no longer expected to not pull stupid shit.



    I have just recently looked over the R&D SOP and it looks like it is practically built from salt towards mechs and grenades were not very well thought out.




    Current Roboticist SOP:

    Code Green

    1. The Roboticist is not permitted to construct Combat Mechs without express permission from the Captain and/or Head of Security. This refers to the Durand, Gygax and Phazon. If permitted, the Mechs is to be delivered to the Armory for storage. The Research Director is placed under the same restrictions;


    Current Scientist SOP:

    Code Green

    1. Scientists are not permitted to bring Grenades outside of Science;


    Code Blue

    2. Scientists are permitted to bring Grenades outside of Science, but only for delivery to the Armory;




    Proposed Roboticist SOP:

    Code Green

    1. The Roboticist is not permitted to construct Combat Mechs without express permission from the Captain and/or Head of Security. This refers to the Durand, Gygax and Phazon. If permitted, all Mechs equipped with lethal modules are to be delivered to the Armory for storage, Gygaxes that are equipped with utility modules are to be delivered to the specific department they are specialized in, if they are equipped with lethal modules at any time, they are to be delivered to security, immediately refit or destroyed. The Research Director is placed under the same restrictions;


    I've have seen people have a herd of bloodthirsty security chasing after their Gygax that doesn't have weapons on it with ion guns a million times and it's stupid, and security use it as a excuse to muderbone and validhunt. There's plenty of reasons to make a Gygax instead of a Ripley or Firefighter, namely Ripleys and Firefighters are slow as ass.


    Proposed Scientist SOP:

    Code Green

    1. Scientists are not permitted to bring explosive, incendiary, electromagnetic or otherwise dangerous, disruptive or lethal Grenades outside of Science and they cannot be used in a disruptive manner;


    Code Blue

    2. Scientists are permitted to bring Grenades outside of Science, but only for delivery to the Armory. Exception is made for extreme emergencies, such as a Blob Organism or Nuclear Operatives, where the Scientist may deploy the Grenades themselves.


    I think this is better because there are plenty of beneficial grenades to, and if it is a extreme emergency, they should be permitted to deploy lethals ones.


  10. First off i forgot you also put in 50u of space lube and that will fill it up all the way, secondly if you spray them with this it will light them on fire and they'll have potassium on them if they stop drop and roll and it doesn't work (Which with this mix it most certainly wont) what's the next thing they'll do? Spray themselves with a fire extinguisher. What's in a fire extinguisher? Water.


    I iz chem wiznerd, i will teach you a easy way to KILL EVERYTHING WITH FIRE, NAO!


    Step 1. Either order a water tank backpack from cargo and get the janitor to unlock it or ask/robust the janitor or botanist for theirs.


    Step 2. Bug R&D for uranium sheets. (Unless you are in R&D then bug mining for uranium sheets.)


    Step 3. Grind the uranium sheets.


    Step 4. Add 50u of Phlogiston, Napalm, Chlorine Trifluoride, Black Powder, FluoroSulphuric Acid, Sulphuric Acid, Uranium, Plasma and Potassium.


    Step 5.



    Step 6. Profit.


    Step 7.



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