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Posts posted by poirate


    Just to clarify hijacking means to divert or use for your own purposes. by definition it does not require your presence on a shuttle to hijack it, only that you either divert or use it for your own purposes.


    As the stated goal is to "hijack the shuttle TO ENSURE NO LOYALIST NANOTRASEN CEW ESCAPE ALIVE" then by the conventions of the English language my purpose is to prevent the escape of nanotrasen crew, and my method of doing so is to hijack the shuttle.


    Placing a hazard on the shuttle to deter crew from entering it and killing those that do fits the English definition of hijacking the shuttle to prevent the escape of loyal crew.


    The way the objective is worded doesn't even make it seem like I need to be alive or escape, I just did so out of a reasonable ic desire to be alive and not trapped alone on an abandoned station.


    That's where I'm coming from on this.



    "To take control of (something) without permission or authorization and use it for one's own purposes"


    By the definition of the word one's one presence is not required to hijack, merely the sizing of control and making use for one's own purpose.


    For example you can hijack a train simply by diverting it to a different track, without ever being on said train, even putting an unexpected payload on a train is considered a hijacking.


    All that is required for the use of the word hijack to be valid is action and intent and both of those criteria are met.


    You guys have 100% access to the source code and can easily change the wording of the objective or requisites of the code, It's difficult for me as a player to determine that you want something you could easily ask for but have not done so.


    As for taking control of the shuttle, that's not at all something that's even possible, however the wording of the objective is that the goal of the hijacking is to ensure that no loyalist crew escape alive.


    That wording is important as it means dead is an option, and that the goal is NOT the hijacking but rather the prevention of loyalists escaping, and the hijacking is merely a means to that ends.


    In short you have asked the player to perform these actions, if they are not what you want you can simply reword the objective.



    admin key HereticChurch (at least he's the one I talked to)


    Complaint: not really a complaint just a request for clarification.


    Today 10/26/15 round ending approximately 1:50 am EST.


    So in this round I was a traitor with the objectives to steal a jetpack and hijack the shuttle.


    Me and an other traitor teamed up to complete this goal, specifically he made a cloner and backed up my mind and built a telepad targeting the escape pods in arrivals.


    In order to prevent anyone escaping alive I went to the escape shuttle and used 2 bags of holding to form a singularity, then my partner cloned me and teleported me and him to an escape pod. mission accomplished.


    This is actually similar to something I saw two syndicates do in do in a previous round that day, basically one guy sing bombed the escape for him so he could get his hijack objective.


    None of the admins on that round had any problems with it and ooc was full of vibrant discussion of hijack tactics, both passive and aggressive. Tully even commented how surprising it was that an aggressive tactic actually worked.


    After I sing bombed the shuttle this admin messaged me saying that this was unacceptable, even though others have done it and been showered with karma as far as I could see no players complained.


    I'm very confused. the wording of the objective is to ensure no loyalist crew escape alive. A singularity is one hell of a deterrent to keep people off the shuttle, and kills any foolish enough to try.


    I don't see how this is outside of the bounds of my objective in any way given the wording thereof, if this is not what is expected then perhaps the objective should be reworded.


    I'm just looking for clarification on this matter.


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