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Posts posted by vicwarrior





    Standing on the edge of the crater
    Like the prophets once said
    And the ashes are all cold now
    No more bullets and the embers are dead
    Whispers in the air tell the tales
    Of the brothers gone
    Desolation, devastation
    What a mess we made, when it all went wrong

    The lone operative collapses after managing to finish the WarOps

    All his comrades lost, destroyed by nuclear hellfire

    As the price of a successfull mission.


    And it all started under the guise of a game of basketball (and really the syndicate pAI basketball announcer was the MVP of that game).



    Pretty good game, i find it rare to see Warops succeed (much less with me in them) anyone got interesting stories from different perspectives?

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    Getting chosen as antag, and decide to try the Magnificient Bastard route:



    Sleepypen awesomeness, especially if chem mix changed for deathpen or any kind of awesomepen:



    Magnificient Bastard plan goes well:



    Gloating on the escape pod after a successfull magnificient bastard round (can't hold it in all round, all the evil, you know....) :







    On a different note, doing things dramatically cause of RP:





    More evil laughing:



    Vampires mistforming around (cause after draining several humanised monkeys you got plenty of blood to spare):



    Getting mindslaved (or thralled or otherwise turned into an antag) for murder or other fun stuff when you don't have anything planned for the shift:




    The safe in the vault.


    Sorround it by walls, r-walls if nukies took time and mining wasn't lazy.


    Its not about hiding it, its about making it so by the time they get to it ERT has wiped the floor with them or their drug-pockets have worn off and everyone is already at the escape shuttle or zerging to death the nukies.



    When you manage to kill Nar-Sie with a singularity


    Singuloth vs Nar-Sie. Master of realspace vs master of bluespace. I think we know which universe is better now :P


    Dying and ghosting during a good game where shit like this happens:





    Justice during nations rounds:


    Assistant: "so what? are you going to brig me now?"

    HoS: "I promised i won't hurt you, now that you are cuffed...."

    RD walks in.

    RD: "About time you caught that son of a bitch... are we spacing him now?"

    HoS: "I never said anything about handing you to the RD"

    *RD overjoyed, Assistant begins to cry and try to save himself somehow, HoS walks out*





    *justice happens, aways from the AI's watchfull eye*




    Also, suicide bombing people by gifting them a box full of C4/bombs:





    During a ling round, you've got a huge advantage- You have access to the hivemind (:g). This lets you coordinate with the other lings, anonymously, with no risk, and no cost. Coordinate with other lings, team up to do your objectives.



    Except that time when a ling decides to be an asshole and rat you all out, otherwise 5 lings working together are unstopable.


    Sriously, don't do it, its a dick move and security isn't going to trust you because you sold out other lings, the other way around, they aren't going to scrutinize your every move.


    Also, vengeance is a dish best served cold...



    If its impossible for me to complete my objective (protect target got cremated, for example) i will just try to antag in some RP related way (for example, going on quest to avenge my protect target).


    As an antag you should strive to be chaotic element in the station, you are the one that gives security a reason to exist, a reason to be paranoid, you will burn down the station (methaphorically causing chaos, please stay within rules) to complete your objectives, if you don't complete them, atleast make sure you put up a good show while trying, or atleast learnt something new.


    Being an antagonist isn't about greentexting, its about being The Antagonist while trying to complete your objectives.


    Give dem ghosts something to watch, and people won't even be mad when you kill them.



    Also, a few more points on making bombs, if you know how you can easily mass produce maxcap toxins bombs, problem is that often they will overpresurise (but won't blow so long as you were carefull) and leak hot plasma which can give you away or even set you on fire, still, if you expect to just deliver them as soon as they are made and get away they are good, also, unless you wait an hour or your bombs aren't quite good they will still be maxcap bombs.


    Also, while more expensive, bluespace beaker bombs still pack a boom and are more reliable, as they won't spew plasma, detonate instantly and haven't got the toxin's sensible and touchy mixes, and are small. The only hard part about them is getting the bluespace beakers and the potassium.


    Also, learn the ins and outs of some triggers, for example, proximity sensors will not trigger if inside a container, clicking them will cause to detonate if armed (use a screwdriver to safely disarm), you can use igniter/remote along remote/trigger assemblies to have multiple triggers and keep the remote detonation capabilities, if you get arrested/ stuncuffed unexpectedly you can always use a voice analyzer to trigger, learn em, triggers are amazing if you know how to use them.



    A sleepy pen (if what ive heard is right) can be refilled with different chems once used (they got two charges), if you are good with chems and poisons (protip: OD'ing on omnizine is hilariously lethal, some chems synergize quite well, odysseuses can synthethise infinite chems....) and can be turned into effective death pens.


    Also, if you got a die a glorious death objective having an explosive implant (if you can spare the TC) or carrying around a bomb can be effective means of achieving that death if you get into trouble before further abusing your antagness after getting your objective done (remember, your objective can be completed if the target kills themselves when you are dead), also, if you get stunned or cuffed you won't be able of using a remote signaler, but you will be able of using a voice analyzer/signaler assembly to detonate your bomb.



    I could make a guide about grenades/or more about chem bombs, virology isn't too hard either.


    However one thing ive never figured out is how to set up a safe supermatter engine that won't blow up.


    Also, the community could use with some quick guides for needed jobs to perform the basics of their job quickly, such as how to pump out large amounts of food as chef quickly, how departments should react with certain kinds of antags (ex: if cultists get the chaplain to the brig, hand holy water to officers so they can begin deconverting cultists as soon as they are unidentified, loyalty implant unconverted cultists, get the nuke disk to safety when nukies, when security is unable to handle nukies/antags/adminbus call an ERT and if sitation is really bad arm the crew with cargo weapons, science rushing weapon tech when blob, making thermite when AI is malf, so on and so forth)



    Also, after the anouncement i did right after getting BSA'd (nonlethally) saying it was worth it i was syndigibbed too


    I guess i would have been syndigibbed anyways since the array was still intact and i would have used it if anyone else wanted to team up with me.


    And to be honest, i was so bored that round i didn't mind at all having the bridge BSA'd by the CE, then proceded to cooperate with command to fax more asses to the syndicate (and despite the fax array was outside the bridge you still hit the bridge).


    So i guess the memo was: if someone has a propensity to fax asses, don't allow him to get an emag.


    I was laughing hard during the whole ass fax array thing, i really need more gimicks like these.



    Peter Van Doorn, xcom legend.

    Adamska, certain character from MGS witha chronic backstabing disorder.

    Cluel'essm Oron was my first character, if i was going to be completly clueless at the game i might as well name my character that way.


    And my latest is kind of nudge to archer.



    We just played a nations round where every department got sponsored by a company or group. That was really fun. If the companies could also give the nations objectives that they make up on the fly, it would improve nations greatly.


    yeah, that game was great, a lot of people got to play with new toys (sadly, my rig suit bugged on me and it got taken away, meaning id didn't get new toys besides weapons, im still sad about after seeing all the other departments get cool shit.), nevertheless it was an extremely fun game, i think it should be that way!





    I Blame the Hop for this one



    Walked in, one of the clown says something along the lines of :"gas the mimes!", walk to a coner and radio over command "RD, mind bringing a bomb over to the meeting room?"


    Atleast i got to beat up some clowns in the escape shuttle, which was good i guess.



    Just been in this game, sad i couldn't have helped in the tesla bar, an idea i tried to do before yet couldn't, as i was a changeling, a betrayed changeling, damn it felt good to see the traitor's body, still, had to spent most of the shift floating in space, a wanted fugitive.


    Edit: To clarify, proud someone actually completed the project i never managed to do.


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